Chapter 820 Disturbed You! (1)
What should come will always come.

"Jun Zeyu! How could you treat me like this?! How could you!" Ling Yue casually grabbed a vase beside her and threw it at Jun Zeyu.

For Ling Yue, what happened to Shen He was like a bolt from the blue, and the marriage that she thought was beautiful was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds.

It turns out that for so many years, she has been living in this man's deception, this liar!big liar!
"Wife, listen to me, things are not what you think!" Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Yue so angry that he was about to faint several times, he was so frightened that he threw away the flying vase, and was about to face Ling Yue Walking over, he didn't care at all, he waved his hand so casually, and the more than 200 million vases were destroyed like this.

Shen He's life experience, in his heart, is like a huge rock, which makes him uncomfortable. He wanted to tell Ling Yue impulsively several times, but he never had a chance. Today, when he saw that child, Jun Zeyu already knew that if Ling Yue was kept hidden like this, the consequences would be disastrous!
However, as soon as Ling Yue heard that Shen He was his son, she refused to have a proper talk with him, and even refused to give him a chance to speak!

"Shut up! Jun Zeyu, shut up! Who is your wife! Don't call me like that! Don't insult me!" Ling Yue said, grabbing another object beside her, without looking at it, towards Jun Zeyu was smashed over.It's just that when Ling Yue saw clearly what she threw out, regret and nervousness flashed in her eyes, but those flashed emotions were quickly replaced by anger!

For a man who had cheated on her for so many years, what was the point of keeping them.

Jun Zeyu originally wanted to wave it away, but when he saw that what Ling Yue threw out was their [-]th wedding anniversary, he personally designed and made a wishing box for Ling Yue, and brought the one to the Dafa Temple to make a wish and consecrate it. Carefully caught it.

After seeing Jun Zeyu carefully put the wishing box on the bed, Ling Yue felt relieved, but then became even angrier, watching Jun Zeyu scold angrily: "Hypocrite! Hypocrite!"

"Old..." Jun Zeyu just wanted to call Ling Yue's wife, but under Ling Yue's sparkling stare, he obediently changed his words: "Ling Yue, things are not what you imagined, and so are I. I just found out not long ago!"

"Not long ago? Jun Zeyu, do you think I'm a fool? Let me ask you, in order to save Shen He, Kid Rui gave him a blood transfusion and almost took his own life. Is he your son?" Ling Yue sneered, but after she was furious, her thinking became clearer.

"I was also..." Jun Zeyu wanted to explain.

"Shut up! You just need to answer yes or no!" Ling Yue yelled violently, interrupting Jun Zeyu's words, she felt extremely disgusted when she heard Jun Zeyu say one more word now!
"Yes!" Under the scrutiny of Ling Yue's eyes, Jun Zeyu nodded with difficulty. It was because of that incident that he knew Shen He's identity and that he had such a big son.

"Okay! Hello! Jun Zeyu, you are really good!" Ling Yue closed her eyes angrily when she heard Jun Zeyu's words, shaking while leaning on the table beside her!

In order to save Shen He, her son almost lost his life. Although Ling Rui's original intention was not to make Shishi girl feel guilty, but now the truth is revealed, all this is a good show written and directed by Shen He Well, even if he died back then, he deserved what he deserved!
Thinking of Jun Zeyu almost killing her son for Shen He's sake, Ling Yue was so angry that she wished to beat Jun Zeyu into a pig's head.

"Ling Yue, at that time I..." When Jun Zeyu saw Ling Yue's appearance, he knew that Ling Yue was thinking about it, but Ling Yue didn't give him any chance to explain.

"Shut up!" Ling Yue shouted coldly, then looked at Jun Zeyu with cold eyes, and asked clearly: "Let me ask you again, when Shen He was recuperating in City B, you watched me talk to a fool every day Like a nanny, serving Shen He as a benefactor, cooking soup and delivering meals for him, don't you feel very happy and enjoyable? Huh? Isn't it?" Ling Yue asked.

Thinking back now, Ling Yue finally noticed something was wrong. At the beginning, this man said he was busy and never went to see Shen He with him. It took me a long time to sit and chat with Shen He in the hospital to relieve boredom, but in private, who knows how many times this man has been there?
Thinking about it, Ling Yue felt annoyed!This duplicity bastard!
"No! No! No!" Jun Zeyu couldn't bear Ling Yue to think about it anymore. He knew that Ling Yue was a smart woman, and he originally wanted to calmly explain Shen He's matter to Ling Yue. You know, just starting out, Ling Yue's brain was overwhelmed by anger and speculation. It seems that no matter how shrewd a woman is, she can't maintain a rational mind for a while when facing these things.

"Jun Zeyu, you villain! You have reached the point where you are today, and you still don't admit it!" Jun Zeyu's denial made Ling Yue even more angry, and she intuitively judged all this as Jun Zeyu wanted to Shirk and evade responsibility, wanting to continue to deceive her.

"I want to divorce you! Jun Zeyu, let's divorce!" The most unbearable thing in Ling Yue's life is betrayal!Especially when he was betrayed by his closest and most trusted person!

"You're crazy! I won't agree!" Jun Zeyu didn't expect that Ling Yue could say such heavy words, and roared in a deep voice.

divorce? !how is this possible!He will not agree!

"What's going on? Why are you going to get a divorce?!" Mrs. Ling, Tang Guoduan, and Cai Xiaofen, who were walking to the door, were shocked when they heard Ling Yue say they were going to divorce!

They had doubts about the sudden quarrel between Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu, a loving couple. What was it that was so serious that they wanted a divorce!

"Ling Yue, you are too nonsense!" The old man Ling, who had always favored Ling Yue, turned cold when he saw the mess in this room.

Although, he did not agree with the marriage between Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue at the beginning, because no matter how good Jun Zeyu is, he is also a second marriage, how can he be worthy of her beautiful and beautiful daughter?But these two people have been married for more than 30 years. Along the way, Jun Zeyu has shown his love for Ling Yue with his own practical actions. Decisively angry!
She is so old, she is going to be a grandma soon, and she is still clamoring for a divorce, messing around!

"Dad!" Ling Yue saw that the old man Ling who had always been partial to her not only refused to give her justice this time, but even scolded her. She suddenly felt that there was nowhere to express her grievances and grievances, and tears fell from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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