Chapter 629 Calculation (3)
"I don't believe they are willing to be fooled!" Jun Mubei couldn't help complaining.He said that it is not so easy to take advantage of this thief woman, but compared to Tang Shishi, he still likes empty-handed white wolves!
"Shishi, don't worry, if they don't fall for it, I'll get you the most valuable thing on their bodies, and pay for the clothes!" Mo Youyou proudly patted Tang Shishi on the shoulder and said.She found out that the woman who came here before had a nice necklace with a market price of around 60 yuan, so she wouldn't just sit and watch Shishi suffer!
She doesn't know anything else, but taking one or two things from a person is nothing to her!
Jun Mubei glared at Mo Youyou displeasedly, this idiot is sincerely tearing him down, right?

Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei and snorted, not taking his anger to heart at all.

"Yuyou's idea is also good!" Jun Haodong timely supported Mo Youyou.

"It's still Haodong who understands me!" Mo Youyou smiled at Jun Haodong.

Looking at Mo Youyou's smiling face, Jun Mubei suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. This idiot, why is he smiling so coquettishly!
"It's actually not difficult to get them to be fooled. It will depend on whether you are compatible or not!" Tang Shishi said confidently.

"Quickly tell me, how can we cooperate with you?" Jun Nuanxin looked at Tang Shishi with bright eyes, she had already disliked those women!
"Actually, it's not difficult, just be a little more arrogant, raise your chin a little, turn your nostrils up, and squint your eyes a little! That's it!" Tang Shishi said with a smile, "Isn't this easy?"

Mo Youyou followed Tang Shishi's words, raised her chin, turned her nostrils to the sky, squinted her eyes, and asked, "Shishi, is that right? It's really not difficult, but the neck is so tired!"

Seeing her appearance, everyone laughed together.

After the marriage recognition banquet, Bai Lan and the others stayed in the luxury suite of the Dynasty Hotel with "unforgivable hospitality". Before they were made to wait too long, Tang Shishi had already had the clothes they needed for tomorrow's banquet delivered to her. hotel.

After the four people closed the door, they opened the gift box, and when they saw the clothes inside, they couldn't help cheering and screaming!

Tang Shishi is really generous, and the clothes she bought are very suitable for them. Moreover, they even pay attention to what color they usually like!
"How about I wear this?" Bai Hui couldn't wait to put on the suit Tang Shishi sent, and asked everyone's opinions. Tang Shishi chose a lake blue dress, which is also her Favorite color, playful and cute style, called her baby face, just right!

"That's right, don't tell me, this Tang Shishi has a good eye for choosing clothes, and she is willing to spend money!" Bai Lan looked at Bai Hui's clothes, and glanced at the row of numbers on the price tag of the clothes. Can't hide the smile.

"I was worried just now that the clothes she chose wouldn't suit me, who knew it would surprise me!" Bai Mei touched her clothes, her eyes narrowed.

She wanted to buy this dress when she was in City A before, but the people from the Han family bought it first. She has been thinking about this dress these days, but she never expected that Tang Shishi would send it here!It was like the roundworm in her stomach!
"This one of mine is not bad either!" Bai Li said excitedly: "Bai Mo before, how many things we have done for her, we have never seen her do anything so generously to us!" Bai Li still has a heart for Bai Mo , I have to compare her with Tang Shishi every now and then.

"Okay, Baimo will always have a chance to take care of her in the future. Now, let's do the things right now! Think about what jewelry we should wear tomorrow, so that people in City B will be blinded!" Bai Lan endured the persuasion. The excited voice trembled a little!

"Of course I also wear the best ones! I've prepared and brought them all!" Bai Hui said excitedly.Two sets of dresses are prepared, and jewelry is naturally matched with extras.

"Me too!" Bai Li said.

"It would be more considerate if Tang Shishi could even match the jewelry for us!" Bai Mei couldn't help but sigh!
"Don't try to become fat with one bite! Take it step by step, this is just the beginning!" Bai Lan said, looking at Bai Mei disapprovingly.

"Of course I know! No matter what we say, we can't lose the demeanor of the Bai family!" Bai Mei retorted reluctantly. She disliked Bai Lan's frequent lectures.

"Okay, okay, put it on quickly and see the effect!" Bai Hui urged impatiently, interrupting the conflict between the two.

"I agree!" Bai Li raised her hand high.

The four of them smiled knowingly!
Besides, Tang Shishi and the others sent away the offshoots of the Bai family, and after answering home, they set up two banquet tables in the courtyard of the Jun family. Sun Xiaofen, Cai Xiaofen, Ling Yue and Tang Shishi's mother and daughter cooked for two. A large table of dishes, a group of people talking and laughing, drinking and drinking, the atmosphere is very warm.

"Girl Shishi, come to Grandpa!" Old Master Bai waved to Tang Shishi who had just taken his seat.After two glasses of wine, old man Bai's face was already flushed, and he spoke with a slight tongue, it seemed that he was almost drunk!
"Grandpa, you are not allowed to drink any more!" Tang Shishi walked up to old man Bai, took the wine glass away from his hand, and said, putting it aside.

"Girl, grandpa is happy today, just drink one more drink, it doesn't matter!" Mr. Bai said uncomfortably when Tang Shishi robbed his wine glass. No one in his family has ever dared to snatch anything from him. , now that Tang Shishi won the cup like this, it feels both fresh and awkward.

"Just drink in moderation. Look at my Grandpa Jun and Grandpa Ling. Both have alcohol restrictions, so you must too!" Tang Shishi was unyielding, and she was very persistent in this regard.

"Just one glass! Girl, return the wine glass to Grandpa!" Old Master Bai still said unwillingly, with a bit of force in his tone, as if he would turn his face if he didn't give Tang Shishi.

"No way! Too much alcohol will hurt your body!" Tang Shishi still did not let go, and looked at old man Bai fearlessly!
Old man Bai was angry and annoyed and had no choice but to take Tang Shishi. He looked at Tang Shishi with puffy eyes, but after a while, his eyes rolled and he said with a smile: "Girl Shishi, give the wine glass to Grandpa. Grandpa gave you a big gift!"

"No! No gift is as important as health. Your health is more important than giving me a hundred and a thousand gifts!" Tang Shishi said unmoved!
"If you don't give grandpa a wine glass, grandpa won't give it to you!" Old man Bai blew his beard and stared in a low voice!
"Then don't give it! Anyway, you can't drink any more wine! Nothing is as important as your body!" Tang Shishi refused to give up!

(End of this chapter)

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