Chapter 992 As You Wish! (2)
"Su Ermian, you're capable, huh? Don't you want to leave? Huh? I just found out now that you're back, you really have the guts!" Jun Hexi subdued Su Mianmian mercilessly, and asked in a cold tone repeatedly.

"Jun San'er, this is my freedom! It has nothing to do with you!" Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi's cold face, her good mood just now was completely ruined, and her tone was naturally not much better.

"Freedom? Freedom is something you can think about? Su Ermian, do you want freedom? Then get out of the sharp knife for me, or you will stay with my son honestly and don't go anywhere!" Jun Hexi Looking at Su Mianmian with a sneer, thinking of Su Jin being depressed all day long, like an abandoned cub, and Su Mianmian, a woman who is still in the mood to flirt outside, Jun Hexi's anger He couldn't help writhing in his chest, he really wanted to break this woman's legs, tie her up at home, and not allow her to go anywhere!

"Third Young Master Jun, you care too much! Who are you to me?" Su Mianmian rolled her eyes in disdain, and then struggled twice.It is impossible for her to leave the sharp knife, but it is also impossible for her to flatter Jun Hexi. What's more, she has her own responsibilities. Why does this man accuse her like this?

"Su Mianmian, this is what you want, isn't it?" Jun Hexi's expression was extremely ugly, he looked at Su Mianmian coldly, and after a long time, he said, "You are a woman with a deep heart!"

Thoughtful?ridiculous!What did she, Su Mianmian, let this guy make such accusations?

Su Mianmian fearlessly met Jun Hexi's razor-like eyes, and smiled brightly like a summer flower, "Third Young Master, I am indeed a woman with deep thoughts! Now, can you let me go?"

The current Jun Hexi is like an angry lion, full of danger, it is obviously unwise to confront him at this time, Su Mianmian also knows this, but emotion always reacts before reason.

"Su Mianmian, as you wish!" Jun Hexi's gaze fell on Su Mianmian's smiling face, a trace of disgust flashed across her face, but her lips quickly kissed Su Mianmian.

"Hmm—" Su Mianmian was still thinking about what Jun Hexi's voice of "as you wish" meant, but who knew that she was suddenly attacked, and she was stunned and stiff for a while, her eyes widened. Looking at the enlarged version of the handsome face close at hand, I forgot all the reactions.

Her body softened inconceivably, and Su Mianmian suddenly felt that all her strength had been taken away from her. Jun Hexi breathed the fragrance of red wine, and this feeling made Su Mianmian coincide with that night four years ago, making her She couldn't help closing her eyes.

Jun Hexi originally had this disgusting kiss, but the moment he touched Su Mianmian, he found that he didn't hate the woman in front of him as he imagined. He looked at Su Mianmian's slightly trembling eyelashes. , There was a trace of strangeness in my heart!
"Shame! Mom and Dad are playing kissing, shame!" Just when Su Mianmian and Jun Hexi lost their minds, the room suddenly remembered a childish voice full of surprise.

Su Mianmian's scalp exploded, and she pushed Jun Hexi away with all her strength, and quickly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, as if she was afraid of getting something unclean.

Jun Hexi didn't expect that Su Mianmian's explosive power would be astonishing, and she was pushed back unpreparedly. Her phoenix eyes, which had warmed up a bit, were now frozen, and she looked directly at Su Mianmian, making Su Mianmian feel guilty and annoyed!
Why was she bewitched by beauty?
Bah bah bah!What's the expression on this stinky guy?He was the one who posted it first, why did it look like she forced him?
"Father, Mommy, you guys are reconciled if you kiss, don't you?" The excitement on Su Jin's small face froze when she saw Su Mianmian pushing Jun Hexi away, her big eyes froze. After going around his parents, he asked cautiously.

"Son, it's not what you think!" Su Jin stepped forward in embarrassment and wanted to hug Su Jin, but Jun Hexi separated the two of them at once: "You go take a bath first!"

He hates the smell of sweat on Su Mianmian's body, who knows if she smells like another man and just wants to hug his son?

Su Mianmian saw the disgust in Jun Hexi's eyes, sniffed the sweat on her body, and went to the bathroom as appointed.

Su Jin looked at Jun Hexi with big round eyes, and couldn't help asking after a long time: "Dad, you actually like Mommy, don't you?"

Jun Hexi didn't expect this little ghost to ask such a straightforward question. A trace of embarrassment crept across his face, and then he coughed lightly, and replied, "Su Jin, give Dad some time!"

"Then you must fall in love with Mommy quickly? Otherwise, Mommy will be snatched away by that blue-eyed one!" Su Jin raised her small face, full of worry, he just wanted Dad and Mommy to be together.

"Okay!" Jun Hexi sighed, patted Su Jin's head and said.

Su Mianmian, who forgot to take a change of clothes in the bathroom, put one hand on the doorknob at this moment, with self-mockery on her face, she turned around and turned on the faucet to scrub her lips vigorously. Looking at herself, she scooped up a handful of water angrily, and smashed it on the mirror with a splash. The scattered water droplets made the reflection in the mirror even more embarrassing.

"Mum, Dad said that we will go diving tomorrow, how about we go together as a family?" Before going to bed, Su Jin asked Su Mianmian's hand hopefully.

This guy is going diving tomorrow too?Su Mianmian involuntarily glanced at Jun Hexi.

"Father, can you teach me and Mommy to dive?" Su Jin was the most ghostly spirit, looked at Su Mianmian, glanced at Jun Hexi, and immediately asked Jun Hexi.

"Yeah." Jun Hexi nodded expressionlessly.

"Mommy?" Su Jin shook Su Mianmian's arm and called out coquettishly.

"Uh~ okay!" Su Mianmian thought that she and Bill would go diving together tomorrow anyway, so neither of them would count as a missed appointment, so she readily agreed.

"Then it's settled!" Su Jin's little face finally cleared up, and she danced happily.

This night, Su Mianmian and Jun Hexi did not change because of the previous kiss. The two still chose to give Su Jin a false appearance of peace, coaxing Su Jin from the left and the right. Jin fell asleep, and then Jun Hexi continued to sleep on the sofa in the living room of the suite.

Originally, Su Mianmian asked to sleep on the sofa for a night, but Jun Hexi had already slept all night, and it was her turn this night, but Jun Hexi acted like no one should enter, Su Mianmian gritted her teeth in anger at the fact that Su Mianmian had returned to her previous unflattering appearance, wishing she could kick him downstairs!

Damn!What are you pulling!You are so happy to sleep on the sofa, just sleep on the sofa all the time!It's best to give you a sore back, a sore back, and leg cramps. Let's see if you dare to put on a cold face with my sister and me!

(End of this chapter)

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