Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 812 Go inside and say hello to the baby

Chapter 812 Go inside and say hello to the baby (2)
"This girl is not a lucky star! From the first time I saw her, I wanted to abduct her back to be my daughter-in-law! I just didn't expect that kid Rui would do it so quickly!" Ling Yue said with a smile.

"Now, she is the lucky star of our three families!" Jun Zeyu said happily on the side.

"That's it!" Tang Shishi said arrogantly, while she said, she put her hand on her stomach unconsciously. She is a big lucky star, and there are two little lucky stars in her stomach!
In fact, Tang Shishi thinks that the luckiest person is indeed her!How lucky she was to meet Lu Zhendong and escape from Wang Fengzhen's schemes and the Shen family's evil hands. How lucky she was to be adopted by Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang. She grew up in a normal environment that did not lack the love of her parents and family. , after a tragic marriage change, she met Ling Rui again, and was treated and loved sincerely by her parents-in-law. Her biological parents, sent to her side!

Who is the biggest lucky star?

"You girl! You're so immodest!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Guoduan and Jun Zeyu, and at Tang Shishi who had a mischievous face, and couldn't help laughing from the bottom of her heart, with a look of relief.

Between them, because they love Tang Shishi together, they get closer and closer, and they are connected with each other, so there is really no need to say anything!
"Being humble means being proud! Besides, what I'm saying is the truth, right, parents?" Tang Shishi hugged Sun Xiaofen's arm, and said with a ghostly expression. , Said extremely loudly.

"Yes! You girl!" Several adults said in unison, and then laughed.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Old Master Bai led Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen out of the Jun's compound. If Ling Rui hadn't turned black and said that Tang Shishi had to rest, and started to chase people away, these people hadn't planned to leave at first. , There is a posture of joy all night.

In particular, Sun Xiaofen insisted on staying. Later, Mr. Bai and Bai Ziqi refused to let her go. Sun Xiaofen had no choice but to turn around and leave reluctantly.

"Tang Shishi, you've had a hard time today!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, who was still standing at the door, watching the Bai family's car refusing to enter the house, with tears streaming down his face, and said with a serious tone and a blunt attitude.

This little wild cat cried endlessly, as if the Dragon King was in a flood. He had reminded her countless times that you can't cry when you're pregnant!But this woman simply took it as nothing!Really mad at him!

"I hate it! You don't know that pregnant women are very emotional and like to be sentimental!" Tang Shishi raised her eyes and stared at Ling Rui, complaining dissatisfiedly, thinking that this guy has read so many pregnancy books, where did he go!

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and stared at herself with big eyes, her small face was full of grievances, two lines of tears flowed down again, her heart ached, she didn't know where the anger just came from Where did he go, he hugged Tang Shishi with a slap, and said, "Okay, I don't feel sorry for you! It's not like you don't know, I hate your tears the most!" Ling Rui said, bowed his head and kissed her Tang Shishi's eyes, her voice is soft like the wind of spring blossoms: "Hey, don't cry!"

"En." Tang Shishi nestled in Ling Rui's arms, and suddenly remembered that it was at the door, so she struggled a bit and said, "Husband, let me down quickly, I'm so embarrassed to let my parents see it!"

"They've gone back to their room early!" Ling Rui said affectionately by touching Tang Shishi's little nose with the tip of his nose.

It was rare for this group of people to get acquainted with each other today, and they didn't stay to block the eyes and disturb their young couple.

Tang Shishi saw that there was indeed no one around, so she let go of her heart and didn't struggle. She let Ling Rui hold her, hooked her neck and said, "Take me back to the room."

"Hmm! Can't wait?" Ling Rui's long eyelashes brushed Tang Shishi's face, bit Tang Shishi's little nose lightly, and said ambiguously.

"I hate it! I don't care about you!" Tang Shishi blushed, gave Ling Rui a white look, and said.

"You can't ignore me! You did something wrong today and you should be punished!" Ling Rui remembered Tang Shishi's accounts clearly.

"No! You wronged me!" Tang Shishi pursed her lips, and pinched Ling Rui's chest with her little hand.

"Well—do you still dare to admit it? I'll see how I deal with you later! I like to deal with stubborn girls, you know!" Ling Ruixie smiled and hugged Tang Shishi and strode back to their room on the first floor.

"I'm tired, you can play by yourself!" As soon as she got on the bed, Tang Shishi yawned sleepily, and her whole spirit became sluggish.

"Play by yourself? How do you play by yourself?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, who was huddled up on the bed, squinting his eyes slightly, with a dangerous tone.

"Just play by yourself—" Tang Shishi raised her arm, stretched out her small hand to make and release Ling Rui's fist, then blinked at Ling Rui, and said, "Um, you understand!"

"Little wild cat! You are getting more and more evil!" Ling Rui gritted his teeth angrily, then came up with a smile and pulled Tang Shishi up from the bed, undressed her and said, "It's not comfortable to play alone, let's play together !"

"No!" Tang Shishi lazily replied to Ling Rui, allowing him to strip off the restraints on her body.

"It's up to you!" Ling Rui finished handling the restraints on the two of them, and pressed down towards Tang Shishi, of course, avoiding Tang Shishi's stomach.

"Don't! Uh--" Tang Shishi resisted a few times with half-push and half-heartedness, but was subdued by Ling Rui forcefully, and obediently let him be slaughtered.

But just when Ling Rui was in the middle of being refreshed, and Tang Shishi was also panting weakly, limp in Ling Rui's arms as soft as boneless, Tang Shishi's body stiffened, and she exclaimed: "Ah——"

Ling Rui froze in fright, looked at Tang Shishi flusteredly, and asked, "Honey, what's wrong? Did I hurt you because I was too hard just now?" Since the little wild cat became pregnant, the two of them were still the first In an actual battle, every time I got up before, the little wild cat complained that he was like a bandit, and she was sore from being too hard. This time, he was also afraid of hurting the child, so he was careful and gentle during the whole process. Why did he suddenly... …

"No!" Tang Shishi felt Ling Rui's tension and nervousness, and immediately shook her head.

So Ling Rui moved again with confidence, but the movements were much more careful and gentle than before.

"Ah—don't!" As a result, Ling Rui just moved twice, and Tang Shishi screamed again.

"What's wrong?" Ling Rui was already sweating from being tormented by Tang Shishi!

"Stomach—stomach..." Tang Shishi stammered, not knowing how to express it, and finally pointed to her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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