Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 814 Go inside and say hello to the baby

Chapter 814 Go inside and say hello to the baby (4)
Bai Mo followed Wang Fengzhen into Shen's house. Somehow she used some means to make Wang Fengzhen show her face in front of Mr. Shen several times. This made Wang Fengzhen value her more and more. His son is so caring!
"Cousin, what's the matter with you?" Bai Meng looked at the softened expression on Lu Tao's face, with a faint sneering smile, and asked anxiously.

The reason why she came out with Lu Tao today was to discuss with Lu Tao and see if she could have a fake marriage, but now seeing Lu Tao like this, Bai Meng's words came to her lips, swallowed them again, and hesitated.

"Don't worry, even if you really get married, I will always be your cousin!" Lu Tao saw through Bai Meng's mind at a glance, and said directly in order to prevent her from thinking blindly.

Perhaps a fake marriage is also good. After marriage, he and Bai Meng can move out, and the two of them can do their own things. It's much more free than having a large group of people staring at them for everything they do!
"Cousin!" Bai Meng burst into tears because of Lu Tao's words.Unexpectedly, Lu Tao is still willing to help her now.

"Don't cry!" Lu Tao touched Bai Meng's head helplessly, as if to comfort a pet. This was a gesture that Bai Meng often did when he was with Bai Meng when he was a child.

"En." Bai Meng wiped away her tears and nodded vigorously.

Bai Meng didn't expect that after she and Lu Tao finished watching the movie, they would run into Xie Quan at the entrance of the movie theater, and he looked like he was waiting here specially.

"Follow me!" Xie Quan saw Bai Meng and Lu Tao coming out, stepped forward and grabbed Bai Meng's arm, and was about to take Bai Meng away!
"What are you doing? You bastard! Let me go!" Bai Meng didn't expect that Xie Quan would dare to touch her in public, and angrily waved Xie Quan's hand away, screaming.

"Let her go!" Naturally, Lu Tao couldn't let Xie Quan take Bai Meng away, so he immediately blocked Xie Quan's way.

"This is a matter between me and her, you are not qualified to talk!" Xie Quan did not sell Lu Tao's account at all, so what if Lu Tao is the second youngest of the Shen family?In the Shen family, he only recognized the elder and younger of the Shen family.

Although Bai Meng opened the cup, Xie Quan found that he liked Bai Meng more and more. He hadn't seen Bai Meng these days. The news of the family marriage is nothing less than a blockbuster to Xie Quan.It's just that Bai Meng is too tightly protected by the Bai family. He has never had the chance to meet Bai Meng and ask him face to face. Hearing that Bai Meng and Lu Tao are dating in a movie theater today, how can Xie Quan sit still?

"She is my cousin, and will soon be my fiancée. I'm not qualified, but you are?" Lu Tao looked at Xie Quan and sneered coldly.

"Fart! She is my woman! This life is mine!" Xie Quan can't hear the words of fiancee the most now, it will drive him crazy.

"Crazy! Let me go!" Bai Meng couldn't help raising his hand when he heard Xie Quan's shameless words, and slapped Xie Quan's face.

"Smelly bitch! You still dare to hit me! Look at me—" Xie Quan roared angrily, and raised his hand to slap Bai Meng's face, but when he saw Bai Meng's white stubborn face No matter how hard he slapped her face.

When Lu Tao saw that Xie Quan was about to hit Bai Meng, his face turned cold, and he punched Xie Quan, staggering Xie Quan, and then pulled Bai Meng who was trembling with fright behind him.

Xie Quan was not willing to give up, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a ferocious expression, and rushed towards Lu Tao without saying a word, and the two wrestled together at the entrance of the cinema.

"Xie Quan, stop! Bastard! Stop!" Seeing Lu Tao being brushed by Xie Quan's fist, Bai Meng cried out in distress.

Originally, Xie Quan and Lu Tao were on par with each other, and Lu Tao preemptively seized the opportunity, and did not suffer much, but because of Bai Meng's shout, Xie Quan seemed to have gone crazy, desperately facing Landing on Lu Tao's attack, Lu Tao's fists and kicks hit Xie Quan, Xie Quan seemed to be in no pain at all, and his eyes were completely red.

When two people with similar strength fight, they are most afraid of encountering someone who will die, so Lu Tao gradually loses. At the entrance of the huge movie theater, only Baimeng's terrified screams and crying can be heard, until Shen's family waits in the movie theater. The man pulled the two people apart.

In the end, under the pull of a group of people, Xie Quan reluctantly let out countless cruel words and left.

Bai Meng had lingering fears because Xie Quan stared at him when he was about to leave. Seeing Xie Quan being carried away, she quickly took out a handkerchief, and while wiping the blood from the corners of Lu Tao's mouth, she said, "Cousin, we Go to the hospital and have a look!"

"No need, just go to the pharmacy and buy some medicine!" Lu Tao took Bai Meng's handkerchief, wiped the corner of his mouth twice, and said.

"I'm sorry!" Bai Meng looked at the red and swollen marks on Lu Tao's face guiltily, and apologized.

"Fool! It's none of your business!" Lu Tao raised his hand and rubbed the top of Bai Meng's head.

After sending Bai Meng home, Lu Tao went to the pharmacy to buy some ointment, and then returned to the Shen family mansion.

It's just that when he parked the car in the garage of Shen's West Courtyard, got out of the car with the ointment, and walked towards his residence.

It's just that he had just walked a few steps when he heard the voices of a man and a woman talking from around the corner. Because the voices were so familiar, Lu Tao stopped curiously.

"Young Master, I did everything you told me. This time you can tell me who killed my mother, right?" Bai Mo deliberately lowered her voice to hide the urgency in her tone, and asked.

The reason why Bai Mo deliberately approached Wang Fengzhen was not because of Bai Xiaolan's so-called dying words, but because she wanted revenge!

When she just fell from the cloud of Miss Bai's family, she didn't accept her fate at all, but later, after so many things, Bai Mo gradually accepted the reality, but just because she accepted the reality, she became more and more Drunken and dreamy to escape from reality until Bai Xiaolan's death!

She hated Bai Xiaolan at first, but then she felt more and more that she couldn't find a reason to hate her. If it wasn't for her bad heart and limited financial ability, she would not have exchanged herself out. She would do everything It was all for her, including the unreasonable troubles and connivance towards her later, but unfortunately, when Bai Mo understood this, it was already too late. Bai Xiaolan's death made her lose her only relative in this world, and made her She really has nothing, so Bai Mo's biggest goal in life now is to avenge Bai Xiaolan!

at all costs!
Bai Mo knew that Bai Xiaolan's death had something to do with Wang Fengzhen, but she also knew that it was definitely not the work of Wang Fengzhen alone, so she approached Wang Fengzhen and used Wang Fengzhen to track down the truth and find out who was behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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