Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 732 Playing with Wang Fengzhen

Chapter 732 Playing with Wang Fengzhen (4)
"Auntie! Don't say that! You misunderstood Sister Shishi!" Wu Meng was dragged back by Wang Fengzhen, and said dissatisfied looking at Wang Fengzhen.

"Hmph! Misunderstanding? I misunderstood her, even your cousin misunderstood her, and he misunderstood her deeply! Let's go!" Wang Fengzhen snorted coldly, pulled Wu Meng and walked towards the door.

"Auntie—you, don't do this!" Wu Meng was dragged a few steps away by Wang Fengzhen, then looked at Sun Xiaofen apologetically and said to Tang Shishi: "Auntie Sun, Sister Shishi, don't be surprised, my aunt is because of My cousin is missing, I am anxious, I will leave first, and come to play some other day!"

Sun Xiaofen originally wanted to step forward to stop her, but when she heard what Wu Meng said, she had no choice but to give up. At the end, she did not forget to remind Wu Meng: "Remember to treat the injuries on your hands when you go back!"

"Yeah. I got it!" Wu Meng's voice was a little rough suddenly, and she tried hard to smile at Sun Xiaofen, and said, "Thank you, Aunt Sun!"

"Let's go!" Wang Fengzhen didn't want to listen to Wu Meng's rambling, so she couldn't help but dragged her out.

This time, Zhou Hu got a hint from Tang Shishi and didn't step forward to stop her.

"Zhou Hu, ask someone to throw away that soiled carpet, so as not to pollute the air in the living room!" Tang Shishi pointed to the carpet that Wang Fengzhen had just soiled, and said.

"Yes!" Zhou Hu heard Tang Shishi's words, and immediately called the servant to change the carpet.

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Wang Fengzhen turned her head and gave Tang Shishi a hard look, then she didn't dare to stay any longer, and pulled Wu Mengfei out of Jun's mansion.

Sun Xiaofen watched Wu Meng and Wang Fengzhen walk away, sighed: "What a sensible child!" Then turned to look at Tang Shishi, and asked tentatively: "Girl Shishi, are you really not going to help? "

"Godmother, what do you think I should do?" Tang Shishi picked up the handmade cup brought by Wang Fengzhen on the coffee table, touched the broken lines on it with her fingers, and asked.

"Oh! The godmother doesn't know what to do. It's not easy for the godmother to intervene in emotional matters. The godmother believes that you will handle it well. It doesn't matter whether you help or not, as long as you have a clear conscience!" Sun Xiaofen sighed Said.

"Godmother, I understand!" Tang Shishi's finger stopped on the half heart of the handmade cup, and a smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth.Last time because of the orange juice incident, the old hooligan was jealous, but this time he will come up with a way to clean himself up!

Just as Tang Shishi put down her cup, her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was Du Haoze calling.

Since what happened to Wang Yueshan, it was the first time Du Haoze called her. Tang Shishi picked up the phone and pressed the call button.

"Shishi, I suggested that Wang Fengzhen go to you for help about Lu Tao's matter!" Du Haoze opened his mouth like this, as if he was worried that Tang Shishi would not give her a chance to speak.

"It's you?" Tang Shishi asked suspiciously.It turned out that Du Haoze ordered Wang Fengzhen to come to her!Could it be that I made a wrong inference before?

"It's me!" Du Haoze smiled wryly. Just now Wang Fengzhen called and scolded him severely, saying that he came up with a terrible idea, which caused her to lose all face, and she was very angry when she heard it.Presumably, Shishi repaired Wang Fengzhen a lot today.

However, Du Haoze didn't feel any guilt towards Wang Fengzhen. He did this on purpose. On the one hand, he could let Tang Shishi know the news of Lu Tao's disappearance. He knew that Tang Shishi would not stand idly by. In front of poetry, Tang Shishi can also take the opportunity to let out a bad breath.

Because after what happened to his mother Cao Xinru, Du Haoze felt that he and Lu Tao had the same disease, and subconsciously wanted to do this. He was sure that Lu Tao would not blame him after he knew about it!
"I didn't expect it to be you!" Tang Shishi chuckled.

"She called me just now, she seems to be very angry!" Du Haoze taunted and twitched his mouth, then said to Tang Shishi: "I don't need to worry about Lu Tao's matter!"

"Are you so sure that I will help?" Tang Shishi subconsciously raised her eyebrows and asked.

"If you don't help, you won't be Tang Shishi!" Du Haoze said with certainty.

"It might be! I'm Ling Rui's wife now! You have to know how to avoid suspicion!" Tang Shishi retorted indifferently.

"Tang Shishi, becoming just an identity, the real you, actually hasn't changed at all!" Du Haoze said with a smile.

After hearing Du Haoze's words, Tang Shishi silently hung up the phone.

It's just that not long after Tang Shishi hung up the phone, before Sun Xiaofen even had time to ask who was calling, Tang Shishi's cell phone rang again.

Tang Shishi is speechless, she seems a bit busy today!Being missed by so many people, I don’t know if it’s good or bad!
It was Ling Rui who called, Tang Shishi looked at the phone suspiciously, why would the old hooligan call herself at this point?At this point, shouldn't he be training those recruits?
Zhou Hu on the side glanced at Tang Shishi's mobile phone, and reminded viciously: "Young Madam, Master's call! Answer it quickly!" The word "Master" was bitten hard, for fear that others might not be able to hear clearly. It's like someone's calling.

Tang Shishi glared at Zhou Hu, who was completely gloating, and picked up the phone.

"Why did it take so long to answer the phone? What are you busy with?" As soon as the call was connected, Ling Rui's questions came in a rush.

"Drink tea and chat." Tang Shishi said calmly.

"So leisurely?" There was obvious doubt in Ling Rui's voice.

"When will it not be like this?" Tang Shishi's tone was very resentful, thinking that Ling Rui, who was opposite him, must have raised eyebrows at the moment, with a smile spreading from the corner of his mouth.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Ling Rui asked after looking at his watch, staring at the officers and soldiers training outside through the window again.

"You took the initiative to call. You have something to tell me, right?" Tang Shishi smiled when she heard Ling Rui's words, and said in her heart that this guy is really well-informed. She hasn't figured out how to speak yet. , this guy has already lost his composure.However, Tang Shishi wanted to return to her thoughts, and without revealing anything, she asked curiously: "You don't usually call at this time, do you have something important to say?"

"Tang Shishi!" Ling Rui panted heavily!After he heard the news, he was afraid that the little wild cat would be embarrassed, so he took the initiative to call over immediately, thinking of solving the little wild cat's problems, but who knew he would be ridiculed instead!

"What's the matter?" Tang Shishi continued to pretend to be confused. She knew that Ling Rui's call must have been arranged, and she might even have received some news, so she was not in a hurry to talk about Lu Tao.

The more innocent you pretend, the more initiative you have in your hands.

(End of this chapter)

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