Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 770 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power

Chapter 770 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power (5)
Mr. Jun looked at the spring-like smile on Tang Shishi's mouth, and felt even more proud. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the impatient old lady of the Xie family, and sighed slightly in his heart. Back then, the family loved her too much. Two younger sisters, so that they have lived to a great age, they are still so imposing, arrogant and do not know how to advance or retreat, even the children and grandchildren they raise are virtuous!
"Sure enough, she looks beautiful! No wonder..." the old lady of the Xie family glanced at Tang Shishi and said.This girl has curved eyebrows and big eyes, a rosy face, and skin so tender that water can be squeezed out. She really has an attractive face as her grandson and daughter-in-law said!
Tang Shishi smiled softly as an answer.She knew that what the old lady of the Xie family meant was not to praise herself, but to imply that she was attractive and seductive.As for the meaning behind that no wonder, she didn't need to waste her brain cells thinking about it, she knew it!
And Zhou Hu, who was following Tang Shishi, squinted at the sky at 45 degrees, humming coldly in his heart!This matter must be reported to the Lord, this group of people - what a mess!
The old lady of the Xie family thought that she had made a head start, and the old man of the Jun family would ask curiously. Unexpectedly, it was as if the old man of the Jun family hadn't heard it, and Ling Yue even got up and took Tang Shishi's hand, and pulled her down to sit on the sofa. Next, ask her whether she eats fruit or not, and asks her whether she drinks fruit juice or not. She is just like an old lady. It is much more considerate than entertaining these few guests!

"Brother, I came here this time to ask, what is your attitude towards the Shen family's affairs?" Originally, the old lady of the Xie family wanted to ask if the Jun family would treat Xie as they did to the Han family. The family started to get rid of the Shen family's right-hand man, but the old lady of the Xie family insisted that she was Mr. Jun's biological sister, and felt that there was no need to ask such an idiot question.

"Yaru, you are a woman, and you are still old. It is best not to get involved in these things!" Mr. Jun's expression became serious when Mrs. Xie's family asked about the political situation, and said to Mrs. Xie's family seriously: "It's best Don't let your son and grandson get involved in these matters, it is impossible for the Shen family to replace the Long family in China!"

"Brother, I don't agree with what you said. Now that men and women are equal, your ideas are too old-fashioned. Moreover, the Shen family is fully prepared for this general election!" The old lady of the Xie family said indifferently.

"Even if the Shen family wins the general election, they are just a puppet of the Long family if they take that position!" Mr. Jun said in a deep voice.

"Brother, you are so afraid of the Long family! You used to be the same way, and now it has been many years, and you are still like this!" The old lady of the Xie family shouted a little excitedly.

Tang Shishi casually raised her head and glanced at the agitated old lady of the Xie family, she never thought that her great-aunt was still an angry youth!It seems that when I was young, I had a lot of ambition!
"That's all I have to say, you can listen to it if you want, and I can't do anything if you don't want to!" Mr. Jun's voice was a little cold, and his face changed.

"Uncle! My mother is emotionally unstable at this stage, she just loves to be excited!" Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Xie Tian hurried up to smooth things over.

Xie Tian has been very afraid of Mr. Jun as an uncle since he was a child, and he is still afraid when he sees Mr. Jun's black face.

"Thank God, you have to weigh what uncle said. As for what you want to do, it all depends on your understanding!" Mr. Jun didn't force it, let alone say too much. If the things he said were not enough to remind them, then no matter how much he said, he would be at a loss!

"Uncle, I just want to ask, if one day... will it harm the Xie family?" Xie Tian hesitated for a while, and finally said the ultimate purpose of this visit.

"It seems that you didn't take what girl Shishi said to you!" Mr. Jun sighed meaningfully.

"Brother, what generation are we all, you are flattering a girl too much!" The old lady of the Xie family was completely angry!Except for Xie Quan, the rest of the people here are Tang Shishi's elders. When will they elders need to condescend to remember what a junior said!
Really!Brother is confused!It's getting more and more unclear!

"Yaru, you've lived for such a long time, and the more you live, the more you'll go back!" Mr. Jun's voice was as cold as ice.

"Brother..." Mrs. Xie was not convinced.

"At the public banquet, every word and deed of girl Shishi represents the attitude of everyone in my Jun family. This is the same as a country's diplomacy. Don't you even understand this?" Mr. Jun was annoyed. question.

"She—" Mrs. Xie's family was stopped by Mr. Jun, and then she glanced at Ling Yue and Ling Yue who were eating fruit with toothpicks. Age, how can..."

"Girl Shishi said at the Shen family's banquet: Those who respect me and me, I will respect him and him, and those who bully me, if I have the ability, I will pay back double! This is not only her attitude, but also ours. The attitude of the entire Jun family!" Mr. Jun's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Tang Shishi suddenly looked up, how could Grandpa even know what she said at the Shen family banquet!Just now she was still wondering what her grandfather said about her, and thought that she was trying to use her mouth to make the old lady of the Xie family retreat, but she didn't expect it to be this!

Tang Shishi glanced at Zhou Hu who was standing aside with beaming eyebrows, and she probably had a clue in her heart. If it wasn't for this long-tongued man, there would never be another person with such a big mouth!

In fact, Tang Shishi didn't know at all. Mr. Jun had already asked Zhou Hu to tell him everything about Tang Shishi's performance at the banquet, including Tang Shishi scolding the Han brothers and sisters at the Long's banquet. The wonderful bridge!

The old lady of the Xie family was startled when she heard Mr. Jun's words, she glanced at Mrs. Xie and Xie Quan, and Mrs. Xie and Xie Quan's eyes began to dodge.

At the Shen family's banquet last time, Tang Shishi made Mrs. Xie lose her fortune in public, and Zhou Hu taunted Mrs. Xie in public without mercy. Of course, Mrs. Xie held a grudge. The poem describes her as a lowly woman who is arrogant, ignorant of manners, unruly, and unable to get on the stage, and Xie Quan, because she is so angry with Tang Shishi, naturally has no good words!

"Uncle, I got it!" Xie Tian looked at Tang Shishi carefully, and Mr. Jun's attitude was very clear.

"Well, it's good for you to be vigilant in your hearts!" After all, if it's not a last resort for his own sister's child, he doesn't want to go as far as the enemy!
Although they are already on the opposite side now, but if they can come today, he is willing to give them a chance, remind me!

(End of this chapter)

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