Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 643 Jealous VS 2 Males Fighting 1 Female

Chapter 643 Jealousy VS Two Men Competing for a Woman (3)
After reading for a long time, Wang Yueshan felt that she couldn't deceive herself and others this time, so she stared at Du Haoyang, gritted her teeth and said, "Damn! It's the first time I'm so embarrassing!"

"Big belly woman, you asked for it!" Du Haoyang stared back at Wang Yueshan bluntly, and the two of them got into the car with big eyes and small eyes.

"Shouting! Those eyes are lingering enough! It's stronger than 520 glue!" Jun Mubei looked at Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan who were angry in the carriage, and said badly.



Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan snorted coldly and turned their heads away!
Hearing the sound of a car starting to leave from outside the courtyard, Tang Shishi slumped on the bed. She is also very tired today!
Serving pregnant women is really not an easy job. Thinking about Du Haoyang's difficulty these days!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's weak look, and felt distressed in his eyes, but then he thought of the little wild cat giving that woman Wang Yueshan a bath, blow-drying hair, and the Tang's massage he had heard for the first time, and he felt jealous. No way!

However, despite this, when seeing Tang Shishi yawning continuously, Ling Rui resigned to his fate and stepped forward - his daughter-in-law has to hurt herself!
"Tired?" Ling Rui laid Tang Shishi's body flat with his big hands, and then began to loosen her muscles and bones to relieve her fatigue.

"Hmm!" Tang Shishi closed her eyes halfway and let out a comfortable sigh. It still feels good to be served by others.

"Sleep after taking a bath!" Ling Rui massaged Tang Shishi for a while, picked up Tang Shishi, and went into the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Ling Rui's brows frowned. The inside was in a mess, and all the things placed outside were "absent from duty", like a remnant soldier who was attacked by someone!

"Well, I'll clean it up!" Tang Shishi also found that the bathroom was a bit horrible being tossed about by her and Wang Yueshan, and she hurriedly struggled to get off Ling Rui's body.

She originally planned to tidy up Wang Yueshan, and then tidy up the bathroom while she was taking a shower. Who knew the situation would change, and the old hooligan saw this mess!
Tang Shishi knew that Ling Rui lived a very regular life, and he never left the things in the room carelessly. What he disliked the most was this kind of messy environment.

"Sit down, I'll come!" Ling Rui put Tang Shishi on the chair next to the bathtub. This chair was also brought in to bathe Wang Yueshan, which would be more convenient for Ling Rui.

After putting Tang Shishi on the chair, Ling Rui first flushed the bath, let go of the water, and then put the things in the bathroom back in place. After finishing things, the water in the bath was also full, and sprinkled Put a few drops of essential oil on it, strip Tang Shishi, who is already sleepy and can't open her eyes, and put them inside.

Tang Shishi sat in the water in a daze, struggled a bit in fright, opened her eyes and saw Ling Rui, then stretched out her arms and hooked Ling Rui's neck, like a boneless fish, attached to the Ling Rui's body.

"Honey, wash me up!" Tang Shishi said coquettishly, lying on Ling Rui's shoulder.

"Happy to help!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's small figure that was fumigated by water vapor, her face was pale and rosy, and she was extremely seductive. She swallowed her saliva and replied hoarsely.

Ling Rui gently massaged Tang Shishi's acupuncture points while taking a bath, making Tang Shishi's whole body extremely comfortable.

"Old hooligan, you are so kind!" Tang Shishi squinted her eyes in satisfaction and exclaimed.

"True words?" Ling Rui's voice was full of uncertainty of thanks, as if there was a trace of loss and annoyance in it.

"Of course!" Tang Shishi sensitively heard something wrong in Ling Rui's voice, opened her eyes, saw the frustration flashing across Ling Rui's face, and asked puzzledly: "Old rascal, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing!" Ling Rui sighed, his hands kept moving, but he lowered his eyes slightly, avoiding Tang Shishi.

"Still saying it's nothing! Liar! What's the matter?" Tang Shishi's drowsiness was scared away by Ling Rui. The old rascal was always high-spirited and invincible. When did she see him like this?
Tang Shishi felt uneasy, thinking that something big must have happened!

"It's nothing, it's just a little uncomfortable here!" Ling Rui raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Tang Shishi, then raised a hand and rubbed his heart.

"It's uncomfortable here?" Tang Shishi sat up from the water with a whimper, put her little hand on Ling Rui's heart, her voice trembling slightly: "Honey, do you hurt here?"

"Yeah." Ling Rui nodded gently!

"What's going on? When did it start hurting? How long has it been?" Tang Shishi panicked, stood up from the water in fright, and stepped out of the bath, ignoring her shoes, wrapped a towel around her body, and rushed to the room.

Ling Rui was taken aback by Tang Shishi's sudden action, wondering why the little wild cat's reaction was different from what he expected?

What he originally expected was that, in a situation where the atmosphere was so good, he would properly show a little disappointment and resentment, to arouse the little wild cat's attention, and let her fully realize that the little wild cat kicked him out of the room tonight What he has done has already hurt his "fragile" heart, especially the little wild cat, which is obviously delicate and expensive in his hands, looks like a little nanny in front of Wang Yueshan, which makes Ling Rui feel extremely dissatisfied To balance, so he wanted to take advantage of the good time before going to bed at night to correct some of the little wild cat's incorrect thoughts, so as to ensure that there would be no more "tragedies" such as sleeping in separate rooms, but the little wild cat was so He left in a hurry, what's going on?

Did he discover his disguise?
He asked himself that his acting skills weren't that bad, right?
And he is acting with real feelings, definitely not like that so-and-so, a bunch of rough hodgepodge to deceive the audience!
"Husband, what are you doing in a daze, get dressed quickly!" Tang Shishi saw that Ling Rui was still sitting in the bathtub, seemingly in a daze, and couldn't help becoming more worried. She walked into the bathroom and stretched out her hand to pull Ling Rui "Old hooligan, is it hurting badly?! Let's go to the hospital right now!"

"Go to the hospital?" Ling Rui came back to his senses, looked at Tang Shishi who was already fully dressed, and asked puzzledly, "What are you going to the hospital for?"

"Honey, you have to listen to me about this matter. The pain here is not a trivial matter! Let's go to the Military Medical General Hospital and have a comprehensive examination!" Tang Shishi wiped Ling Rui's body neatly while pointing Ling Rui said seriously.

Ling Rui finally understood what Tang Shishi was doing, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while!

"Little wild cat, I'm fine!" Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's little hand, pecked it lightly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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