Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 664 We still need the Zhang Family to create humans!

Chapter 664 We have to go home and make humans! (1)
He knew what Qiulan wanted to say, although he had thought about it, but in Yanliu Village, the position of the village head was deeply rooted, this idea was too unrealistic!
Although he is also a highly educated person, he used to be full of enthusiasm and wanted to do something for the children here, but when he entered Yanliu Village, he felt like he had entered a cage. Apart from the lectures and homework, everything else is involuntary.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other, it seems that these two people are borrowing their feelings!

Thinking about it, how can the village chief's stupid son compare with the talented and beautiful Hu Weimin!
"Don't say one, just ten, it's fine, tell me quickly, where is the person hiding?" Jun Mubei said immediately without waiting for Tang Shishi's answer.

"I just have one request, I want to be with him!" Qiulan said, pointing at Hu Weimin.

"Aren't you already together!" Jun Mubei frowned, he was so anxious that he didn't hear anything wrong with Qiulan's words at all.

"Yes!" Tang Shishi nodded and agreed, she admired Qiulan a little bit, thinking about it, marrying the village head's stupid son must be a last resort!
"There is a cellar in the village chief's house, and the entrance is on the kang in the village chief's room." Qiulan said to Tang Shishi, then glanced at Jun Mubei, and said, "You better go quickly, village chief, there are many The way to punish people!"

When she said this, her eyes flickered a little, with a hint of fear.

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei glanced at Qiulan, and then quickly went down the mountain.

Hu Weimin looked at the backs of the three people, and after a long time, he said to Qiulan, "Aren't you afraid...?"

"I'm afraid that our child will recognize a fool as his father. If the son is okay, the daughter may not have a chance of surviving at all!" Qiulan looked at Hu Weimin with a firm attitude.

"You mean you..." Hu Weimin looked at Qiulan in disbelief, and his eyes fell on her stomach.

Qiulan nodded inaudibly, her eyes were already moist.

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei hurried to the house of the village chief Sun Zuohua. At that time, the village chief Sun Zuohua was sitting on the hot kang at home. The village chief's wife and her stupid son didn't know where to go. what a place!
Sun Zuohua didn't expect Jun Mubei to barge in like this, his heart tightened, and then his face showed concern, but before he could speak, Jun Mubei stretched out his big hand, lifted him and threw him under the kang .

"What are you doing?!" Just as Sun Zuohua yelled, he saw Jun Mubei pulling aside the mats on the kang, moving a bed board, and then exposing a big hole in the kang, he said nothing Jump down!
Soon there was a pig-killing scream from the cellar, which at first glance belonged to the village chief's wife, followed by the village chief's silly son who didn't know whether it was crying or laughing.

"Boy Rui, pick him up!" Jun Mubei shouted to Ling Rui standing under the cellar.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui had serious expressions on their faces. They hadn't heard Yoyo's voice. Could it be that Yoyo was injured?
Ling Rui jumped onto the kang and reached out to pick up Mo Youyou. When Sun Zuohua saw Ling Rui leave, he jumped up and wanted to rush out, but was swept away by Tang Shishi's long legs and fell to the ground. His teeth hit the threshold and knocked him off. He took two pills and his mouth was full of blood.

"Oh——" Sun Zuohua covered his mouth in embarrassment, and when he saw the blood on his hand, he yelled angrily: "Kill..." People!
It's just that as soon as he opened his mouth, a gloomy thing blocked his forehead, and the coldness directly seeped into his bones!
Sun Zuohua leaned back and looked at the door unwillingly.

"You don't think this is a water gun played by your stupid son, do you?" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Zuohua coldly and said.

"Forgive me! I don't know anything! I didn't do anything! I don't care about my business!" Sun Zuohua said tremblingly.

Tang Shishi snorted coldly!
At this time, Ling Rui had already picked up Mo Youyou. Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou who had passed out. He was wearing Jun Mubei's jacket. His face turned cold, and then he heard the sound of killing a pig coming from the cellar. There were screams one after another, and the whole house trembled.

Mo Youyou's eyelids moved, her eyebrows were furrowed uncomfortably, her face was a little frightened and restless, and Tang Shishi felt distressed when she read it.

"What did you do to her?" Tang Shishi asked, pushing Nightingale on the head of the village chief.

"No! Didn't do anything? It's just that my woman is curious and wants to go down and have a look and give her something to eat!" Sun Zuohua said, frightened as if he was sifting chaff.

At this moment, he was no longer in the mood to worry about the condition of his wife and son in the cellar. He just felt fear, the fear that spread from the bottom of his heart.

Jun Mubei came up from the cellar with blood on his body. Hearing what Sun Zuohua said, he came over and kicked Sun Zuohua over!
"Need to take off her clothes to deliver food? I'll kill you bastard!" After speaking, he grabbed Tang Shishi's pistol and shot Sun Zuohua in the crotch.

Soon, the howling sound like killing a pig sounded again!

Mo Youyou woke up screaming when she heard the gunshot, and saw Tang Shishi and Ling Rui beside her, and then looked at Jun Mubei who was full of evil spirits, and asked in puzzlement: "What's wrong with you? I heard the gunshot ! Fight?"

"Stupid!" Jun Mubei threw the gun to Tang Shishi, then strode to the edge of the kang, picked up Mo Youyou's body, and hugged her tightly.

I'm so worried about him!Fortunately, they found her in time, otherwise I really don't know what would have happened!Thinking of the time when he jumped down from the cellar just now, the village head's wife was taking off Mo Youyou's clothes, holding her silly son's hand, trying to touch Mo Youyou's chest, Jun Mubei went crazy with anger!

"What are you doing? You want to strangle your elder brother's woman?" Mo Youyou's heartless voice sounded.

She still remembers what Jun Mubei said yesterday!
"Mo Youyou, will you die if you don't fucking talk?" Jun Mubei roared angrily.

Mo Youyou shrank back in fear, and then replied weakly: "I'm dead, so I really can't speak!"

"I really want to fucking strangle you!" Jun Mubei angrily strangled the person in his arms again, and then reluctantly let go, feeling a little sore in his heart.

Mo Youyou's words "your elder brother's woman" pierced a bloody hole in his heart!

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou extremely speechless!
They really can't understand the world of scumbags and idiots!
"What's the matter with my clothes?" Mo Youyou sensed that Jun Mubei's mood was wrong, and suddenly realized that she was wearing Jun Mubei's clothes. She opened a corner of the clothes carefully, and saw that the clothes on her body were covered with clothes. Opened it, and asked anxiously, with a bit of panic in her expression, wouldn't she be insulted by bad guys when she was unconscious?

(End of this chapter)

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