Chapter 754 Twins? ! (1)
Zhou Hu looked at Tang Shishi's face turning pale for a while, spit out tears, and immediately called Ling Rui worriedly, and told Ling Rui about Tang Shishi's current situation in detail.

"Godmother, I'm fine!" After Tang Shishi vomited, although her stomach was a little turbulent, she felt much more comfortable. She almost vomited it several times before, and she kept holding it back. This time, she finally felt comfortable!
"Girl Shishi, you—" Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi's face which turned red and then pale, and asked suspiciously, "You—you don't have it, do you?"

"Yes?" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen in confusion, and her mind went blank for a moment.


Tang Shishi blinked ignorantly!
"Oh, it's there! Have it?" Sun Xiaofen became anxious, holding Tang Shishi's hand tightly, very excited.

She remembered that when she was pregnant, she reacted very violently and vomited for a long time.

"Yes? Zhou Hu, what's there?" Ling Rui, who was on the phone with Zhou Hu, heard a sentence and a half sentence sensitively, and immediately asked nervously.

"Ah? Lord, I don't know what else they said! It's just that the young lady is about to vomit out the gall!" Zhou Hu is a pure child who doesn't even have a girlfriend. He takes this kind of question for granted. Tang Shishi is still dull, and his eyes are still blank!
Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen's surprised and anxious eyes, stroked her stomach, and then asked in disbelief: "Yes?" The voice was soft, as if she had been greatly frightened!
"Shishi, we, let's go back, my God! Why didn't I think of it! Why didn't I think of it! Zhou Hu! Zhou Hu! What are you doing standing there, go and drive, let's go home, yes! Go home first! "Sun Xiaofen was already so happy that she couldn't contain herself!
It was only then that she recalled that Tang Shishi had lost her appetite in the past few days, and she was also very sensitive to smells. These were all signs of pregnancy, why didn't she think of it!How careless!
"Zhou Hu, give the phone to Mrs. Bai. What's wrong with my wife? She wants to kill me!" Ling Rui on the other side of the phone was confused and impatient. He dropped the things in his hand and took them directly He rushed out with the car keys.

Could it be that her little wild cat was wronged at the Shen family, these damn things!If you don't give them some color to see, you don't know how powerful I am!

"Master..." As soon as Leng Maolin opened his mouth, he found that Ling Rui was still in the office?He scratched his hair helplessly, looked at a large pile of materials on the table, and lamented in his heart: Who said that he had to work overtime today to sort out these things and collect them quickly?In the end, he just let go!Lord, don't bring such a joker!

However, Ling Rui is destined not to hear Leng Maolin's voice, and now his mind and eyes are full of the safety of Tang Shishi.

Zhou Hu was reprimanded by Ling Rui. He felt that the phone in his hand was like a hot potato. Run and drive!
The condition of the young lady is really bad, so hurry up and go home!
Sun Xiaofen looked at the extra mobile phone in her hand and raised her eyebrows when she heard Ling Rui's anxious questioning voice. She smiled at Ling Rui on the other side of the mobile phone and said, "Boy Rui, let Shishi answer this question." The girl will explain it to you herself!"

"Godmother, what's the matter? Why can't you tell me?" Ling Rui became even more anxious after hearing Sun Xiaofen's words. What is the matter?

Could it be that Lu Tao and Shen He joined forces to make something wrong?

seek death!If that's the case, he won't talk about affection anymore!
"Shishi will tell you! Don't worry, it's a good thing! I'll give Shishi the phone and let her talk about it." Sun Xiaofen didn't intend to whet Ling Rui's appetite. It's really about this matter, and Tang Shishi said it to Ling Rui for comparison. Good point, she doesn't want to be prettier.

"A good thing?!" Ling Rui's brain froze for a moment, and he was about to vomit out his gall. How could it be a good thing?He has been paying close attention to the brain, how come there is not a single brain cell in it to characterize this situation as a good thing?

On the contrary, he felt, very bad!very bad!

Regardless of Ling Rui's question, Sun Xiaofen gave the phone to Tang Shishi who was still in a mess of joy, Tang Shishi took the phone in a daze, not knowing what to do, the hand holding the phone was shaking all the time.

Zhou Hu drove over, and Sun Xiaofen helped Tang Shishi get into the car, but Tang Shishi was still holding the phone, her fingers were still shaking, she didn't notice at all, there was another anxious person on the other end of the phone who didn't know what happened The man is stepping on the gas pedal out of control!

Ling Rui said "Hey Hey Hey" a lot, but the people over there didn't speak. He suspected that the signal of his mobile phone was not good. He took a look in his eyes and saw that there were five full signals, so he said "Hey Hey Hey" again After a long time, there was still no one talking to him over there. Could it be that he encountered some danger at the Shen family?
Thinking of this possibility, Ling Rui's veins twitched violently!Damn the Shen family!
Ling Rui took out another mobile phone and dialed Leng Maolin directly.

When Leng Maolin saw Ling Rui's call, he thought it was Ling Rui's conscience, and finally remembered to explain to him, so he quickly picked it up, and was so grateful that he was about to speak when he heard Ling Rui's stern voice .

"Major Leng, bring the boys from the first battalion out to practice. I want you to surround the Shen family's mansion with all your equipment within 10 minutes!" Ling Rui said coldly.

"My lord, surround the Shen family's mansion?" Leng Maolin shuddered. Is this lord trying to bring the Shen family to the ground?This is not the time, is it?

"There are 29 and a half minutes left!" Ling Rui didn't have time to talk nonsense with Leng Maolin, and he didn't need to explain.

"Yes!" Leng Maolin put down the phone, and immediately rushed out of the office, and surrounded the Shen family's mansion in three to ten minutes. This is going to break the leg!

Ling Rui hung up the call with Leng Maolin, and started holding the mobile phone with Tang Shishi again, nervously saying hello a few times.

"Girl Shishi, Ling Rui's phone number, talk to him quickly!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi just holding the phone stupidly, not speaking, her eyes were stunned, and Ling Rui's The voice became more and more anxious, and he simply grabbed Tang Shishi's hand holding the mobile phone, put it next to her ear, and urged.

"Speak? Say... say what?" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen ignorantly, and asked foolishly.

Ling Rui on the phone finally heard Tang Shishi's voice, and immediately shouted excitedly: "My wife, what's wrong with you, my wife? Has someone bullied you? Don't be afraid, I'm on the way now, and I'll be at Shen's house soon Yes! Wife, talk to me, are you feeling unwell? Are you injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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