Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 962 Who's right about feelings?

Chapter 962 Who's right about feelings? (two more) (3)
Su Jinyang is an excellent man in all aspects, and he is also an excellent doctor. It stands to reason that such a man is impeccable, but she just doesn't call Su Jinyang, so love is really something that people can't control .

Probably because Su Mianmian's attitude was sincere enough, after Jun Hexi pondered for a moment, there was a seemingly insignificant "um", but Su Mianmian couldn't figure out what Jun Hexi's voice meant.

"Third Young Master, if you don't have any problems, can I leave? I'm going to take Su Jin to the amusement park today." Seeing that Jun Hexi was silent again, Su Mianmian offered to leave.

"Together." Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian, and after confirming that what she said was not a lie, she suddenly said.

Ga?Su Mianmian was stunned, and looked at the man in front of her in bewilderment.what does he mean?
Jun Hexi took a few steps forward, and found that the people behind him hadn't followed up, so he turned around and looked at Su Mianmian, who was still in a daze, and urged, "Didn't you mean you were in a hurry?"

"Well, Third Young Master...I..." Su Mianmian's head was covered with black lines, could it be that this master is used to playing cards uneasy?He actually wants to go to the amusement park with him?
"Say!" Jun Hexi looked at Su Mianmian who was hesitating, his voice was slightly cold.

He wants to accompany his son to the amusement park, what's the problem?
Jun Hexi did not deny that he was shocked by Su Jin's sudden arrival at first, but after the shock, he quickly accepted it. Since he was young, he did not enjoy the love of his father and the warmth of a normal family, so he cherished this very much. This is the first opportunity to be a father. He doesn't want his children to grow up in an environment that lacks love just like himself. Although he is three years late, fortunately, there is still a lot of time to make up for it, isn't it?
It's just that Su Mianmian's attitude made him unhappy. What is this woman doing?reject?Does she have the right and qualification to refuse?

"Third Young Master, I'm afraid it's inconvenient today! If you want to see the child, can you do it next time?" Su Mianmian knew very well that even if Jun Hexi and the Jun family didn't compete with her for the custody of the child, she couldn't stop her Jun Hexi and Jun's family visit the child.

It's just that it's really inconvenient today. She is taking her son to the amusement park with Su Jinyang today, plus Jun Hexi, what's the matter?

"Is it inconvenient for me to accompany my child?" Jun Hexi didn't expect that he would be ostracized and rejected, and he couldn't restrain his anger. No one has the right to stop him from being a qualified father!

"Third Young Master, I..." Su Mianmian really didn't know how to explain.

"Is it the child's inconvenience or your inconvenience? If it's your inconvenience, you can leave the child to me!" Jun Hexi is not stupid, and quickly figured out what Su Mianmian's so-called inconvenience refers to.

It's just that they dated theirs, and he dated his son, doesn't that hinder them?
"Let's go!" When it came to this point, Su Mianmian refused for no reason, and simply let him go. In fact, she thought bitterly in her heart, what else could she do if she couldn't help this master?
Jun Hexi seldom came to places like amusement parks, so did Su Mianmian, and so did Su Jinyang, so instead of saying that the three adults brought Su Jin to the amusement park, it was better to say that Su Jin led the three adults to swim.

Probably because of the nature of father and son, little Su Jin likes Jun Hexi very much, she clings to Jun Hexi like a baby, and wants Jun Hexi to hug him when she does everything, tightly hugging his neck. Ken let go.

"Dad, shall we go play on that carousel?" Little Su Jin put her arms around Jun Hexi's neck, her voice soft and waxy.

"Okay!" Jun Hexi held little Su Jin firmly with one arm, and tugged at his little nose with one hand, with a loving expression on her face.

"Su Jin, I've played that one today, and I'll play it next time!" Su Mianmian said, looking at the small footprint on Jun Hexi's straight trousers, her mouth twitched unsteadily.

"No! It was my mother who played with me just now, but my father hasn't! I'm a man, so I want my father to play with me!" Su Jin said stubbornly.

"Okay! Little man, let's go to play on the carousel!" Jun Hexi was amused by little Su Jin, and carried him towards the carousel.

"Ou Ye!" Little Su Jin made a V letter with her chubby little hand, cheered, then lay on Jun Hexi's shoulder, winked mischievously at Su Mianmian and said, "Mom, you and Su Uncle, let's go on a date, dad and I won't be light bulbs anymore!"

"..." Su looked at the backs of Su Jin and Jun Hexi, noticed the curious eyes around him, and couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

This childish nonsense is really unacceptable!All of a sudden she became the focus!

Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian with an embarrassing expression on his face, and his eyes kept circling in the direction of the merry-go-round, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

"Er Mian, you and the third young master, is this the rhythm of preparing for the grand finale of a family reunion?" Although it was in a joking tone, Su Jinyang still felt unavoidably uncomfortable when he said this. This woman has always had a man in her heart. Although she refuses to admit it, he is sure that that man is Jun Hexi.

"Don't be kidding!" Su Mianmian's voice was deep and deep. How could it be possible that there was such a big gap between her and Jun Hexi!She never had the thought of flying up to a branch and becoming a phoenix, not to mention, that man had no room for any woman in his heart.

Otherwise, how could he spare no effort to take the child around and give her and Su Jinyang a chance to be alone!

"Er Mian, since there is no one, when are you going to follow me?" Su Jinyang began to flirt with Su Mianmian indecently.

"Stinky sheep, are you itchy today?" Su Mianmian gave Su Jinyang an angry sideways glance. This is the third time this man has asked her this question today.

How can you be so impatient today!

"It's not only itchy, it's everywhere, Er Mian, why don't you stop the itching?" Su Jinyang said, putting his face in front of Su Mianmian, and said with a smirk: "Now the tongue is the most itchy, why don't you kiss me?" Kiss me, I heard that saliva can disinfect and relieve itching."

"Su Jinyang!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Su Jinyang to be so abnormal today, and she was so embarrassed. When Su Jinyang came over, she reflexively pushed Su Jinyang away, and sternly scolded.

Su Jinyang glanced at Su Mianmian, who looked excited, and his heart was astringent. A person's instinctive reaction to an emergency can best reflect a person's inner thoughts. The moment Su Mianmian pushed him away just now, he already knew Su Mianmian. After so many days of getting along, the two of them have made no real progress, and she still can't accept him.

Seeing the disappointment on Su Jinyang's face, Su Mianmian realized that her reaction just now was too intense, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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