Chapter 759 Three Treasures! (1)
Yun Mo blinked a few times, but she still didn't understand the situation at all. The old man hadn't quarreled with her like this for many years, and she didn't recall it for a while.She looked around at the people around, and found that everyone wanted to go, it seemed that the old man was the only one, and she didn't know which pit he fell into!
Seeing Yunmo's appearance, Ling Yue blinked vigorously at Yunmo, signaling her not to confront the old man, the old man has a bad temper today!
"Everyone is here, let's serve dinner quickly!" Mr. Jun seemed very satisfied with the current situation, patted Ah Hua on the head and said, "After dinner, pack up and go to City A! Ah Hua also takes it with me!"

Ah Huabei roll call, wagging his tail and rubbing his head against Mr. Jun's trouser legs.

"Why go to city A? In such a rush? Didn't we agree to do it next month?" Ling Yue asked in confusion. She wanted to go a long time ago. It's not that this side has not dealt with it well and can't get away!
"Girl Shishi is pregnant!" Mr. Jun announced loudly, the wrinkles on his face stretched out!




As soon as Mr. Jun's words fell, several screams rang out, the frying pan exploded in the living room, and Jun Zeyu, who was preparing to serve dishes in the kitchen, was so excited that he slipped his hand and dropped the frying pan on the floor!
Well, there was a pot smashed in the kitchen!
"Dad, is this true?!" Jun Zeyu ran out of the kitchen, stepped forward, grabbed Mr. Jun's arm, and asked.

"I'm going to have a grandson! I'm going to be a grandma! My God! Go to City A, I'm going to City A!" Ling Yue was excited and was about to rush out, but was caught by Yun Mo.

"You wore an apron, didn't bring your mobile phone, and didn't bring any money, so you went to City A? You think City A is in the compound of our military region!" Yun Mo rolled her eyes at Ling Yue, unable to laugh or cry, and held back after speaking. He couldn't help laughing and cursing: "I just said Ling Rui is the most promising boy, don't worry about it, he'll do it just by looking at it!"

"I'm going to be a grandma! The Jun family is going to have a new generation!" Chang Guiru excitedly grabbed Jun Aimin's arm!

"We have all been upgraded to be grandparents!" Jun Shaoyang, who has never talked much, said happily!

"Upgraded! Upgraded!" Jun Zeyu let go of Mr. Jun's arm, and happily turned around in the living room. At this moment, he finally understood why Mr. Jun was like this before, because he really wanted to rush out now , shouted happily "I have a grandson!"

"Look at your ugly faces! Old man, I have more important news to announce!" Mr. Jun seemed to be much calmer than the group of sons and daughters-in-law, but the high-pitched voice was a little drifting. A little trembling!

"Cut! Is there anything more important than Shishi girl's pregnancy, Dad, don't play tricks on me!" Yunmo couldn't help but complain!
"I said yes, so it is!" Mr. Jun glared at Yun Mo angrily, dissatisfied with his words, and was interrupted by doubts.

"Dad, could it be the body of girl Shishi..." Ling Yue became frightened when she heard Mr. Jun's words, and her body shook. Jun Zeyu quickly supported Ling Yue with his sharp eyes and hands.

"Dad, you should talk about it quickly! Stop teasing us!" Jun Zeyu's face became serious, with a serious look of worry on his face.

"Impossible! You have to believe in my level, girl Shishi's health is definitely fine!" Yunmo immediately retorted when they heard that they questioned Tang Shishi's health.

"We believe in you, but this kid has been in City A for so long after all..." Chang Guiru also showed a worried look on his face.

Ling Yue's face turned pale in an instant, and her body trembled uncontrollably, her fingers tightly grasping Jun Zeyu's arm, afraid that things would turn out as she thought.

"What are you all thinking!" Mr. Jun looked around the crowd angrily, and found that everyone's faces were solemn, and he roared angrily.

Really, does he look like he is going to announce the sad news?Obviously, he is extremely proud at the moment!
"Father, tell me quickly!" The few people settled down after hearing Mr. Jun's yell, and shouted dissatisfiedly at Mr. Jun in unison.

"Ahem, girl Shishi is pregnant..." Mr. Jun cleared his throat pretentiously, seeing that everyone's attention was on him, he said anxiously and nervously, satisfied.

"Twins! Girl Shishi is pregnant with twins!" But before Mr. Jun could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another excited trembling voice!
"Old man Bai! You old man!" Mr. Jun looked at Mr. Bai who rushed in, and felt that his sons and daughters-in-law were attracted by Mr. Bai in an instant, and he gritted his teeth angrily. up!
The old man Bai who rushed into the door answered Sun Xiaofen's call. He was so excited at home that he didn't know what to do. He circled around the yard. He and Mr. Jun had some disagreements in the past two days, and the two were in a "cold war" , has been hesitating whether to come to Jun's compound, after thinking about it, after all, I can't bear the excitement, I feel that this time, even if I am giving face to Shishi girl, the adults don't care about Mr. Jun, figured it out Mr. Bai came to the courtyard of Jun's family with brisk footsteps. As soon as he walked into the yard, he heard Mr. Jun trying to trick people. Speak before Mr. Jun!
"Hmph!" Old Man Bai snorted triumphantly. Seeing that Old Man Jun was devastated, he felt indescribably at ease!
"Twin, twins?!" Ling Yue looked at old man Bai in disbelief, put one hand on his heart, and asked stammeringly!
"The initial diagnosis is twins!" Mr. Bai said with a smile, stealing Mr. Jun's limelight.

"Dad, is this true?!" Jun Zeyu turned to face Mr. Jun, and asked excitedly, the news was so shocking that he was about to faint!
At this moment, not only Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu, but also Yun Mo and Jun Shaoyang, Chang Guiru and Jun Aimin all felt dizzy in their heads. They felt that the happiness came so suddenly that it was a little unreal!
None of their Jun family had ever given birth to twins!
Even Ah Hua, who had been lying on her stomach at the door, felt the unusual atmosphere, stood up excitedly, and wagged her tail vigorously!

"Of course! Hmph! It's still Shishi girl who can do her best! Get pregnant!" Mr. Jun lifted his chin triumphantly, his eyes couldn't hide the pride and joy.

"Two! My God! Girl Shishi is really good!" Yun Mo and Chang Guiru shouted in surprise!

"We're going to have two golden grandchildren soon!" Ling Yue burst into tears with excitement, couldn't help covering her mouth, and started crying!
(End of this chapter)

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