Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 709 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family

Chapter 709 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family (5)
When Sun Xiaofen returned to the room, Tang Shishi ran upstairs in three steps and two steps, and put her ear on the door of Jun Mubei's room, trying to hear clearly if there was any movement inside!
As soon as she got out of the car, she spotted Jun Mubei's car, and seeing the light in Jun Mubei's room was on, her heart was already full of excitement!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

However, to Tang Shishi's disappointment, there was no sound in Jun Mubei's room, it was as quiet as if there was only air.

In fact, there is indeed only air in Jun Mubei's room at this moment.

Tang Shishi shrugged listlessly towards Ling Rui, spreading her hands.Suddenly, he bit his lip unwillingly, and ran back to his room in a hurry. After a meal, he ran downstairs in a hurry, then grabbed the boiled water that Ling Rui had just poured, and gave a package of things to him all at once. Sprinkled it in, then shook the cup again, stuffed it into Ling Rui's hand, and said, "Honey, it's up to you!"

Ling Rui stared blankly at the lost and recovered water in his hand, and met Tang Shishi's expectant little face.

"It must be delivered to the second brother!" Tang Shishi made a please gesture!

"What is so important that it must be delivered to me?" A door opened on the second floor, and Jun Mubei's slender legs stepped out.

When Tang Shishi heard Jun Mubei's voice, she shrank with guilt, but after seeing Jun Mubei coming out of Mo Youyou's room, her eyes lit up, especially when she saw Jun Mubei's disheveled clothes. , after looking a little embarrassed, Tang Shishi's eyes brightened even more!
Not only Tang Shishi, but even Ling Rui's eyes lit up!

Brother, did you eat it?A pair of thieves' parents-in-law downstairs looked at each other, and the same question flashed in their minds.

I bet the second brother ate it!

Tang Shishi sensitively smelled the smell of alcohol on Jun Mubei's body, thinking about the drama of drunken sex in her mind, and then looked at Mo Youyou's room, but she couldn't hear Mo Youyou's voice at all. Shame and joy, rolling on the bed wrapped in a quilt, looking ashamed to see others!

I bet the second brother didn't eat it!

Ling Rui glanced at Jun Mubei's tight belt, and there was a suspicious palm-sized wetness on the thigh of his trousers. He guessed that Jun Mubei must have not finished speaking, but was interrupted by their sudden return, and came out to find out the wind , so go back and eat!
Who made him feel guilty!


Did not eat!


Did not eat!

The losers are on top tonight!Ling Rui raised his eyebrows.

Just bet, who is afraid of WHO?Tang Shishi stared!

"How tall are the two of you?" Jun Mubei stood upstairs, looking at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with big eyes and small eyes, his anger was not very good, he couldn't help but irritatedly raked his hair and said: "Thief girl, give that stupid guy a glass of water!"

"Second brother, why should I deliver it? You don't know how to deliver it yourself?" Tang Shishi asked displeased, feeling a little chilled in her heart, and glared angrily at Ling Rui, who was a bit happy.

Nima!As soon as the second brother said it, he instantly killed her!The second brother is too weak!

"I'm a big man, what are you talking about staying in her room at night!" Jun Mubei gave Tang Shishi a displeased look.

cut!Prudish you!Are you pretending that Ling Rui and I didn't see you dragging and hugging and dragging Yoyo to an unknown dark corner, taking advantage of the opportunity?

"Then I don't care? Who told you not to keep an eye on her and make her drunk?" Tang Shishi was annoyed that she had lost the bet, and of course she wouldn't give Jun Mubei a good look!

"Also, second brother, you actually gave me Shen He as a dance partner, and then ran away irresponsibly, you are really my good second brother!" Tang Shishi took the opportunity to clarify the words, so as not to die tonight. Not in vain is too wronged!

"It was just an accident! I didn't notice him around at the time." Jun Mubei said roughly.

"Second brother, killing by accident is also killing. This accident of yours, which is understated, caused me a lot of trouble. You even had a fight with the brothers and sisters of the Han family. Why do you have the nerve to let me take care of a drunk girl?" Tang Shishi While talking, he pulled Ling Rui upstairs, and when he walked to Jun Mubei, he pointed at Ling Rui and said, "You think an accident can fool him, explain all this?"

"Have you had a quarrel with the brothers and sisters of the Han family?" Jun Mubei didn't know about it. At that time, all his thoughts were on finding Mo Youyou.

"Isn't it something? So I'm very tired tonight and need a good rest! This glass of water—" Tang Shishi said, stuffing the water in Ling Rui's hand into Jun Mubei's hand, and said: "It's still troublesome Second brother, send it to Yoyo!"

After stuffing the water into Jun Mubei's hands, Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm and said, "Husband, let's go back to bed!"

"Sleep!" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's shoulders and bit her ear.

"I hate it, why are you in a hurry!" Tang Shishi raised her leg and kicked Ling Rui's calf!
"See if I can't treat you well tonight!" Ling Rui said, picked up Tang Shishi, went back to the room, and kicked the door with a bang.

Jun Mubei closed his eyes slightly because of Ling Rui's kicking the door, glared fiercely at the bedroom door of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, and cursed secretly: Thief in-laws!Shameless!Two hooligans!
After scolding, Jun Mubei looked at the water glass in his hand, sighed helplessly, and returned to Mo Youyou's room.

"Water is here!" Jun Mubei pulled the drunk Mo Youyou up, and brought the water glass to her lips.

Mo Youyou gulped down half a glass of water, sighed comfortably, then squinted her eyes and looked at the person in front of her.

"Jun Mubei?" When Mo Youyou saw the person in front of her clearly, she grabbed Jun Mubei who was about to get up, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and pulled towards herself.

"Stupid! Let go!" Jun Mubei shook off Mo Youyou's hand, remembering that when he found this stupid, she was drinking and having fun with Long Yi in the small garden, and they even hooked their shoulders together Yes, hugging and hugging, he felt a fire burning in his heart.

Mo Youyou was thrown away by Jun Mubei, and her head sank on the soft bed. She struggled for a while, but didn't get up, as if her head was stuck in the mud and couldn't be pulled out.

Looking at Mo Youyou like this, Jun Mubei was angry, funny and helpless, so he could only pull her collar and drag her back.

But halfway through the tugging, Jun Mubei recalled that the clothes he was holding were changed by the boy Long Yi, and let go angrily.

Poor Mo Youyou, just took a breath of fresh air and wanted to clear his head, so he fell back and had to start struggling again, cursing while struggling: "Jun Mubei, you bastard! You bastard! Don't like-hip-like you either! Bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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