Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 971 Mianmian and I are dating!

Chapter 971 Mianmian and I are dating! (3)
Finally, the clock turned to 8 o'clock, and Su Jin, who was always on time with his biological clock, was tired and drowsy. Su Mianmian immediately stepped forward and hugged Su Jin's small body, showing a gentle smile to everyone, and said, "It's getting late It's time for us to go home!"

This miserable night is finally coming to an end!

"You girl! This is your home!" After hearing what Su Mianmian said, Mr. Jun disapproved and corrected her.

"That's right! It's so late, and the little guy is asleep, so I'll be staying here tonight!" Ling Yue got a hint from Mr. Jun, and immediately enthusiastically asked to keep him!
"No! No need! I, it's inconvenient for me, I'd better go back..." Su Mianmian looked at a group of overly enthusiastic Jun family members, her scalp was numb, and she couldn't help stammering.

"Cough! What's the inconvenience! Living here is the most convenient!" Ling Yue refused to let him go no matter what.

"That's right, don't go out this late at night! Don't delay the little guy's sleep!" Mr. Jun said distressedly when he saw Su Jin with her eyes closed, looking like she was about to fall asleep soon.

"Then, why don't you let the child stay here for one night, I really have to go back!" Su Mianmian looked at Su Jin in her arms, and had to compromise.

"How could this be possible! This child is asleep, and you and Xiaosan just have a chance to talk and chat." Ling Yue noticed that Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi several times in the morning, but hesitated to speak, and immediately suggested.

"You young people, you should get along more and deepen your relationship!" Mr. Jun echoed.

"This, I really don't need it, let's do it another day, I..." Su Mianmian really didn't know how to refuse, she looked embarrassed, and when her eyes fell on Jun Hexi, there was a strong resentment.

This girl is so heartless, it's fine to use her as a shield, now seeing her like this, she doesn't even know how to save the scene!

"Okay, don't be shy! During the day, you were worried about whether my bed was big enough, so I'll just go up and have a look!" Jun Hexi received Su Mianmian's signal and stepped forward.

Just when Su Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief thinking that this guy had finally found out his conscience, unexpectedly he hugged her waist intimately and said something that surprised everyone.

"You——" Suzaku has been reticent by the side, and when she saw Jun Hexi hugging Su Mianmian, she couldn't help but look at the two in surprise, and finally turned her emotions into two words, "So fast!"

"No! It's not what you think! You've misunderstood!" Su Mianmian heard Suzaku's words, and then looked at everyone's ambiguous eyes. She suddenly felt that she couldn't explain it, but the more she emphasized the evasion, the more ambiguous everyone's eyes became. Su Mianmian angrily shook off Jun Hexi's hand, gave Jun Hexi a murderous look, and said, "Please explain clearly to everyone!"

"Okay! Don't make trouble, I guarantee that my bed is big enough for the three of us! Let's go! I'll take you to inspect it in person!" Compared with shameless and open-eyed nonsense, ten Su Mianmian is not a gentleman Hexi's opponent, so Jun Hexi couldn't help but put his arms around Su Mianmian's waist, and walked upstairs to the bedroom under the shocked and ambiguous eyes of everyone.

"Third Young Master, what are you going to do?!" Su Mianmian became angry, and her voice became a little high.

"Be gentle, don't scare the child!" Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian displeasedly, but his voice was a little indulgent. He looked at Su Mianmian's flushed little face, and suddenly bowed his head at her. He whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you! Or do you want to continue here and let them watch like monkeys?"

"It's not all your fault!" Su Mianmian reprimanded Jun Hexi angrily, after hearing his words, Su Mianmian stabilized her manic heartbeat, and followed Jun Hexi upstairs to her room.

"Is my old man blind?!" It wasn't until the door of Jun Hexi's bedroom was closed for a long time that the stunned people in the living room who had been immobilized in the living room came back to their senses. The voice of Mr. Jun was tinged with excitement and happiness. asked.

"Dad, everything you just saw is true!" Ling Yue said happily.

The relationship between these two children has developed by leaps and bounds so quickly!It was unexpected!Especially in the scene where the young couple had an awkward fight just now, Jun Hexi didn't know what kind of soft words she said in Su Mianmian's ear, but Su Mianmian scolded, and really obediently followed him back to the room!
This time I really can't go wrong!
Grandpa Jun, Ling Yue, and Jun Zeyu were completely at ease, as if they had taken a reassurance.

"If I had known, I wouldn't work so hard today!" Mr. Jun said a little annoyed when he thought of his tear-filled eyes stimulated by the pepper.

"Dad, it's all thanks to you! Otherwise, how could this Hessie bring her back so quickly and expose her identity? Aren't hidden marriages and underground secret love affairs popular these days? If not You, I think this young couple doesn't know how long they will be secretive!" Ling Yue said excitedly.

"Haha! You're right!" Mr. Jun said smugly.

When Jun Zeyu heard Ling Yue and Mr. Jun's words, he guessed right away. He put his arms around Ling Yue's waist and smiled comfortably.

Jun Hexi's relationship problem has been a major issue that has troubled him for a while. Although he feels that the matter between his son and Su Mianmian is not as optimistic as Mr. Jun and Ling Yue imagined, he sees that Jun Hexi is willing to try. Seeing to get out of his feelings for Tang Shishi, he was still very relieved and happy.

Only Jun Haodong is not as optimistic as everyone imagined, because his position happened to be when Jun Hexi bowed his head and whispered to Su Mianmian, he saw the undisguised indifference on Jun Hexi's face, but seeing everyone so Happy, he wisely chose to remain silent.

"I'm going back to my room!" Suzaku said good night to everyone, saw Jun Haodong was about to follow up again, and said, "Don't follow me!"

She didn't forget what Jun Hexi said during the meal, no matter what tonight, Jun Haodong can't make Jun Haodong run into his room again to "domineeringly".

"No! I can't sleep without you!" Jun Haodong put his arms around Suzaku's waist, and followed him upstairs like sticky candy.

Suzaku looked back in embarrassment at the busy elders in the living room pretending to be blind, then pushed Jun Haodong and said, "No! You used to sleep well before!"

"The past was the past, how can the present be compared to the past!" Jun Haodong couldn't help but quicken his pace with his arms around Suzaku.

Last night, Suzaku held the two practice rings on the roof of the attic and spun through the sky with both hands. He was so happy that he almost collapsed, which made him not in the mood to do things all day. It's hard to stay up until night, how can the bird in hand fly away!
(End of this chapter)

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