Chapter 954 Double Happiness (1)
"Bullshit fun, get up, let's go home!" Wang Yueshan said with difficulty pushing against Du Haoyang's fiery chest.

"We'll talk when we're full first!" Du Haoyang made up his mind, he wouldn't give Wang Yueshan a chance to escape, so he forced her into the car and ate it up.

After the lingering aftermath of the two people's passion had passed, the disheveled Wang Yueshan inadvertently swept the cowhide belt that Du Haoze gave him into the car when she was arranging her clothes. She picked up the cowhide belt, opened it curiously, and after a while After that, I heard a roar from inside the Bugatti.

"Oh my god! Du Haoyang, I'm rich!"

The kraft paper bag that Du Haoze gave to Wang Yueshan contained a share transfer agreement. Du Haoze donated all 40.00% of Du's shares he owned to Wang Yueshan. As long as Wang Yueshan signed her name with a swipe of a pen, then , Wang Yueshan will immediately become a person who owns nearly half of the Du family!

No wonder Wang Yueshan was so surprised!

"Wife, can you make a difference?" Du Haoyang squeezed Wang Yueshan's chest speechlessly, then frowned under Wang Yueshan's painful and protesting eyes and said: "I am yours, and Du's little money is worthless." Fortunately, you still see it!"

"What petty money? Du Haoyang, be careful that you blow the cowhide!" Wang Yueshan couldn't help but click her tongue when she thought of the Du's dividend bank card that her father-in-law Du Sheng gave her some time ago. Is more than a billion dollars considered small money?

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yueshan suddenly felt that the thin sheets of paper in her hand became a little heavy.

"Hmph!" Du Haoyang snorted displeasedly, he was too lazy to explain to this woman.

"Oh! Not good!" Wang Yueshan suddenly screamed again.

"Honey, can we calm down a bit, isn't it just to buy shares? If you like, I'll give you all that I have, which is only a lot more than Du Haoze's!" Du Haoyang couldn't take it anymore and turned Wang Yueshan's hair into a chicken coop.

"That's not what I'm talking about at all! Haoyang, let's go back quickly, it's too bad! That guy Du Haoze can't think about doing something stupid, right? That's too bad!" Wang Yueshan shook Du Haoyang's arm anxiously and urged: "Hurry up!" Click on the car! Hurry up!"

"Pfft!" After listening to Wang Yueshan's words, Du Haoyang couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Wang Yueshan's anxious look. He hugged Wang Yueshan in his arms, and regardless of Wang Yueshan's struggle and resistance, he bullied Wang Yueshan fiercely. His lips raged like a storm for a long time, until Wang Yueshan hooked his neck involuntarily from resistance, and Du Haoyang let her go after her body limp like a ball of catkins.

"Don't worry, he's not that fragile!" Without waiting for Wang Yueshan to get angry, Du Haoyang said lightly, with unquestionable affirmation in his tone.

"It's really all right?" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang suspiciously, "But why did he give me all the shares?"

Du Haoze suffered such a big blow, Mr. Du was imprisoned, and Cao Xinru was a dying person. He gave all the assets in his hands to himself. Didn't he want to explain what happened next?The more Wang Yueshan thought about it, the more flustered and uneasy she became.

"What's wrong with giving it to you? Could it be that you still want him to give it to me?" Du Haoyang asked amusedly, but there was a strange flash of light in that smile, and he cursed bitterly in his heart: Du Haoze, that stinky fox!The abacus beads are really good!
Du Haoze gave the shares in his hand to Wang Yueshan because he expected that Wang Yueshan would leave them to Du Hengyu in the future, and if these shares were directly given to Du Hengyu, he was worried that Du Haoyang would take advantage of them and embezzle the shares, so what else? Is it safer than putting it in Wang Yueshan's hands?Not only can he leave an asset for his son, but at the same time he can take precautions against himself. If Wang Yueshan wants to leave him one day, he can have a way out and live a worry-free life. This Du Haoze is really fucking thoughtful.

The heart of a villain!Du Haoyang snorted coldly with disdain.

"But I always feel a little uneasy!" Wang Yueshan said with a heavy heart.

"What he owes you can't be made up with just a few broken shares." Du Haoyang pecked Wang Yueshan's lips and said, "Take it away, and save it for future dowry for our little Hengyu!"

"Go, go! Xiao Hengyu is marrying a wife, not a man!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang an annoyed look, thinking of Du Hengyu, she was concerned, and her face showed some relief.

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's small face that couldn't hide anything, and couldn't help but sucked on her mouth again.

"Stop coming, your lips are swollen! It hurts!" Wang Yueshan pushed Du Haoyang's body and said coquettishly.

"Where does it hurt? I'll disinfect it for you!" Du Haoyang smiled evilly and rascally, and coaxed Wang Yueshan under him again.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the day of Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang's wedding arrived.

"Yueshan, your wedding dress is so beautiful!" Tang Shishi looked at the fiery red wedding dress on the bed, her eyes flashed in amazement.

"Yes! It's so beautiful! I want a Chinese wedding too!" Jun Nuanxin watched Wang Yueshan caressing the phoenix crown and Xiapei on the bed, as if she was touching a magnificent dream.

"No! It's really enviable!" Liang Yue also sighed sincerely.

"Haoyang prepared it." Wang Yueshan, who was being besieged by makeup artists, listened to her friends, and rarely had a bit of a shy little girl's attitude, "Warm heart, if you like it, let Quan Shaobai give you a Chinese wedding That’s it, you two haven’t had a wedding yet anyway.”

After Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai received their certificates, the wedding has never been held. Because of the death of Mrs. Bai, their wedding will not be held until the first anniversary of Mrs. Bai's death.

"We're still early!" Thinking of Quan Shaobai, Jun Nuanxin smiled a bit shyly. When that guy heard that Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan were going to hold a wedding, these days he tossed her a lot, and in the name of guilt, almost every night To be the bridegroom officer!

"I really can't tell that Du Haoyang's philandering exterior actually has a kind of love!" Tang Shishi couldn't help sighing when she saw her friend's shy little face, which was as gorgeous as a peach or plum.

"This is called fate! Du Haoyang, it was because fate didn't come before, and he never met the right person. When he met our family, Yueshan, he obediently bowed his head and surrendered!" Jun Nuanxin said with a smile.

"I can testify to this! Du Haoyang is so good in front of our family, Yueshan!" Liang Yue couldn't help but joke.She and Wang Yueshan often meet each other, what she said is absolutely true.

"That's it!" Wang Yueshan was no longer coy after being told by her good sister, she was so proud that she couldn't hide her smile.

"Really listen to Yueshan like that? The groom will come to pick him up later, so I have to test it out!" Jun Nuanxin pretended to be skeptical, and gave Tang Shishi a mischievous wink.

"I'm also a little worried! Yueshan is my best friend, so I must take this opportunity to try and test Du Haoyang!" Tang Shishi cooperated with Jun Nuanxin's words, as if she was duty-bound.

(End of this chapter)

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