Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 925 Wretched Uncle?Recognize relatives!

Chapter 925 Wretched Uncle?Recognize relatives! (2)
Wang Yueshan couldn't help but worship her mighty and unyielding heroism!

"Ah! You old rascal! What are you doing? Wretched! Dirty! Obscene!" When Wang Yueshan opened her eyes triumphantly, what she saw was Tang Butler holding her little feet and stroking her. Trembling, he kicked Butler Tang away, jumped up from the sofa, and slapped Tang Yu hard.

"Crazy! What are you doing!" Tang Yu was bewildered by Tang Butler's actions. He didn't expect that Wang Yueshan would dare to attack him suddenly, and slapped Wang Yueshan in the face!

Being slapped by a woman in front of so many people, Tang Yu's face turned dark as one can imagine, but this was not what made him the most angry. What made Tang Yu even more angry was that Wang Yueshan kicked him hard. Butler Tang kicked!
Although Steward Tang is the housekeeper of the Tang residence, everyone in the Tang family knows that Tang Yu respects Steward Tang just as he respects his father. Therefore, he wants to pinch Wang Yueshan to death now that the old and new accounts are settled together!

"Tang Yu, you bastard bastard! You dare to let someone molested me, you wait, I warn you, you are dead! I, Wang Yueshan, will not avenge this, I swear not..." Human!Wang Yueshan didn't care if Tang Yu had a face full of ashes, she was even more angry than Tang Yu at the moment, and she was furious!Damn!This time, she got married with this guy!

obscene? !Everyone was horrified by the words that popped out of Wang Yueshan's mouth, especially Tang Butler, whose expression at the moment was a bit dumbfounding. Although he was old, he was also handsome, and he couldn't match the word obscenity at all. ?
"Miss! Miss, you misunderstood!" Tang Butler hurriedly grabbed Wang Yueshan's arm and stopped him before Wang Yueshan could finish speaking.Let this girl go on talking, maybe some words will come out of her little mouth, he is an old man, so don't test your mental endurance!

But this girl, the eldest lady can't be wrong, this temperament is exactly the same as the madam back then!Tang Butler looked at Wang Yueshan, so happy that he didn't know what to say!

"What a misunderstanding! What a misunderstanding!" Wang Yueshan became angry, and she didn't sell anyone's account. She looked like she was going to kill someone, and her words were very rude, and she looked like a gangster!
But the more Wang Yueshan was like this, the happier Tang Butler was, like!It's so similar!This eldest lady is just like the madam when she was young!

"God has eyes! God has eyes!" Tang Butler sighed happily, and the corners of his eyes were moist again.

Wang Yueshan threw off Tang Butler's arm, and was about to scold Tang Butler for being crazy, but when she turned around, she saw the tears in the corner of Tang Butler's eyes, and stopped her mouth. Common sense!
"Uncle Tang, what's going on?" Tang Yu asked puzzledly at Tang Butler, who rarely lost his composure.

"Young master, she is your own sister!" Tang Butler's excited eyes moved between Tang Yu and Wang Yueshan, and his voice trembled.

"Impossible! I don't have such a nosy sister!"

"Nonsense! I don't have such an inhuman brother!"

After Tang Butler's words fell, Tang Yu and Wang Yueshan did not stage a tearful confession scene. Instead, they looked at each other and complained together. The eyes of the two people shot fierce light, and everyone seemed to hear the sound of intense electric current in the air. Collision, fighting, sparks crackling!

"Young Master, Missy, this is absolutely true. My old man dares to guarantee it with his head!" Seeing that the two of them did not believe it, Tang Steward was furious, and immediately patted his chest to assure him.



Tang Yu and Wang Yueshan probably stared so hard, they snorted coldly and turned their faces away together.

Standing aside, Leng Ye doubted how true the man and woman were brother and sister at first, but after hearing the cold snorts of the two, even the last trace of doubt disappeared!

Now who told him that these two are not brother and sister, he would not believe it even if he was killed. Look at the virtues of these two, what is it if they are not a family? !

"Uncle Tang, are you so sure that she is my sister?" Tang Yu glanced at Wang Yueshan, not hiding his doubts about Wang Yueshan. After searching for more than 20 years, he couldn't find the person. Tang Yu couldn't accept that he suddenly appeared and stood in front of him, not to mention that this person was Wang Yueshan who was always against him!

"That's right! Old man, you can see clearly with your eyes wide open. Although there are very few beauties like me in today's society who are as beautiful as a flower, loved by everyone, and with a chivalrous heart, but don't fantasize about me just because I am too good. It's so unreliable to connect me with such a cold-blooded, ruthless, bad-tempered, vicious and vicious person!" Wang Yueshan finished the long series of words in one breath, without pause.

"You can't be wrong! You can't be wrong! You and our wife look exactly the same when you were young, and you have the same temperament!" Tang Butler laughed happily when he heard Wang Yueshan's words. Back then, his wife always flaunted herself. Chivalrous and soft-hearted, she always likes to be chivalrous and righteous. Unexpectedly, this eldest lady has inherited ten percent of his wife's temper!

After hearing Wang Yueshan's derogatory words about him, Tang Yu frowned so much that he could kill mosquitoes, but after hearing Tang Butler's words, he couldn't help but look at Wang Yueshan carefully.When he was three years old, he saw his father die with his own eyes, and his mother and sister were insulted and died in front of him one after another. On the night of the accident, his house was completely burned down, and there was no photo of his parents and sister left. Therefore, he has a general vagueness about the family's appearance based on Tang Butler's description. Outlines are not detailed.

Now hearing Tang Butler say that Wang Yueshan looks exactly like his mother when she was young, and even has the same temperament, he couldn't help but get excited, and the look in Wang Yueshan's eyes also had a trace of burning heat.

"Cut! There are too many people who look alike and have no blood relationship in this world. Besides, there are even more people with the same temper. I am not your eldest lady!" Wang Yueshan noticed Tang Yu's eyes changed. Although she was also very excited, she put on airs arrogantly when she remembered that Tang Yu was scratching the soles of her feet before and almost tickled her to death!
So what if it's my brother?She hasn't even forgiven him yet!Is there such a ruthless brother?snort!

"Not only that, but the birthmark on your foot can also show that you are the eldest lady!" Seeing that Wang Yueshan did not intend to recognize each other, Tang Butler immediately panicked. He finally found the eldest lady, and he must let her recognize her. When the ancestor returns to the clan, it is best to recruit a son-in-law or something, and then give birth to a few children, so that the Tang family will also flourish. Otherwise, he does not know when he will be able to see children in his life!

(End of this chapter)

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