Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 948 Pretending to be a smart 2-person!

Chapter 948 Pretending to be a smart bastard! (2)
"Don't worry, just stay here tonight, I've already had the guest room cleaned up!" Seeing that Wang Yueshan was dissatisfied, Tang Yu immediately came up to help.

"You—" Wang Yueshan died in embarrassment!Where she lives is a trivial matter. What she is worried about now is that her father-in-law will feel uncomfortable when he is drunk, okay?
"Is there something you guys are hiding from me?" Wang Yueshan was not an idiot in the first place, but today these people collectively went out of order, and she vaguely felt that something must have happened. Thinking about it this way, she felt extremely uneasy.

"The present world is stable, what can happen?" Tang Yu knew that Du Haoyang could not let Du Haoyang say this, so he took Wang Yueshan's words very loyally.

Du Haoyang gave Tang Yu a small look gratefully. Not to mention, Tang Yu is a good brother-in-law, and he is really competent.

"Don't fool me! You really think I'm stupid!" Wang Yueshan turned cold with anger, and Du Haoyang's silence made her more sure of her guess.

"You're not stupid, you're just comparing four!" Tang Yu gave Wang Yueshan an angry look.

"Hey! What do you mean?" Although Wang Yueshan didn't quite understand what Tang Yu meant by the four, her intuition told her that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Besides two is still two, minus two is still two, it's really two plus two, and it's twice as much as two, what is it if it's not four?" Tang Yu looked at Wang Yueshan's swollen face with a terrified smile.

"Tang Yu, don't think that you are my elder brother, I will let you go, and dare not do anything to you! Also, don't think that you can change the subject by doing this, you smart bastard!" Wang Yueshan roared angrily. He yelled at Tang Yu, and seeing Tang Yu's sudden change of expression after the yelling, he felt very proud, and then smiled sinisterly at Du Haoyang: "Are you going to confess and be lenient, or are you going to resist strictness?" ?”

"Honey, let's find a place with a good atmosphere and a good environment to talk about it slowly, okay?" Du Haoyang winked at Wang Yueshan pointingly.

This chick didn't know that the Lion's Roar just now had already become the focus of the audience.

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Sheng and Tang Butler, who were pushing cups and changing cups, and looked at her in a daze. Only then did she feel that she had lost her composure just now, and forced a blunt smile at the two elders in embarrassment, then turned her head In a place where everyone can't see, he gave Tang Yu a "sinister" look in return.

Tang Yu smiled coquettishly at Wang Yueshan as if nothing had happened, with naked provocation in his eyes.

Wang Yueshan gritted her teeth unwillingly, rolled her eyes, and strongly resisted the urge to stomp on Tang Yu's face!
Damn!Obviously they are brothers and sisters, but what Mao has inherited are all the excellent genes of his parents, he looks better than himself, his brain is easier to use than himself, and the most important thing is that he has a good kung fu that she can't envy!Compared with this guy, I always have a genetic mutation, and I feel like I have grown up crooked!
Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's swollen face, gave Tang Yu a moderate look, and while serving Wang Yueshan some food, he said to Wang Yueshan in a voice that only two people could hear: "Honey, I choose to resist strictness, whip It's all ready for you, eat more, and I will be punished physically!" After speaking, he still did not forget to give Wang Yueshan a lewd look.

Wang Yueshan kicked Du Haoyang's leg vigorously under the table, then gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Tonight, you are dead!"

Du Haoyang smiled brightly for a moment.

Tang Yu watched the interaction between his brother-in-law and his sister, with a gentle smile on his face, but he felt a little lost in his heart, if that woman was there...

These days, he forced himself not to think about that cruel and ruthless woman, but inadvertently, her image would always appear in his mind. He was really poisoned by that woman!
However, the passionate night of SM that Du Haoyang was looking forward to was ruined by an unexpected phone call.

Just after dinner, Du Haoyang received a call from Du Haoze. At this time, he was sitting in the living room with Wang Yueshan in his arms, discussing the wedding with the family. Both families expressed their opinions, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Du Haoyang looked at the caller ID, and then at the excited little woman in his arms. After a second of hesitation, he still chose to answer the phone.

Du Haoze is not a person who just looks for trouble. He called at this time, there must be something important. Although Du Haoyang thinks that the important things in Du Haoze's eyes are not worth mentioning in his eyes, but since he knew After learning about Du Haoze's background, Du Haoyang didn't know why, but his hostility towards Du Haoze was not as great as before. He interpreted his change of mood as sympathy. Speaking of which, Du Haoze was indeed quite sad!Actually, it's mainly because Du Haoze is not his father's seed!

"what's up?"

"Du Haoyang, where did you get my mother?" Du Haoze's voice sounded urgent, with a feeling of being overwhelmed.

"I'm not interested in your mother!" Du Haoyang replied forcefully, but successfully attracted the attention of everyone in the living room.

"Hey! Another person who came to recognize relatives?" Tang Yu joked bluntly.It was really joyful when Zhao Jie came to the door with a big belly, Tang Yu couldn't forget it even if he wanted to!

Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan's waist tightly as if possessive, and then gave Tang Yu a provocative look.

"It's really not you?" Du Haoze originally didn't want to call Du Haoyang on Du Haoyang's head, but Cao Xinru's spirit fluctuated during the past few days in the hospital. Still hiding in the corner and watching everyone vigilantly, he often shouted Du Sheng's name, and then kept kowtowing to Du Haoyang begging for mercy, causing Du Haoze a headache.

Today he just went out and had a phone call with Lu Tao and the two of them. The two chatted for a while, but when they returned to the ward, they found that Cao Xinru was gone. Impatient, thinking of what Cao Xinru often said in a trance, she couldn't help calling Du Haoyang.

"Do you think she is worth my energy to spend on her now?" Du Haoyang snorted coldly.

"So—I'm sorry! I'm too impatient! She's not in good spirits, I—you have a lot of contacts in City B, can you help me find them?" Du Haoze said with some difficulty.

"You think I'm so kind?" Du Haoyang said sarcastically!

Cao Xinru's path was paved by him, and he didn't have so much sympathy.

"You—forget it! I'll look for it again!" Du Haoze also felt that it was ridiculous for him to ask Du Haoyang for help. He and Cao Xinru had always been at odds with each other, so how could they be willing to help?
(End of this chapter)

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