Chapter 602 A group of sycophants! (1)
Especially when Lu Tao saw Tang Shishi in the coat area, he didn't even glance at him. He took a blue coat in the light gray he usually wears, took it up and looked around, and asked the clerk to put it on her. Among the pile of clothes she picked out, she couldn't help showing a look of pain on her face!
In the past... Lu Tao's eyes widened, and then he laughed at himself, but the smile was extremely bitter!

What about before?Now that he is an ex-husband, what qualifications do he have to talk about the past?For a woman like Tang Shishi, her feelings are as pure as they are given, and they are cut as they are.If you miss it, you will never have it again in your life!

Ling Rui watched as Tang Shishi carefully selected a few shirts for herself, and then matched them with ties, jackets, pants, shoes, even socks, and underwear in one go, with a gentle smile pouring out of his eyes , holding hot coffee, glanced vaguely at Lu Tao who was still immersed in his own thoughts, and snorted coldly in his heart.

"Lu Dong, your eyes have crossed the line!" Although Lu Tao's eyes were always painful, Ling Rui was still very upset when he saw Lu Tao keeping his eyes on the little wild cat. He reminded Lu Tao coldly, with a tone There are plain warnings.

"Young Master Ling, are you jealous? Or are you not at ease with Shishi at all!" When Lu Tao thought of what happened to Ling Rui and Tang Shishi on their wedding day, he felt angry, especially when Han Jing was still in love with her the other day. Leading that Baby Ling to cry in front of the media, insisting that Baby Ling is Ling Rui's flesh and blood, Lu Tao couldn't let it go!

"Lu Dong, you seem to be quite interested in my housework?" Ling Rui put the hot coffee in his hand on the table, then turned his head slightly, and looked sideways at Lu Tao.

"Ling Rui, if you hurt her, I'll—" Take her away!Lu Tao looked at Ling Rui angrily, but under the gaze of Ling Rui's eyes that became cold for a moment, he never had the courage to say the next sentence.

Not to mention that Ling Rui won't hurt Tang Shishi, even if he hurts her, Tang Shishi will never leave with him again, this is his biggest tragedy!I missed my feelings for Tang Shishi once, and I no longer even have the chance to choose.

Ling Rui raised his eyebrows and looked at the speechless Lu Tao, like a hunter admiring the struggle of a trapped animal.

Lu Tao sighed dejectedly. Under Ling Rui's perceptive eyes, he seemed to have lost all his strength. After a long time, he looked up at Tang Shishi with nostalgia, and said to Ling Rui: "After the New Year, I will I will go to City A, and I will rarely come back in the future, and I may not come back again!"

The group's business has established a firm foothold in City A, and he plans to relocate the headquarters to City A. Leaving the sad place of City B, it may be difficult to meet Tang Shishi again in the future.

"Then congratulations! Director Lu's career is getting bigger and bigger." Ling Rui said something indifferent, without any congratulations at all.

Lu Tao glared at Ling Rui with some resentment. He didn't believe that Ling Rui didn't know that Jun Mubei handed over the land in City A to Baida Group for development. It was because of that land that Baida Group was able to do this. He successfully and quickly opened up the situation in City A and gained a firm foothold. In retrospect, all of this could not have happened without the help of Jun's family.

Ling Rui ignored Lu Tao's anger, picked up the coffee cup, took a sip gracefully, and focused on Tang Shishi in the cargo area, seeing her frowning for some reason, Ling Rui got up and walked over .

"What's wrong? What's the matter, so entangled?" Ling Rui asked, and then saw the two cufflinks Tang Shishi held in her hand, and she knew it.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look elsewhere." Tang Shishi handed the two cufflinks to the clerk. Although the cufflinks here match the clothes well, the texture is not as good as those at Ling Rui's house. She It's better to go to a place that sells cufflinks later to pick a few pairs.

Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm, and brought him to the spoils she had chosen like offering a treasure, pouted and said, "How is it? See if you want to choose something else?"

"It's very complete. From inside to outside, from top to bottom, I can feel your heart!" Ling Rui bowed his head in Tang Shishi's ear and said ambiguously.

"It's coming again!" Tang Shishi rolled her eyes and said coquettishly.

"Cousin, come and see what I have chosen for you?" Wu Meng pulled Lu Tao's arm and pushed him in front of his spoils.

"Let someone wrap it up." Lu Tao just glanced at those brightly colored clothes, and said weakly, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Tang Shishi who was paying the money, watching her at the moment with Ling Rui. The one said this with a sweet smile on his face and a dull pain in his heart.

"Cousin, don't look at it, you men are cheap! You only know regret when you lose it, but now regret has a use? Who told you not to cherish it before!" Seeing Lu Tao's appearance, Wu Meng couldn't help it Make complaints.

Lu Tao turned his head, looked at Wu Meng's angry little face, and said nothing.

"Shishi, let's go eat? I'm so hungry!" Because Ling Rui was holding Tang Shishi's shoulders, Wu Meng didn't hold Tang Shishi's arm this time, but kept polite with them distance, with a sincere invitation.

"There is a private restaurant near here that does good food, let's go there!" Tang Shishi remembered the private restaurant that Ling Rui took her on a date once. The stewed soup in it tasted very good, and it was very nourishing to drink in winter.

"Okay!" Wu Meng didn't make any sense: "I've heard that Shishi is a superb cook. If you can say something good, you can't be wrong!"

Tang Shishi smiled slightly, and looked at Lu Tao. After all, it was agreed before that this was Lu Tao's treat, and no matter what, she should respect the opinion of the victim.

The big guy didn't have any opinion, when Tang Shishi's inquiring gaze looked over, he could do nothing but nod.

The clothes were sent home directly by the clerk, and the four of them left the Jinpin District, but when Ling Rui walked out of the men's clothing store, he seemed to casually glance at Wu Meng who was following Tang Shishi.

Sensing Ling Rui's gaze, Wu Meng raised her head, met Ling Rui's gaze, and smiled brightly like a mountain flower!

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Lu Tao and Wu Meng went to the private restaurant Tang Shishi mentioned.

Although it was approaching the end of the year, the business of this restaurant was still extremely hot. The private rooms were already full, and there was only a place for four people in the hall near the window. Several people walked there under the guidance of the waiter.

Wu Meng walked quickly to the seat, picked a seat inside by the window, sat down, took a long breath, and sighed: "I'm so exhausted!"

Lu Tao looked at Wu Meng who was sitting on the seat like mud, frowned in displeasure, and then looked at Tang Shishi apologetically.

(End of this chapter)

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