
Chapter 116 Taixu Qilin Cat Chapter Taixu Excalibur

Chapter 116 Taixu Qilin Cat Chapter (11) Taixu Excalibur

Xiaogui and Taixu Qilinmao stood behind Bud and me respectively.

The combination of Spider-Man and Centipede surprised us a bit.

I threw several talisman papers one after another, but it dodged them all.

The spider centipede monster rushed over and scattered us all at once.The Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword and the Golden Spine in my hand came out at the same time. To my surprise, the golden Taixu layer on the Golden Spine fell off like snake skin, and then swam onto the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword like water. For a moment, the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword was wrapped in that layer of golden Taixu, turning into a golden sword.

"Taixu Divine Sword?" Bard suddenly called out, "Xiao Leng, that's great, Taixu is attached to your sword. It seems to be God's will."

The spine that had been lost by Taixu regained its original color, but it was actually the spine of Taixu Kirin Cat.Seeing Taixu walking away, Qilinmao came over and stuffed the spine into his back.

I picked up the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword, but at this moment, the sword can no longer see the densely packed Five Emperors Copper Coins on it, and now it is golden.It became the Taixu Excalibur that Bard said.

The spider centipede monster might also be shocked by the scene in front of me. Seeing me pick up the Taixu sword, I forgot to dodge it. As a result, I swung the sword and cut it from the middle, and its body suddenly became two. cut.The golden light of the Taixu Divine Sword spread to both sides, and the centipede monster's body suddenly seemed to be on fire, and there was a strong smell of burnt skin.

Seeing this, Spider-Man immediately jumped off the centipede monster's head, ready to slip away again.This time, Bud didn't let him get what he wanted.The Sea Dragon King whipped it over and knocked it to the ground.The Qilin cat next to it rushed over and stepped the spider's head into the ground.

The dead spider is completely finished this time.

I watched the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword in my hand turn into the Taixu Sword, and I still couldn't believe it.

"In the past, the Yellow Emperor used divine iron to forge a sword, which was later attached by Taixu and became the Taixu Divine Sword. Later, the Taixu Divine Sword was passed on to Zhuanxu. After Zhuanxu died, the Taixu Divine Sword was put together in his In the tomb, but the Taixu who was attached to it left. Later, he possessed the Qilin cat, and I really didn’t expect that Taixu was attached to the sword body again today. The Taixu Excalibur came out again.” Bud was full of praise Said.

"Yeah, I can finally get rid of the title of Taixu. Qilinmao is my real body." Qilinmao said with a smile.

"Didn't you ask me why Chaya was in China and set up the Ten Thousand Poison Array here? In fact, this place is hundreds of kilometers away from the ancient city. This is the junction of Myanmar City and Guangcheng City." Bud suddenly spoke .

"How is it possible? We obviously didn't go far!" I was stunned.

"Kirin cat walks thousands of miles. If it didn't carry you, you definitely wouldn't be here." Bud said.

That's how it turned out, no wonder when the Kirin Cat was carrying me, I felt the wind whispering in my ears, it turned out that it was so far away from the ancient city.

"Then there are only toad formations left behind." I said, looking at the dark front.

"Yes, this time Zaya only let us break through four, which is probably quite powerful. We don't know what the toad formation looks like, so we can only bite the bullet and go forward." Bud nodded.

We walked forward for a long time and didn't see anything unusual.Bard's analysis may be because we broke through the centipede formation in the spider formation just now, so when we passed through the centipede formation, there must be no reaction.

I think it makes sense. From this point of view, it won't be long before the toad formation.However, after walking for a long time, there was still no abnormality.

Bud also finds it strange that we seem to be caught in an endless road. We can't see the bottom in front and the starting point in the back.The surrounding light is getting darker and darker, and no sound can be heard.

I picked up a piece of talisman paper to explore the way, but the talisman paper fell to the ground without even burning.

"We must have entered the formation." I was shocked.There are very few cases where the talisman paper cannot be burned. The previous time was because of entering the fantasy world of time and space.Are we also in the illusion of time and space at this moment?

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of him, as if something was rolling over.

We looked carefully with the faint light, and found that the whole ground was shaking, like a big wave in the sea rushing to the shore, covering it layer by layer.

The Kirin cat drooped to the side and didn't move.It seems that since I came here, none of the Kirin cats barked or responded.Xiao Gui also got into the chain and never came out again.

Bud didn't notice the change of Kirin Cat. He was groping the woods and stones on both sides, and seemed to find something.

The huge wave finally rushed in front of us, but it didn't rush over, but there was a huge breath rushing towards us, which was fishy and smelly, almost choking people out.

Bud clapped his hands, "I know where we are?"

"Is Toad in the formation?" I asked.

"Yes, but the toad formation is actually a toad's stomach. We are in the toad's stomach." Bud said.

When I heard it, my head was dizzy.how is this possible?The world in front of him turned out to be the world in the belly of the toad, so how big should the toad be.

"Look at the surrounding stones and woods, and try to cut them down with the Taixu Divine Sword." Bud continued to say that I didn't believe it.

I picked up the Taixu Divine Sword and chopped at a nearby tree, only to find that the tree was soft, the cut branch fell to the ground, and some liquid sprayed out from it.

"Look, we were swallowed by this toad." Bud was more convinced of his judgment.

"Should we go back then?" I asked.

"It's useless, we must find an exit, or we will be suffocated here." Bud said.

My head is so big, you can say whatever you want, but this is in the belly of the toad, how can I get here.Could it be that we have to cut a big hole in the toad's belly and drill it out.Thinking of this, I picked up the Taixu Divine Sword and prepared to swipe it on the ground.

"No." As a result, Bader stopped me, "Now this toad doesn't know where we are. The stench just now is probably looking for us. If you draw a line here to let it know our exact location, then We're dead for sure. We've got to take advantage of the fact that it doesn't know where we are and figure out a way to get out."

It turned out to be like this, thanks to Bud's reminder.

We walked forward slowly, and within a short distance, we saw a huge soft slope, which went up and down, but we couldn't see what it was.

"Look at the place where there is light in front, I guess it is the mouth. As long as we can get there, we can get out. However, this moving place, I doubt it is its heart. If we step on it, it will be exposed. But if we don’t pass here, we won’t be able to reach the mouth.” Bud analyzed the current situation.

Kirin cat finally walked forward, it seemed to jump over with all its strength, and stepped on the soft slope.Sure enough, it was a sensitive location for the toad.As soon as he went up, he saw a wave of air rushing over from the side, knocking it down to the ground.

At the same time, a huge air current began to fill the surroundings, as if the sky had been turned upside down.Needless to say, the movement of the Kirin cat exposed our position.The toad started attacking us.

Bad pulled me forward, and the only light there must have been the toad's mouth.We have to run there quickly, otherwise, we will definitely be smothered in our stomachs by it.

No matter what, I picked up the Taixu Divine Sword and slashed while running.Every time I cut it, I feel that the whole world is shaking.We ran all the way, and finally ran to the light.

"Quickly use the Taixu Divine Sword to get out." Bud said.

Needless to say, I immediately stabbed with the sword, rotated my body, and quickly got out of the bright spot.We rolled out of there.

Looking up, we saw a huge toad in front of us. As for the position where we rolled out just now, it was not the mouth of the toad.It turned out to be its ass.

"Haha, Bud, we fucked his ass." I laughed.

"Where's the Qilin cat?" I suddenly found that the Qilin cat didn't come out with us.

Bud's face changed, "Oops, I won't be trapped inside."

The toad had turned around at this moment. Its forehead was densely packed with poisonous heads. When it opened its mouth, those poisonous heads were like a faucet turned on, and instantly sprayed out white venom.

"Flash." Buddha gave me a slap.

When we rolled to the side, the white venom just sprayed over and fell to the ground, emitting bursts of white smoke.

"It seems that the Qilin cat is close to death. Let's kill the toad first." I jumped up from the ground, threw the talisman to open the way, and the Taixu Divine Sword followed.

Bud also followed. He waved the whip of the Sea Dragon King and beat the toad.

Taixu Shenjian looked down, and the toad monster dodged, but he didn't dodge Bud's whip behind him.When the whip was hit, it sounded like it was hitting a balloon, and there was a loud bang.

I saw that the first sword did not machete it, so I chased after it again.

This time, it was too late for Toad to hide.It suddenly puffed up its cheeks and let out a loud cry.

"Xiao Leng, come back quickly." Seeing this situation, Bud shouted loudly.

The Taixu nerve has been chopped up, but unfortunately it is like cutting on a stone, and it is a diamond. The huge rebound force knocked me to the ground, and I fell down heavily, feeling that the whole body frame is falling apart, all internal organs They all moved.

The toad croaked loudly, as if a hurricane was coming, and all the stones in the surrounding woods flew up. Fortunately, Buad pulled me, otherwise I would also fly out.

After the toad yelled, its body also flew into the sky, and then fell down, smashing a huge hole.I knew it was a way for Toad to get mad.It's a pity that I was exhausted by its rebound just now, and Bud was also choked up, looking ahead with worry.

(End of this chapter)

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