Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 919 Yueshan's bad taste!

Chapter 919 Yueshan's bad taste! (1)
Wang Yueshan's small mouth was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"Shut up!" Leng Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Wang Yueshan!

"Go on! Sister-in-law, go on!" Su Jinyang and Fang Ziming stopped Leng Ye firmly, and encouraged Wang Yueshan excitedly.

Leng Ye and Du Haoyang discovered that Tang Yu frowned after hearing Wang Yueshan's words. Although his expression was painful, it showed that his consciousness was awakening, which was a good sign.

"Tang Yu, a woman as good as Ji Jing, if you miss this village, you won't have this shop, but you look like a living dead, I advise you, don't daydream about Ji Jing, Ji Jing She is so beautiful, just wave her hand, and there will be a lot of men holding her in their palms, all of them are better than you!" Wang Yueshan snorted heavily.

"Die! What are you talking nonsense?!" Leng Ye saw that Tang Yu's face, which had just regained some vitality, was suddenly dead silent, and couldn't help but roared at Wang Yueshan.

"Honey, change the angle!" Du Haoyang stepped forward to put his arms around Wang Yueshan, gave Leng Ye a dissatisfied look, and then said softly to Wang Yueshan.

Wang Yueshan gritted her teeth, took a deep breath and said, "It seems that I can only show my housekeeping skills that are not passed on by the Wang family!"

"Hurry up!" Leng Ye anxiously urged Wang Yueshan, who was looking at the prankster.

"Tang Yu, to tell you the truth, Ji Jing told me a few days ago that she--hmm!" Wang Yueshan drew a long voice, raising the appetite of everyone, but hesitating lightly Said a few ambiguous words.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Leng Ye yelled at Wang Yueshan impatiently.

"This is the little secret that Ji Jing told me. Of course I can't let you hear it. I can only tell Tang Yu alone!" Wang Yueshan gave Leng Ye a blank look, then leaned closer to Tang Yu's ear and said, "Tang Yu, Listen up! I'll just say it once, if you can't hear clearly, it's none of my business!"

Wang Yueshan glanced at Tang Yu's furrowed brows, then cleared her throat, and said, "Ji Jing told me, she—um—you!" The words passed vaguely.

Leng Ye's face was extremely ugly, but Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang tried their best to hold back their laughter.

After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she looked at Tang Yu's trembling eyebrows, and started to shout again: "Oh! I'm so sleepy! I've already brought the words, you can figure it out, I'm going home to sleep! Bye bye!"

After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she stretched her waist in an extremely inelegant manner, and when she turned to leave, she was suddenly held by a hand.

The sound of breathing in the surroundings kept coming and going, and before Wang Yueshan could turn around, she heard a weak and hoarse voice asking, "What did she say?"

Wang Yueshan let out an almost inaudible breath, and suddenly felt that the hand holding her arm was extremely heavy. She turned around slowly, and looked at Tang Yu's haggard eyes, with an indescribable eagerness in her weakness. What's the matter, she looks a little pleasing to Tang Yu now.

"Actually, I lied to you!" Wang Yueshan said honestly.

Tang Yu closed his eyes slightly because of the injury, and a trace of sarcasm could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth, he knew it was like this.

Leng Ye and Fang Ziming rolled their eyes in silence, if it wasn't for Du Haoyang's face, they really wanted to shoot Wang Yueshan away!
Is there such a heartless person!Is there? !
Du Haoyang rubbed his nose disheartened under his friend's glaring gaze, and then stared back at those unfriendly eyes one by one, she is honest as a woman!
Honestly, do you understand? !
Wang Yueshan also noticed the weirdness of the atmosphere, especially the fragility on Tang Yu's face, which made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she quickly made up for it: "She didn't say, but do you all have eyes for display? She likes you, tell me The dung beetle on the bald head is so obvious, none of you can see it?" Wang Yueshan still used Wang Yueshan's unique tone of contempt for Tang Yu!
A dung beetle on a bald head?

Fang Ziming and Leng Ye looked at Wang Yueshan like a monster, could this woman be any more vulgar?

"Get out!" Tang Yu's eyebrows could pinch mosquitoes to death, and coldly ordered Wang Yueshan to drive away.

"Hey! Don't be ignorant of good and bad, you!" Wang Yueshan yelled at the top of her voice when she was crushed by Tang Yu's unfriendly attitude just after she had a slight liking for Tang Yu.

"Get out!" Seeing that Tang Yu was showing signs of getting angry, Leng Ye walked up to Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang, and said in a deep voice.

"You—the bastard who crossed the river and demolished the bridge!" Wang Yueshan was so angry that she almost jumped!After all, she helped them a lot, but after these people took advantage of her, she turned her face and turned her back, it's so hateful!

"I'd like to be here as an aunt! I won't come if you invite me in eight palanquins in the future! Husband, go!" Wang Yueshan ignored the cold light in Leng Ye's eyes, pouted her neck arrogantly, and said to Du Haoyang.

Du Haoyang smiled, glanced at Tang Yu and Leng Ye, nodded to Fang Ziming knowingly, and left with Wang Yueshan.

"Tang Yu is so hateful! No wonder Ji Jing wants to leave him, who can stay with such an awkward guy all day? Isn't this self-torture!" Wang Yueshan walked out of Tang Yu's room, muttering indignantly all the way , stepped on very hard, as if he had a grudge against the floor.

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's childish side and smiled helplessly.

"Butler Tang, what's the matter with you?" The servant looked at the old butler of Tang's house standing at the door as if he had been petrified, his eyes were dull, as if he had been struck by lightning, and asked worriedly.

Butler Tang's status in the family was second only to Tang Yu, and even Tang Yu respected him, so the servant was naturally very concerned about the old butler's situation.

"Xiaozhi, I saw my wife!" Tang Butler said to himself when he came back to his senses after being called by the servant named Xiaozhi.

"Ma'am? Where?" Xiaozhi immediately followed Tang Butler's eyes excitedly when he heard Tang Butler's words, but apart from the two blurred backs of a man and a woman, where was the figure of Madam?

"Not at all! Tang Butler, are you dazzled?" Xiaozhi looked at Tang Butler's weather-beaten face with some disappointment and said.

"Dizziness?" Tang Butler murmured, "Maybe it's really my eyesight!" Back then, he watched his wife being humiliated and committed suicide by biting her tongue. Even if she was alive, she couldn't be so young. A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and then he grabbed Xiaozhi's arm excitedly and asked, "Xiaozhi, who are those two people who just left?"

"I heard it's the young master of the Du family and his wife." Xiaozhi was a little confused by the suddenly excited Tang Steward, but he still said the truth.

"The Du's kid's wife? How old is she? What's her name? Who are her parents?" Tang Butler asked eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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