Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 688 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked!

Chapter 688 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked! (1)
When Wang Fengzhen saw Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen coming in, the expression on her face was both reconciled and a little scared, especially when she saw Sun Xiaofen beside Tang Shishi, there was obvious dodge in her eyes.

Tang Shishi saw Wang Fengzhen's expression in her eyes, and she was very mocking in her heart. Wang Fengzhen is this villain who is stalking, bullying and fearing toughness. What's in his bones can't be changed!

"Auntie, I went up to say hello to Sister Shishi, why are you dragging me?" Wu Meng's dissatisfied voice sounded.Instead, it aroused the attention of customers in the store.

"Shut up! Come back with me, I won't buy today!" Wang Fengzhen dragged Wu Meng tightly, avoiding Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, and walked to another door.

"Auntie!" After twisting her arms and struggling to no avail, Wu Meng said to Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, "Sister Shishi, did you buy that dress? Brand, very suitable for that dress, you can take a look! Oops - why are you pinching my arm! It hurts!"

While talking, Wu Meng was dragged out by Wang Fengzhen.

Tang Shishi watched Wu Meng go out with Wang Fengzhen, then glanced at Sun Xiaofen, and the two shook their heads in unison.

Baofenglou's jewelry is indeed a must. Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen looked at it for a while, and they fell in love with several pieces. Of course, the double-sided carved jade plaque with peony and wealth mentioned by Wu Meng was also among them. As Wu Meng said, that jade card is really good, the quality of the jade is good, the carving is good, and the implication is good. It matches the purple dress and complements each other. The more people look at it, the more happy they are. Just paid.

"You girl, why did you buy so much at once, I don't usually like to wear these things." Although Sun Xiaofen was happy with Tang Shishi's intentions, she still felt that it was a waste of money!
"As for matching clothes, I usually don't like to wear these cumbersome things, but I can't just go to a banquet with just a few jewelry, and I don't go shopping every day, I just buy a few more when I see something that suits me!" Tang Shishi said mischievously: " Don't save for me! Hurry up and help me choose a few more for the other two mothers, I can't favor one over another! Otherwise, my mother-in-law and aunt will blame me for being partial and not obeying!"

"Okay!" When Tang Shishi asked her to help choose gifts for Ling Rui and Cai Xiaofen, Sun Xiaofen didn't refuse, and agreed with a smile.

This child is very careful and always considers everyone's every aspect.

When Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were choosing jewelry for Ling Yue and Cai Xiaofen in the Baofeng Tower, Bai Lan, Bai Hui, and Baimei Baili, the four sisters, opened the door and came in.

"Sister Shishi!" Bai Hui first noticed Tang Shishi with sharp eyes, and sighed that her left eyelid twitched today, good luck came!There was an unconcealable excitement in his tone!
"Sister Shishi!" Bai Hui yelled, Bai Lan and Bai Li Baimei also found Tang Shishi, and the four of them looked at each other, showing surprise on their faces.

Tang Shishi frowned when she heard Bai Hui's voice, thinking what day is it today?Didn't read the almanac when I went out, or what?It's not easy to go shopping with the godmother, how can I meet some annoying people!Wave after wave, like a zombie invasion, these people have discussed it, right?

However, when Tang Shishi saw Bai Lan, Bai Mei, and Bai Li next to Bai Hui, she understood in her heart. When she was in City B, she designed to make these four women bleed, and everyone donated They bought a piece of jewelry, and they must have come out to buy jewelry for tomorrow's banquet this time.

"I didn't expect to meet my sisters here!" Tang Shishi smiled warmly, pure and harmless. In the eyes of the Bai family sisters, this kind of Tang Shishi was more like a little sheep waiting to be slaughtered, which made them look forward to it. Emotionally!
"Sister Shishi, you came to City A and didn't notify us. It's too disrespectful to ask us to play!" Bai Hui blinked her innocent eyes, and made a head start.

"That's right, Sister Shishi, are you looking down on our sisters?" Bai Lan looked at Tang Shishi with some annoyance and asked, with a plain and easy-to-understand sadness in her questioning tone.

"Sister Shishi, we treat you like a real sister!" Baimei and Baili cooperated seamlessly. The four of them sang together and coordinated perfectly. From expressions to movements, people couldn't fault it at all!

Tang Shishi sneered in her heart, the sisters of the Bai family couldn't wait to put charges on themselves and arouse their sense of guilt!
"Why, don't you all know that Shishi came to City A? Your parents didn't mention it to you? I have to ask, do you think Shishi is me? daughter?" Just as the sisters of the Bai family surrounded Tang Shishi, and they were complaining and denouncing Tang Shishi with unconcealed excitement, Sun Xiaofen's voice sounded like a bucket of cold water poured down, dispelling the warm atmosphere. Quickly drop to freezing point!
When Sun Xiaofen heard the voices of Bai Hui and the others just now, she was reminded in a low voice by Tang Shishi not to show up first, so she was still looking down at the jewelry, these few were dazzled by Tang Shishi, a big gold mine The Bai family sisters didn't even notice that there was Sun Xiaofen standing next to Tang Shishi, because they had never heard of Sun Xiaofen coming to City A!
When Sun Xiaofen made a sound, Bailan Baihui and the others were taken aback. They didn't expect Sun Xiaofen to be by their side, so they quickly took a few steps back and greeted respectfully: "Second Aunt!"

Sun Xiaofen snorted coldly, as an answer, but just stared at the four Bai Lan sisters and said nothing, giving people a feeling of oppression for no reason.

The four Bai Lan sisters are still a little afraid of Sun Xiaofen, the second aunt. When Bai Mo was the eldest lady of the Bai family, they often cheated on Bai Mo's things together, and Sun Xiaofen dismantled them several times, so now I see Sun Xiaofen in Tang poetry. Beside Shi, suddenly felt that dark clouds covered the sun, and all the excited faces just now faded.

"Second Auntie, we have traveled abroad together these days, and we just came back this morning!" Bai Lan's mind was spinning faster after all!

"Did you hide out on purpose when you heard that Shishi came to City A?" Sun Xiaofen gave Bai Lan a cold look, the sarcasm on his face was so clear that it was difficult for people to ignore it. !
Bai Lan felt guilty at Sun Xiaofen's look, and subconsciously backed away.

"Second Aunt, we really didn't know that Sister Shi Shi came to City A, otherwise we wouldn't go out for a trip!" Bai Hui, Bai Mei and Bai Li hurriedly followed Bai Lan's words to express their attitude.

"You guys went out and hid quietly!" Sun Xiaofen still snorted coldly, deciding that they had gone out to hide.

The four Bai Lan sisters looked at Sun Xiaofen and felt anxious and angry, but they didn't dare to make a mistake. Baimei said with a smile: "Second Aunt, you also know that we have always loved to play since we were young!"

"Since I didn't know before, forget it!" Sun Xiaofen glanced at the four Bailan sisters and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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