Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 905 Hold on to me if you have any opinions!

Chapter 905 Hold on to me if you have any opinions! (1)
"Ji Jing!" Wang Yueshan was taken aback. She just saw that Ji Jing's face was red and pale, and she felt something was wrong. Who knew that she had been trying to hold on.

Wang Yueshan quickly paddled the water and walked towards Ji Jing, but someone was one step faster than her and jumped directly into the pool to fish Ji Jing out of the water.

Du Haoyang and Fang Ziming looked at Tang Yu who had crossed the screen, and then smiled at each other. Both of them continued to drink tea as expected.

"Ji Jing, what's the matter with you? How are you? Wake up! Don't scare me!" Wang Yueshan looked at Ji Jing's pale face for a moment, and panicked, her voice was a little crying, just like the arrogant one just now. The arrogant appearance is like two different people, she is really worried about Ji Jing.

"Woman! Wake up! Wake up! Damn it! Wake up!" Tang Yu was more restless than Wang Yueshan. He shook the doll-like Ji Jing who seemed lifeless in his arms, and roared .

"Go away! You stinky pervert! You want to torture her to death, you!" Seeing Ji Jing in a coma frowning in pain, Wang Yueshan couldn't stand it anymore, and pushed Tang Yu hard.

Tang Yu slipped in the water and staggered against the stone wall behind him. Holding Ji Jing's body tightly, he roared at Wang Yueshan, "Get out!" At this moment, Tang Yu was like a murderous maniac, With red eyes, Wang Yueshan shivered in fright, feeling that the water in the hot spring had cooled down. At this moment, she had no doubt that Tang Yu would really kill her.

"You're like this, she feels bad!" Although she was very scared, Wang Yueshan couldn't help reminding her.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Although Tang Yu still didn't give Wang Yueshan a good face, but the strength of holding Ji Jing was a little loose, and with two arms, a princess hugged Ji Jing and carried him ashore.

"What's going on?" Fang Ziming didn't expect that just soaking in a hot spring would almost kill him. Seeing Tang Yu walking out from behind the screen holding the unconscious Ji Jing, Fang Ziming immediately asked with concern.

"I don't know, go drive and go to the hospital right away!" Tang Yu said anxiously, as soon as he saw Ji Jing's bloodless little face, he wanted to kill someone.

"Come with me!" It was so troublesome to run to the hospital, he knew that there were medical experts in the gold powder, so he led Tang Yu directly to the seventh floor of the gold powder.

Du Haoyang watched Tang Yu and Ji Jing, the quarrelsome couple finally leave, and thought that he could finally go back and continue to take a bath with Wang Yueshan. Who knows, Wang Yueshan was worried about Ji Jing, and insisted on following him to see , so he and Wang Yueshan changed their clothes and led her up to the seventh floor.

Bai Lan was the only one left in the huge hot spring pool. She had nowhere to vent her pent-up anger today. Just now, Tang Yu's nervousness towards Ji Jing made her eyes hurt. She knew that she was being used by someone today. Well, so many people are treating her like a monkey, it's really deceiving!However, after Bai Lan adjusted herself for a while, she attributed all the faults to Wang Yueshan, and faint sparks flickered in her eyes!
Just wait and see!
Because Jiang Fei and Liang Yue were shy, they chose a pool that was far away, so they knew nothing about the situation on Wang Yueshan's side, but Jun Haodong and Suzaku clearly heard the movement outside. But still unmoved.

"Brother Dong, why don't we go out and have a look too?" Suzaku asked softly as she slumped under Jun Haodong's body, her voice seemed to be asking for instructions.

"Little Queer, concentrate! We can just take care of ourselves!" Jun Haodong replied while galloping.

So Suzaku devoted himself obediently and continued to bloom under Jun Haodong.

Jun Haodong is very satisfied with Suzaku's subconscious obedience, and is very disdainful of Tang Yu's troubles!Even when he had the worst fight with Xiao Que'er, he never gave up Xiao Que'er to others to play with. This Tang Yu simply owed a lesson and deserved no sympathy.

Besides, Tang Yu put Ji Jing on the bed, watched a so-called doctor called by Fang Ziming treat Ji Jing, and saw the man put his finger on Ji Jing's wrist, as if he was feeling his pulse, he finally endured. He couldn't help asking with a cold face: "Are you sure this person is reliable?"

"Your question is very unreasonable!" Fang Zi took a look at Tang Yu and said, "The ghost doctor's apprentices are unreliable, and those people in the city hospital should all lose their jobs!"

Tang Yu's name as a ghost doctor was like a thunderbolt, and he felt relieved when Fang Ziming said that the man was Yun Mo's apprentice.

"How is she?" As soon as Wang Yueshan entered the door, she saw Su Jinyang cutting Ji Jing's pulse, and she didn't find anything wrong. She just saw that Ji Jing hadn't woken up yet, so she asked worriedly.

"Keep your voice down, don't you see that there are patients here?" Tang Yu gave Wang Yueshan a disapproving look. The woman's loud voice made him feel really noisy!
"Hehe! Are you caring about her? Didn't I see it? Tsk tsk! It's so weird! Why did you go? Don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful! She is like this now, not all of them Thank you!" Wang Yueshan was furious when she thought of Tang Yu's bad attitude towards Ji Jing.

"This is a matter between me and her, you don't care about it!" Tang Yu said coldly, then turned his head and asked Su Jinyang: "What happened to her?"

"Crazy!" Wang Yueshan cursed in a low voice, then looked at Su Jinyang with worry in her eyes.

"Congratulations, she is pregnant!" Su Jinyang looked at Tang Yu with a anxious face, and said with a smile.

Su Jinyang just saw that Tang Yu was very concerned about Ji Jing's body, so he took it for granted that Ji Jing's pregnancy was good news, but he didn't know that his words struck Tang Yu's heart like a thunderbolt.

"Pregnant? Are you sure?!" Tang Yu grabbed Su Jinyang's clothes and asked eagerly.

"Sure and sure! She is less than two months pregnant, but her pulse is a little weak, and her body is in a big deficit at this stage, and she needs to be recuperated, otherwise it will be easy to miscarry!" Su Jinyang looked at Tang Yu in surprise. Didn't expect the expected surprise for the father-to-be?

Could it be that he was happy to be stupid?Or——I got the wrong person?

"Less than two months?!" Tang Yu narrowed his eyes after hearing Su Jinyang's words, his face was completely violent, he loosened Su Jinyang's clothes, looked sideways at Ji Jing on the bed, and saw her His eyelids trembled slightly, he pushed Su Jinyang away, walked up to Ji Jing, looked down at her, his hands clenched into fists, and his joints creaked.

"Sure enough, it's crazy, it's not normal!" Wang Yueshan couldn't see the expression on Tang Yu's face, so she mistakenly thought that Tang Yu was crazy because of the sudden arrival of the child, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan into his arms, and signaled Wang Yueshan not to speak with his eyes. He noticed that Tang Yu's expression was very strange. When he thought of Ji Jing and Tang Yu's divorce, he couldn't help frowning. It turned out that it was not only because of Two people have different personalities, and there are hidden secrets!
(End of this chapter)

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