Chapter 882 Slapping Jun Haodong (2)
Because of Jun Haodong's words, Suzaku's eyes were full of pain and fragility. She turned her head, took a deep breath, and said, "Master, please get out!"

At this moment, Suzaku hated herself to the death, hated herself for being unable to resist his charm, after so many years, as long as he hooked his fingers, she would be bewitched by him involuntarily, and she deserved to be humiliated by him like this!
"What if I don't?" Jun Haodong's eyes were cloudy, looking at Suzaku's snow-white and graceful neck like a swan, especially seeing a red mark on her neck that was just sucked by him, it was so ambiguous, it made The heat wave in his body came back again.

Like Suzaku, Jun Haodong now hates himself very much in his heart. He hates himself for not being able to control his emotions every time he sees Suzaku. He clearly hates her in his heart but still can't help but be attracted by her, clearly reminding him over and over again I don't care about her, but when I heard Qinglong showing affection to her, I couldn't help but go crazy.

He will never admit that he is jealous, he just can't see her being kind, he can't see others being kind to her, he can't see her forgetting their past before him, that's why he made such a move, he wants to pull her with her He suffers together!
right!That's right!It must be so!
"Young Master, are you so interesting?" Suzaku turned her head and glanced at Jun Haodong. On the surface, this man always smiled harmlessly. Anyone who looked at him thought he was easy to talk to. Only she knew that he was actually Overbearing and autocratic to death.

"I said yes!" Jun Haodong narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked at Suzaku's fair, flushed face and swollen lips, and said in a deep voice.

Damn it, just looking at it like this, he has the urge to do the whole thing regardless. Is it true that he is "a pain in the ass" as that guy Ling Rui said?

"Young master, I'm not your plaything, please get out!" Suzaku was anxious, trying to suppress the moisture in his eyes, and gave the order to chase away the guests.

She knew that Jun Haodong just wanted to humiliate her severely at this moment, but she couldn't control herself just now, she was almost lost in his frivolity and plunder, and couldn't extricate herself, what a shame!

"Suzaku, you're scared!" Jun Haodong asked with a sneer, looking at Suzaku's repulsive look.

Suzaku looked away in embarrassment, shedding that level of expressionless camouflage, her emotions were always easily exposed, allowing him to see clearly.

"Yes, I'm afraid! I'm afraid that a humble little character like me will uncontrollably fall in love with the dazzling young master of the Jun family again. I'm afraid that I will be attracted to you without shame again. Being played by you in the palm of your hand, I am afraid that my poor self-esteem will be trampled on the soles of my feet by you again. I am afraid, very afraid, very afraid, so I beg you to hold your hands high and stop talking to me as a humble person. Get out!" Suzaku didn't know what was wrong, but seeing the contempt and sarcasm in Jun Haodong's eyes, she couldn't control her emotions anymore and shouted out of control.

Jun Haodong looked at Suzaku in surprise, he didn't expect Suzaku to say such a thing, but Suzaku's original confession was full of questioning in Jun Haodong's ears.

play?This is her definition of their previous relationship?So, after she left, she didn't hesitate to kill the child in her belly, right?He didn't expect that in her eyes, Jun Haodong was such a villain who played with other people's feelings?

it is good!very good!

"Damn it! I'll let you know what it means to be a tease!" Jun Haodong became mad in anger, pulled Suzaku away in a irrational manner, imprisoned her in his arms, and then violently raged Looking at her softness.

"Jun Haodong, don't think that I won't do anything to you!" Suzaku also became angry, bent her long legs, and pushed towards Jun Haodong's vulnerable parts.

"I'm looking forward to what you can do to me!" Jun Haodong's smile was cold, his two powerful legs clamped Suzaku's, turned over, pressed hard on Suzaku's body, and continued to rest his hands on her body The ruthless rage, the more violent actions.

"You bastard! Let me go!" Suzaku felt extremely humiliated, and began to resist Jun Haodong with her hands and feet. She quickly punched Jun Haodong's chin, and while he was dodging sideways, turned over, Pressing Jun Haodong under his body, it became a female-on-man-down style.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, so you like heavy tastes! It seems that you have been trained by many men! Why are you pretending to be a chaste woman?" Jun Haodong didn't mind being suppressed by Suzaku, but the words he said were extremely flattering!
Snapped!Suzaku couldn't take it anymore, waving his hand was a slap.Her hands were already strong, but just now she was irritated by Jun Haodong's words and lost control. Under the rage, she had no control at all, and one side of Jun Haodong's face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After the slap, both of them were stunned. Jun Haodong's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and there were waves roaring in his eyes, while Suzaku, feeling the pain from his palm, looked at Jun Haodong. Hao Dong showed a trace of panic and heartache on his face, but bit his lip stubbornly and did not speak.

There was a sweet and viscous liquid in the mouth, Jun Haodong wiped it with his fingertips, and then looked at the glaring scarlet, Jun Haodong laughed out loud.

"I—" Suzaku heard Jun Haodong's laughter, feeling extremely flustered, especially the despair in Jun Haodong's eyes made her eyes hurt, "You forced me!" Suzaku really wanted to cover her eyes. Jun Haodong's mouth told him not to laugh, because his laughter at the moment sounded heart-wrenching, but she couldn't hold back her face.

Who told him to say that about her?She has only had him as a man from beginning to end!

"Yes! I asked for it! I asked for everything!" Jun Haodong suddenly pushed Suzaku away forcefully, got up and got out of bed, and left like a gust of wind!
The deafening sound of closing the door caused Suzaku's heart to shrink for a while. She was powerless and lay on her back on the bed, staring blankly at the roof, and shed tears.

She regretted beating him, thinking of the unbelievable and hurt look in his eyes, she felt terribly uncomfortable, wishing to chop off her own hands.

This time, it's really all over between them!

Suzaku pulled the quilt and hugged her in her arms, curled up into a ball, desperately suppressed the sobs that were about to jump out of her throat, and silently swallowed those hot tears.

Jun Haodong came out of Suzaku's room in embarrassment, and met Ling Rui and Tang Shishi who were coming out of their love, and it was too late for him to escape.

"Brother! What's wrong with you?" Tang Shishi exclaimed, and Grandpa Jun and Jun Hexi who were playing chess in the study were also startled and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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