Chapter 803 Ex-wife (2)
"This man, Lu Tao's father, actually scolded our Shishi girl for being flirtatious! I'm so mad!" Cai Xiaofen said while holding Tang Guoduan's hand and pointing at Lu Zhendong.

"Lu Tao's father?" Tang Guoduan listened to Cai Xiaofen's words and looked at Lu Zhendong suspiciously, with a very bad expression on his face.

"Uncle Tang, it's a misunderstanding! In fact, Uncle Lu is Lu Tao's adoptive father!" Seeing Tang Guoduan's already angry look, Tang Shishi was afraid that the misunderstanding would deepen, so she quickly explained.

"Adopted father?" Tang Guoduan frowned, looked at Tang Shishi and asked in puzzlement, "Isn't Lu Tao born to that woman Wang Fengzhen? Could it be that he was adopted from an orphanage like you?"

"Lu Tao is Wang Fengzhen's own child! It's just..." Tang Shishi's face became a little embarrassed. In front of Lu Zhendong, some words were hard to say so clearly.

"Are you adopted from an orphanage?" Lu Zhendong interrupted Tang Shishi's words. Since Tang Guoduan appeared, he has been looking at Tang Guoduan. If he dared to speak again, when he heard Tang Guoduan say that Tang Shishi was adopted by an orphanage, Lu Zhendong looked at Tang Shishi with a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

"Yes, Uncle Lu! Sorry, there may be some misunderstandings..." Tang Shishi apologized and wanted to explain.

"You just said your surname was Tang?" Lu Zhendong didn't listen to Tang Shishi's explanation at all, looked at Tang Shishi and asked anxiously.

"Yes, my name is Tang Shishi." Tang Shishi looked at the eager Lu Zhendong and nodded inexplicably.

"Then who are you?" Lu Zhendong pointed at the angry Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan, who were still angry, and asked eagerly.

"It's my uncle and aunt, and also my adoptive parents." Tang Shishi looked at Lu Zhendong as if he was in a hurry, so she answered cooperatively.

"Your surname is Tang?" Lu Zhendong looked at Tang Guoduan again and asked.

Tang Guoduan nodded, looking at Lu Zhendong still unfriendly.

"Did you adopt her from the orphanage in the western suburbs of City C XX years ago?" Lu Zhendong excitedly grabbed Tang Guoduan's arm and asked.

"How do you know?" Tang Guoduan asked back, the way he looked at Lu Zhendong changed a bit.There is nothing to hide about his adoption of Tang Shishi, but Lu Zhendong is so persistent about this matter, it makes him feel very strange!

alert?I can't even say it, but it's just weird!

Not only Tang Guoduan, but even Cai Xiaofen and Jun Zeyu looked at Lu Zhendong strangely, Tang Shishi excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Lu Zhendong's arm, and asked, "Uncle Lu, how do you know this? Do you know who my biological parents are? Are they, are they still around?"

Lu Zhendong looked at Tang Shishi, heard her slightly trembling voice because of excitement, and slowly shook his head with apologetic face.

"Could it be that they are all dead?" Tang Shishi's eyes were red.

She remembered that her uncle and aunt told her that when they adopted her in the orphanage, the director of the orphanage told them that she was an orphan and her parents died.So, since she was a child, she never thought of seeing her biological parents again. Just now, after hearing what Lu Zhendong said, she suddenly had a strong desire in her heart. Who knew, it was——

"Uncle Lu, do you know who my parents are? What kind of people are they?" Tang Shishi looked at Lu Zhendong again, with tears in her eyes.If you can't meet your biological parents, at least it's good to know who they are!

Lu Zhendong looked at Tang Shishi's tearful eyes, the apology and guilt on his face deepened, he shook his head a little bit unbearably.

"You don't know!" Tang Shishi's eyes full of hope, the moment she saw Lu Zhendong shaking her head, the brilliance inside dimmed suddenly, and tears rolled out.

"Girl Shishi, don't be sad! Don't be sad! If you are sad, the baby in your belly will be sad too!" Cai Xiaofen saw Tang Shishi crying, and immediately went up to put her arms around her shoulders, comforting her.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I'm not...I just want to know who I really am..." Tang Shishi nestled on Cai Xiaofen's shoulder, choked up and said.

She just wanted to know who her biological parents were and where she came from!
"Silly girl! Aunt and Aunt know it all! Stop crying! No matter who your parents are, you are uncle and aunt's baby!" Cai Xiaofen gently patted Tang Shishi's shoulder and said, wiping her tears.

"I don't know who your parents are, but there is one person who should know!" Seeing Tang Shishi crying sadly, Lu Zhendong obviously struggled and said.

"Who?!" Tang Shishi suddenly raised her head from Cai Xiaofen's shoulder, looked at Lu Zhendong with eager eyes: "Uncle Lu, who is that person? Please tell me!"

"Wang Fengzhen!" Lu Zhendong hesitated, and said three words, but the contempt and hatred in his emotions couldn't be concealed.

"Wang Fengzhen?!" Several voices cried out in unison.

Lu Zhendong looked at Tang Guoduan, Cai Xiaofen, Tang Shishi and Jun Zeyu who were shocked in front of him, and then looked up at the two men and a woman standing upstairs, there were some voices coming from above!
"You mean Wang Fengzhen?" Jun Zeyu looked up at Mr. Jun who was standing upstairs, then looked at Lu Zhendong, and asked.

Lu Zhendong looked at Jun Zeyu, this man was extraordinary, he instinctively took some precautions, so he asked instead, "Who are you?"

"Hello! I'm Jun Zeyu, the father-in-law of Shishi girl!" Jun Zeyu saw Lu Zhendong's defense, but he didn't rush to confirm the answer immediately, but smiled kindly, and suggested: "I heard Lu Zhendong Mister prefers to drink tea, I have a lot of treasures here, how about we make a pot of good tea, sit down and chat slowly?"

"Okay, let's make a pot of frozen oolong!" Lu Zhendong immediately understood the identity of the people standing beside him when he heard Jun Zeyu's invitation. He couldn't help being a little shocked, but he didn't refuse, and knew that even if he refused, he couldn't refuse, so he didn't show politeness to the other party, just smiled generously and said.

"I'll make tea!" Tang Shishi volunteered.

"It's still me, you are inconvenient now!" Cai Xiaofen said to Tang Shishi.

"Auntie, let me come! I'm fine!" Tang Shishi strongly suppressed the excitement in her heart at this moment. When she thought that her life experience might be what she thought, she felt that her hands and feet were a little weak with excitement. She urgently needed to do something now. One thing to divert your attention, making tea is undoubtedly a good choice for calming your mind.

Seeing Tang Shishi's unusual persistence, Cai Xiaofen didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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