Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 614 Luring wolves into the house OR making reunion dumplings

Chapter 614 Luring wolves into the house OR making reunion dumplings (3)
When Jun Nuanxin heard that Tang Shishi agreed, she laughed happily: "I knew it, the third sister-in-law is the best!" After speaking, she looked smug.

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth!" Tang Shishi couldn't help poking Jun Nuanxin on the forehead, and scolded with a smile.

"Wife—" Ling Rui said in disbelief when he heard that Tang Shishi had agreed to Jun Nuanxin just like that.He also arranged a show in the afternoon, and wanted to surprise Tang Shishi, but he didn't want to be ruined by Jun Nuanxin!

"Third brother! You are a big man, can you be promising? Don't bring such a clingy wife!" Jun Nuanxin heard the reluctance in Ling Rui's tone, and immediately took the lead!

"Okay! This is Nuan Xin's last New Year at home before she gets married, so you just let her order!" Tang Shishi didn't know what Ling Rui was thinking, so she followed Jun Nuan Xin's words.

"That's right! Third brother, look how reasonable my third sister-in-law is, but you are still my own brother!" Jun Nuanxin listened to Tang Shishi helping her speak, and immediately gained confidence!

"You don't usually work hard on your cooking skills, and it's okay to tire my wife at critical times!" Ling Rui said to Jun Nuanxin in a cold voice with a straight face.

"If you really don't want to, just make dumplings with the third sister-in-law, why are you so loud!" Jun Nuanxin got Ling Rui's cold face, and Nuonuo's defense.

"I also plan to go with Yoyo, I heard it can increase the interest of husband and wife!" Jun Haodong glanced at Jun Mubei who was about to go upstairs again, and said lightly.

"Husband, why don't we make dumplings together? It's fun!" Tang Shishi immediately encouraged Ling Rui after receiving Jun Haodong's signal, and then yelled at Jun Mubei who was about to go upstairs: "Second brother , don't try to be lazy, you have to do it too!"

"Isn't it just making dumplings, what's so difficult! Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen pigs running? Just make it!" Jun Mubei went upstairs and turned back, walked into the living room, and sat down. .

"Second brother, it's better for you! Look at my third brother's stingy look!" Jun Nuanxin immediately went to hug Jun Mubei's thigh in a fawning manner, and stepped on Ling Rui's foot by the way.

Ling Rui stared at Jun Nuanxin bitterly, and then looked at Tang Shishi with some sorrow.

"Okay, let's go out together again sometime. It's the Chinese New Year, don't spoil everyone's fun!" Tang Shishi hugged Ling Rui's arm, tugged on his sleeve secretly, and whispered in his ear with.

"Then after eating the reunion dumplings, you go out with me." Ling Rui immediately set the time.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi readily agreed.

"No more regrets!"

"Got it!" Tang Shishi assured.

Ling Rui's face finally turned from cloudy to sunny. He thought that it would be good to make dumplings together to increase the fun of the couple. He picked up his mobile phone and went to the side to make a call. If the arrangement at noon is changed to evening, some adjustments need to be made!
Jun Nuanxin looked at Tang Shishi's effortless effort, Ling Rui was dealt with in a few words, and couldn't help giving Tang Shishi a thumbs up!

Still, sister-in-law San has a way!
The reunion dumplings for the New Year's Eve dinner are not the kind that are usually wrapped and kneaded casually, they are very particular.Fortunately, they had enough staff, and after Tang Shishi assigned them, everyone went about their business with great enthusiasm.

Jun Nuanxin was arranged by Tang Shishi to find rice cakes, tofu, chestnuts, red dates, coins and sugar cubes to be put in the New Year's Eve dumplings, ten of each, and washed these things, cooked the chestnuts, peeled them Skinned.

Jun Haodong was assigned to grind meat, Ling Rui was assigned to chop vegetables, and Mo Youyou was assigned to make noodles.

Both Jun Haodong and Ling Rui are fine, but when Mo Youyou heard that he was arranged to have a reconciliation, his face was frowning!

"Shishi, I don't know how to knead dough!" Mo Youyou looked at her little hands, it was hard to imagine how they looked like they were all covered with flour!
"Why don't Haodong and I go to grind the meat!" Mo Youyou looked at Jun Haodong holding the meat grinder and cutting a few pieces of meat into it, as if it was quite relaxed!

"No, I've made arrangements! It's because I don't know how to learn, so I need to study! That's all right, let the second brother help you meet, otherwise I really can't think of what he can do with his appearance! "Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Mubei, who was sitting on the sofa like an uncle, and said with disgust.

Jun Mubei didn't expect that Tang Shishi would let him make noodles with Mo Youyou, saying that making dumplings can increase the interest of husband and wife, why not let Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou together?But he wanted to think about it, but he couldn't open his mouth to refute Tang Shishi's order, so he could only look at Mo Youyou reluctantly.

"I don't want to be with him!" Looking at Jun Mubei, Mo Youyou remembered the kiss that night, and protested awkwardly: "Shishi, what are you doing? How about I change it with you, you and Jun Mubei Shall we go face to face?"

"I want to adjust the stuffing. This is a technical job. Are you sure you want to change it with me?" Tang Shishi spread her hands indifferently and asked.

"Forget it then!" Mo Youyou said listlessly.

For the sake of everyone's appetite, she'd better go face-to-face honestly!

After all the work was assigned, Tang Shishi looked at the few people who started to work, with a fox-like smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You girl!" Mr. Jun, who was still in the living room, couldn't help laughing and cursing lovingly when he saw Tang Shishi's calculating look.

Tang Shishi winked mischievously at Mr. Jun, then ran to sit down opposite Mr. Jun, poured a cup of tea and drank it. The grandfather and grandson were quite leisurely, but they both smiled like villains!
Sure enough, after a while, there was noise from the kitchen.

"Stupid! Why did you put so much water?" Jun Mubei's voice of hating iron for steel came out.

"Where are there too many?" Mo Youyou yelled at Jun Mubei not to be outdone.

Tang Shishi and Mr. Jun looked at each other calmly, thinking: Yoyo is a nice woman, she can speak loudly to her second brother now!

have a future!
"Do you think this is not too much?" Jun Mubei said angrily, stretched out his hand in the washbasin, and the batter in his hand fell down. It's batter!
"What are you doing so loudly? Didn't I find it from Du Niang? Ahh!" Mo Youyou rolled her eyes at Jun Mubei. At this time, she was pinching the noodles with one hand and the phone with the other, constantly searching, but suddenly I realized that the method of kneading noodles with a spoonful of water and a spoonful of noodles I just found was simply a spoof by some bastard!

"Stupid, will you look for it?" Jun Mubei stretched out his hands impatiently to rake his hair, but stopped when he saw his hands covered in batter.

"Why are you in a hurry? Wait!" Mo Youyou said impatiently when Jun Mubei urged her.

Tang Shishi poured a cup of tea for Mr. Jun, and the grandfather and grandson listened to the conversation between Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei, and laughed so happily!
(End of this chapter)

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