Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 636 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room

Chapter 636 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room (1)
Not to be outdone, Mo Youyou quickly followed, and together with Jun Nuanxin, they scratched Tang Shishi's itch, and the three women fought together.

At the beginning of the banquet, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui went out, because the charity banquet was followed by media reporters throughout the whole process, and the Jun family did not engage in formalism, but Jun Mu went north to say a few words briefly, and then announced the opening of the banquet up.

Bai Lan and the others wanted to come to the main table, but they never thought that the main table was full of people, and there was no place for them at all. , they consciously followed the waiter to a position that was neither too far nor too close to the main table.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very relaxed, and it went very smoothly. Although this kind of banquet was full of people trying to gain fame, and some people, like the sisters of the Bai family, came to the banquet with a special purpose, most of the guests I came to this banquet with kind thoughts in my heart and to do good deeds.

When the charity auction started, the atmosphere of the banquet was unprecedentedly lively.There are bids for every donated item, and because it is for charity, those who bid often end up bidding for items that are much higher than their own value. Tang Shishi looked at the items that were taken away one by one. Charitable donations, thinking that the money can help many children, my heart is full of emotion.

"Is there anything you like? I'll take a picture of it for you and take it back!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's expression and was a little excited since the auction, and said while holding her little hand.

"You shoot yours, I'll shoot mine!" Tang Shishi had long since fallen in love with a white jade statue of Avalokitesvara.

"It's so clear to me?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi amusedly, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Of course! That's how it should be!" Tang Shishi said nonchalantly, doing charity is all about heart, how can this be replaced?
"It's dishonest! It seems that at night, we have to communicate properly. I have to remind you that we are one. No matter what time it is, we should be closely connected and inseparable!" Ling Rui sideways The face said ambiguously in Tang Shishi's ear.

"Be serious! It's coming out!" Tang Shishi angrily pushed Ling Rui's body, and said coquettishly.

"So soon?! Master hasn't gone in yet, you're coming out?" Ling Rui misinterpreted Tang Shishi's words, with a wicked look on his face.

"Hate it!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a white look, and then her eyes fell on the white jade Guanyin on the electronic screen.

Ling Rui's eyes stopped on the white jade Avalokitesvara of Sending Children, and a beautiful and enchanting flower bloomed on his face, this Avalokitesvara of Sending Children is really good!

"Did you buy it for me?" Ling Rui's breath blew in Tang Shishi's ear, his voice hoarse and ambiguous.

"Why do you want this?" Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui displeased, feeling that the smile on the old hooligan's face was an eyesore.

"Didn't you buy this thing to encourage me because you look like Guanyin giving away your son? However, I feel that I have been working hard and should be rewarded!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a ostentatious smile, and his voice was firm.

Tang Shishi's eyes slid around Ling Rui's face suspiciously, and she really couldn't tell what Ling Rui looked like to send a child Guanyin?This Son-Cong Guanyin is a woman, first of all her gender is wrong!What's more, has he done anything that needs to be rewarded recently?
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's clear and moist eyes covered by misty mist, knowing what he said, Tang Shishi didn't listen to it at all, so he simply bowed his head and said in her ear more clearly: "Master, you work hard every night. Cultivating, tirelessly sowing, isn't it your son-giving Guanyin?"

"You—" Tang Shishi didn't expect Ling Rui to say this!Annoyed, she kicked Ling Rui with her foot under the table!

"Hiss! Mo Youyou, what are you doing?" Tang Shishi stepped down, Ling Rui hid very quickly, and Jun Mubei beside him accidentally became a scapegoat.

"..." Mo Youyou glared at Jun Mubei angrily, wondering what kind of nerves this man has!Too lazy to talk to him!
Jun Haodong patted Mo Youyou's hand, and smiled gently at her.

Mo Youyou shook his head at Jun Haodong and smiled back.

Then the two continued to pay attention to the auction, and no one looked at Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei looked at the "wolf love and concubine" pair of "dogs and men and women", and there was a sullen feeling in his chest, which fermented crazily, but due to such an occasion, he couldn't get angry, so he could only hold it back desperately.

Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei's innocent and shriveled look, then glared at Ling Rui: It's all your fault!

Ling Rui smiled without saying a word, picked up the sign in his hand, and held it up: "100 million!"

It turned out that just as they were flirting, the white jade Guanyin had been shouted 90 times.

"Young Master Ling bids 100 million!" The master of ceremonies presiding over the auction sang the price loudly.

"120 million!" Tang Shishi raised the sign in her hand and said calmly.

"Mrs. Ling, the bid is 120 million!" The master of ceremonies listened to Tang Shishi's quotation, and was slow to respond. After a while, he opened his mouth to bid.

"150 million!" Ling Rui raised his sign again!He stared straight at the white jade Guanyin on the front stage, expressionless.

Tang Shishi gritted her teeth, held up the sign, and said without thinking: "200 million!"

Before everyone had time to think about what happened, and even the master of ceremonies had no time to ask for the price, the price of 200 million yuan had already been announced.

The banquet hall was very quiet. The husband and wife competed for a charity donation. This was the first time at the Jun Family Charity Auction Banquet. For a while, everyone looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with deep and complicated eyes. What are the two of them arguing about!
"Could it be related to the child at the wedding banquet last time? I heard that the child looks very similar to Ling Rui!" A gossip girl couldn't help whispering to the person at her table.

"It's so similar! It's a miniature version! I saw it with my own eyes that day!" Another gossip girl at the same table said proudly, as if she had obtained first-hand information.

"So, it must be for this!" A person with a similar taste at the next table couldn't help interjecting when he heard the conversation between the two with sharp ears.

The other two nodded in agreement, and then looked at Tang Shishi with a little sympathy, but more gloating!

I heard that Tang Shishi had been with her ex-husband for three years, but her stomach hadn't moved. It was because of this that the marriage change happened, which allowed Ling Susu to take advantage of the loophole. It had been half a year since she married Ling Rui, but her stomach still didn't move. Therefore, they It's not hard to understand Tang Shishi's idea of ​​this white jade giving away the son of Avalokitesvara, but it's just that Ling Rui put in such a kick in public, so it has to be thought-provoking!

For these high-class women, heirs are a very important matter. Although it is sad to say, most of them are actually just tools to give birth to children.You don't need to be outstanding, you can achieve nothing, you can do nothing, but there is one thing that must be done, and that is to have children!Which family in the upper class does not pay attention to inheritance and does not want their descendants to prosper?A woman who can't have children has no right to speak at home. Even if the husband and wife are loving, they will feel boring after a long time. Tang Shishi should be like this now!

(End of this chapter)

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