Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 796: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed

Chapter 796: Shi Shi’s Life Experience Revealed (1)
"Eldest Young Master Shen is not bad, and he is still as unpleasant as ever!" Now that he was insulted by names, Ling Rui decided to really speak out.

"I'm really not likable. Since I was a child, my father doesn't love me, my mother doesn't love me! Alas! Poor!" I have to say that Shen He's skill has increased greatly, even in the face of Ling Rui's sneering attack , still talking and laughing freely, his expression unchanged.

Ling Rui frowned slightly, and looked at Shen He scrutinizingly.

Shen He sneered, and then said: "Of course it's no better than Major General Ling. The red flag at home is not down, and the wild flowers are fragrant outside. I don't think it will take long for the dolls to run away everywhere!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Ling Rui doesn't need to explain anything to Shen He, he has been completely excluded from his relationship with the little wild cat now, and there is no trouble between him and the little wild cat. , There is no basis for it at all!

After Ling Rui left a sentence, he ignored Shen He and walked away. He finally took a vacation today, and now he just wants to go home and stay with his three treasures every step of the way!

Shen He looked at Ling Rui's back, and the corners of his mouth curled up coldly.

Ling Rui, you are guilty!
When Ling Rui returned home, the house was extremely lively. Sun Xiaofen, Bai Ziqi, Bai Meng, and old man Bai were all there, and everyone was talking together. Of course, most of the topics were naturally centered around Tang Shishi and the children.

"Sister Shishi, I didn't expect you to be three months pregnant!" Bai Meng looked at Tang Shishi who was sitting between Ling Yue and Sun Xiaofen, her eyes rested on Tang Shishi's stomach in shock, and said in amazement.

"I'm sorry Bai Meng, I hid you from you yesterday!" Tang Shishi smiled apologetically at Bai Meng and said.

"It's okay, I know, you have to do it!" Bai Meng shook her head, expressing that she didn't care, she could understand why Tang Shishi would hide it from her.

"Sister Shishi, are you planning to stop hiding it now?" Bai Meng then asked worriedly.

"Yes! I didn't intend to hide it at first, but it's less than three months pregnant, so it's inconvenient to say it." Tang Shishi explained to Bai Meng why she concealed the truth.

Bai Meng smiled knowingly: "I'm going to be an aunt soon! My God! I have to hurry up and prepare a gift!" Bai Meng shouted exaggeratedly.

Sun Xiaofen and Ling Yue looked at each other and smiled, and said to Bai Meng: "Don't worry, it's still early before delivery!"

"Hehe! That's right! I'm sorry, I'm a little impatient!" Hearing what Sun Xiaofen said, Bai Meng smiled embarrassedly and said.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Baimeng in a strange way. Since last night, she felt that Baimeng had changed. She was much more polite and cautious when speaking to her than before, as if she had some instinctive defenses. This made Sun Xiaofen feel very uncomfortable. feel good.

"Sister Shishi, can I design small clothes for the baby?" Bai Meng also sensed that Sun Xiaofen's mood was a little off, so she immediately changed the subject.

"Okay! Okay!" Tang Shishi immediately agreed happily, and said excitedly: "It's my wish to have a design by the leading master in the fashion industry in the future!"

"Sister Shishi, don't make fun of me! Just don't dislike me!" Wu Meng smiled a little embarrassedly, with longing in her eyes.

What about fashion's premier guru?In her life, she doesn't know if she can reach that height!

Ling Yue and Sun Xiaofen watched Tang Shishi and Bai Meng talk happily, so they stopped paying attention to the two of them and started gossiping by themselves.

Just when Tang Shishi and Bai Meng were chatting happily, Bai Meng's cell phone rang suddenly. She glanced at the high-spirited Tang Shishi apologetically. When she saw the name on the phone's caller ID, her body turned I couldn't help trembling slightly, then greeted Tang Shishi, and went to the corner to answer the phone.

"What's the matter?" After the call was connected, Bai Meng waited for a while, seeing that the person on the other side didn't seem to want to speak, she kept scolding the person on the other side for being crazy, and asked.

"It's nothing, I just miss you and want to hear your voice!" It was Xie Quan who called. Since what happened yesterday, Xie Quan was very excited after returning home, but after sleeping, he felt a little nervous again. Uneasy, because Bai Meng's stubborn temper came up, he really didn't care to expose the affairs of the two of them, although he was fine, but——so he thought of calling Bai Meng to find out.

He intentionally waited for Bai Meng to speak first, and Xie Quan felt relieved when he heard that although Bai Meng's tone was very impatient and his attitude was a bit harsh, but he didn't curse out loud.

"I heard you, you can hang up!" After Bai Meng finished speaking, she bit her lips hard, holding the hand of the phone with unusual force, for fear that she would lose control of her emotions and throw the phone out!
"Talk to me again!" Xie Quan stopped Bai Meng when he heard that he was about to hang up the phone, and then said, "We have a party in Shengquan Bay tonight, and I still need a female companion!"

"What's none of my business?" Bai Meng gnashed her teeth impatiently.

"Why is it none of your business? You are my woman now! And I am also your first man!" Xie Quan said with some displeasure, but when he thought that he was Bai Meng's first man, he felt complacent. Gao raised his eyebrows.

Maybe, tonight, I can find another chance to kiss Fangze!
"Shut up!" Bai Meng growled at the phone, Xie Quan dared to mention what happened yesterday, which completely touched Bai Meng's bottom line!

"Don't be ignorant!" Xie Quan was also irritated by Bai Meng's unfriendly attitude. Originally, he just wanted to test Bai Meng. In fact, he didn't plan to bring a female partner for the party tonight, but Bai Meng As soon as he refused, Xie Quan's donkey temper also came up, and he insisted on Bai Meng to be his female companion!
"I'll pick you up at seven o'clock tonight, you'd better be obedient, or - I'll make you lose everything you care about!" Xie Quan said harsh words, and hung up the phone with a snap.

He couldn't believe that this little girl wouldn't come!He didn't believe that Xie Quan couldn't subdue this woman!

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the mobile phone, Bai Meng was so angry that she wanted to drop the mobile phone on the ground and step on her feet again, but because of the wrong occasion, she still tried her best to control it.

"Bai Meng, what's wrong with you?" Just when Bai Meng's face was distorted because of Xie Quan's call, Tang Shishi's voice sounded.

"No, nothing!" Bai Meng was taken aback, looking at Tang Shishi in front of her, wondering when did she come here?Did you hear something?
"You look a little bad, did you not have a good rest last night?" Tang Shishi noticed Bai Meng's defense, and didn't care too much, and asked with some concern.

"It's something bothering!" Bai Meng smiled weakly, and didn't say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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