Chapter 868
"Girl Shishi, just take a sip." Mr. Jun stretched out his finger and gestured. Seeing that Tang Shishi still refused to return the wine glass to him, he pointed to Jun Hexi and said, "This is the first time our grandpa and grandson drink. It means a lot, you can't let me not even touch the quilt, can you? If others don't know, they think we have conflicts!"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Tang Shishi's eyes, and she glanced at Jun Hexi who was calm and calm, so under the eager gaze of Mr. Jun, she returned the wine glass to Mr. Jun, "Take a sip!"

"A small sip! Just a small sip, I promise!" Mr. Jun happily took the wine glass, as happy as a child who has been rewarded with candy, and held Jun Hexi and the two of them to talk for a while before clinking glasses.

Seeing that Mr. Jun agreed, Tang Shishi was busy greeting other guests, but she didn't care.

After Mr. Jun took a sip of the wine, he smacked his mouth flatteredly, and then started chatting with Jun Hexi again, and raised his glass to clink glasses for a drink.

Jun Hexi frowned slightly, but did not raise his glass as Mr. Jun wished.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Jun looked at Jun Hexi uncomfortably and asked.

"You can't drink any more!" Jun Hexi said, seeing Mr. Jun's blushing face again.

"Who said that! My old man knows it well, so it's no problem to have another two or three glasses!" Mr. Jun said while patting his chest, holding his wine glass.

Jun Hexi's eyebrows frowned even deeper, and he snatched Mr. Jun's wine glass, and before Mr. Jun was about to blow his beard and stare, he reminded lightly: "Shishi said it!"

The anger on Mr. Jun's face immediately turned into grievance, and he looked at himself with half a glass of white wine left unwillingly, and said, "If we don't tell her, it will be fine? This is a secret between Grandpa and you, okay? it is good?"

Jun Hexi looked at Mr. Jun who was looking at him eagerly, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while. Who would have thought that Mr. Jun, who is so majestic in front of everyone and respected by everyone, would engage in such unscrupulous tricks for half a glass of wine? up?Like a child!
"It's not negotiable!" Jun Hexi put the half glass of liquor out of Mr. Jun's reach, with a firm attitude.

Mr. Jun didn't expect Jun Hexi to be bribed so easily, and he was heartbroken!He thought that this grandson would accommodate him a little bit, but who knew it would be so difficult to talk, if he had known, he had deep feelings just now, and he would be bored with that glass of wine!

What a miscalculation!Miscalculation!

Ling Rui, who watched this scene from a distance, involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth.

Wang Yueshan wants Jun Hexi to be her next manga male number one. Ever since Jun Hexi appeared, her gaze never left him, and she watched his every move very professionally. Seeing the scene of "love" in my eyes, I couldn't help showing some envy on my face.

What a great feeling to have family!

Du Haoyang was fascinated by Wang Yueshan looking at Jun Hexi's face, fearing that she would go crazy, and in the middle of the banquet, he would use the child as an excuse to drag Wang Yueshan back to Jun's mansion.

At this time, in the Jun family's mansion, there is a wonderful life-and-death struggle going on!

Suzaku stayed to take care of Du Hengyu. On the surface, it was Ling Rui's order, but in fact it was Suzaku's own intention.

At this stage, Tang Shishi and the Jun family are matching her and Jun Haodong overtly and secretly. She is not unaware of it, but since the last incident, the young and gentle Jun family has always been kind to everyone, but only to him. She is as cold as ice, she is really a little tired, tired, a man like Jun Haodong looks easy to talk, but he is actually the most stubborn among the Jun family brothers. To have such an unrealistic dream.

Suzaku fed Du Hengyu milk powder, then put Du Hengyu on the carpet, and teased him to crawl with a toy. She looked at Du Hengyu's cute figure of bubbling and crawling around with her usually expressionless face, Uncommonly soft.

Du Hengyu crawled very fast, Suzaku couldn't bear to tease him for too long, so he gave him the little toy in his hand, who knows, the little guy didn't want it at all, but grabbed Suzaku's body, stood up unsteadily, Suzaku watched His pink and tender face was covered with sweat, and he couldn't help but wipe it off pityingly. Who knew that this little fellow would imitate Suzaku, and put that fat little paw on Suzaku's. Face, dawdling back and forth.

Suzaku looked at the drooling little guy, and suddenly found it funny, pinched his little nose, and teased: "I didn't expect to be a little pervert!"

"Little Color Embryo" was very excited to see Suzaku smiling, showing four front teeth, squinting her eyes, reaching out to reach Suzaku's ear with a stud, who knew that one of them couldn't stand still, One head was stuck in Suzaku's arms, the small head was buried in the softness of Suzaku's chest, and one small paw was placed on different places.

"Speaking of your sex, I really didn't wrong you!" Suzaku couldn't laugh or cry because of Du Hengyu's actions, but there was a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Jun Haodong, who left the table early, saw Suzaku being molested at the door of the baby room, and his brows were furrowed.

Suzaku is so keen, although she is in a relaxed state of teasing the little guy, but her years of habit made her immediately sweep towards the door in shock.

The moment they collided with Jun Haodong's eyes, both of them were shocked.

Jun Haodong looked at Suzaku, thinking how long had he not seen such a gentle smile on Suzaku's face?It has been seven years since he and Jun Mubei fell out last time, and I haven't seen him!

Suzaku almost instinctively put away the smile on his face, resumed his expressionless expression, stood up holding Du Hengyu, and shouted respectfully and distantly: "Young master!"

Jun Haodong didn't respond, Suzaku thought he would leave soon, but unexpectedly he came in unexpectedly.

"You strangled him!" Jun Haodong looked at Suzaku, who was obviously resistant to him, and reminded him coldly.

It was only then that Suzaku realized that she was subconsciously nervous and hugged the little guy in her arms too tightly. The little guy was not happy and was struggling to get down!

Suzaku will not let the little guy leave her embrace, because at this moment she feels that only by holding Du Hengyu can she cover up her irregular heartbeat.

"I——have no experience in taking care of children!" Suzaku loosened his grip a little bit, and his voice was a little low. It was very formulaic, and people couldn't hear their emotions.

This is her and Jun Haodong's usual way of getting along, even if it's the two of them...she dare not allow herself to have too many expressions.

Jun Haodong snorted coldly, he was still so servile!
Because of Jun Haodong's cold snort, Suzaku's nerves tensed up, and his attitude became more and more submissive.

(End of this chapter)

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