
Chapter 119 Taixu Qilin Cat Chapter The Curse of the Stone Dragon

Chapter 119 Taixu Kirin Cat Chapter (14) The Curse of the Stone Dragon
What does it mean?
I patted on the door hard, but no one paid any attention to me.

Looking back, I looked, and there was a yard behind me.But it looks like no one has lived in it for a long time, and the yard is full of weeds.The surrounding walls are also covered with vines.

What is this place?I was puzzled.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something moving in the grass, crawling towards me.I took two steps back, drew out the Taixu Divine Sword, and looked at the grass vigilantly.

The thing in the grass stopped half a meter away from me.

What could it be in broad daylight?
Huh, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the grass and rushed towards me.

I dodged sideways, and the black figure slammed into the door.Only then did I see clearly that it was a person, but it looked like a lizard.Its two eyes are very big, and its mouth is slightly opened, spitting out a blood-red letter.Before I could stand still, it attacked again.

This time it came too fast, I was thrown to the ground by it without even swinging the sword.A huge stench came from its mouth.

My arm was firmly pressed to the ground by it, and the Taixu Sword in my hand couldn't be used.I can only watch it spitting out blood red letters and sweeping towards my face.

I twisted my neck as hard as I could and turned my face away.But after waiting for a few minutes, I didn’t see that the monster didn’t attack. I just turned my head and saw it was staring at my neck. When I was confused, it suddenly swept over with its tail and knocked me out. .

When I woke up, it was already night.

I was lying on a bed next to a table with a kerosene lamp on it.Sitting next to it was a woman.The woman was about 30 years old, wearing a plain suit, her face was pale, but her eyes were full of love and compassion.

"Are you awake?" The woman stood up.

"What is this place?" I sat up, still dizzy.

"This is Perfume Town," said the woman.

The memory came back slowly, and I remembered what happened before I fainted.

"Who is Shen Xiaofeng to you?" The woman suddenly asked.

"You know Shen Xiaofeng?" I was startled and raised my head.

"I'm her younger sister, Shen Xiaoyun." The woman said.

"Are you my aunt?" I blurted out.

"You really are sister's child? Where's sister? Didn't she come with you?" Auntie burst into tears.

"Yes. My mother and the others are here. Why, you haven't seen them?" I felt a little uneasy.

The aunt didn't speak, but sighed.

I got out of bed, and it was dark outside the window, and some vines were climbing down from the window.I walked over to take a look, and found that this was the place where I was tricked by those two villagers during the day.

"This yard?" I looked back at my aunt.

"This yard is indeed our Shen family. Those two villagers didn't lie to you." Auntie said.

"But I was attacked here this afternoon." My heart moved.Could it be that the monster was raised by my aunt.

My aunt sat in front of the table and twisted the wick of the kerosene lamp with her hands.

"I don't know if your mother told you about our Shen family." The aunt spoke.

I nodded and shook my head, and my mother told me a little bit, but it was obviously just scratching the surface.

"At the beginning your mother eloped with your father, and later she came back to Perfume Town because of you, hoping to use Xuan Kong's hand to save you, but unfortunately she was rejected." My aunt hesitated for a moment, and told me about the following things.

Xuankongshou was originally a sacred object in Perfume Town, used to catch the dream fragrance dripped by Shilong.After my mother left, my grandmother once approached the mayor of Perfume Town, but unfortunately she was rejected.In fact, it wasn't that the mayor was unwilling to take out Xuan Kongshou, but that Xuankong's hands had dried up and withered because they hadn't been nourished by the fragrance of dreams all year round. Even if they were taken away, they would be useless.The mayor did not want to let the people of Perfume Town know this fact.

The grandmother who came back passed away not long after.Although the Shen family is a big family in Perfume Town, grandma takes care of everything in the family.After the grandmother passed away, the Shen family tree fell and the monkeys scattered.In the end, only my aunt was left to support the family business.My aunt wanted to restore the reputation of the Shen family.So one night, I went to Shilong cave.There, she unleashes the stone dragon's curse.

There is a curse in Shilong's cave. If you want to make Shilong cry again, you need pious people to sell their souls.This curse legend has not actually been tried.Auntie was the first person willing to sell her soul to Shilong.As a result, the next day, Shilong really shed tears.Mengxiang returned to Perfume Town again, but Mengxiang could only be received by my aunt with Xuankong.

The reputation of the Shen family was restored again.

However, no one knows what the price my aunt paid.She has nothing to do during the day, but at night she turns into a monster with a human head and a snake body.

Ah, I cried out when I heard this.Could it be that the monster I saw in the yard this afternoon was my aunt?
"That's right, the monster that attacked you this afternoon was me. I saw the mark on your neck, so I wondered if you were my sister's child. Because I saw you once when you were young." Auntie saw me Doubtful, nodded.

I don't know what to say, this curse turned my aunt into a monster during the day and a human at night?Auntie continued.

Because the curse started, everyone around was scared away.The people in Perfume Town thought she was a monster, but they didn't kill her because of her face at night, but locked her in the yard.

I am a little puzzled?What kind of curse can turn my aunt into a monster during the day and a human at night?When I was with Bud before, we talked a lot about cursing the head.In fact, the so-called curse is not real, Bard said.Some murderous curses are just illusions made by those who want to make people believe in the curse.In a sense, curses, exorcisms and head drop, these evil arts are all interlinked.

I carefully asked my aunt how she felt when she transformed.She said that every time she felt pain, she felt as if her body had been pulled out by someone, and finally she lost consciousness.When she woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed.As for when she went to Shilong Cave, after she said that she wanted to give her soul, she felt something hit her, and then she passed out.

I suspect there may be something wrong with Auntie's curse.I asked her to take me to the Shilong cave for a look. At first she was worried about me and didn't agree, but she couldn't help my repeated requests.

We went out from the back door of the courtyard and walked towards Shilong Cave along the back hill of Perfume Town.Shilong Cave is still some distance away from Perfume Town, and we walked for about half an hour before arriving in front of Shilong.

I also saw in front of this stone dragon known as the birthplace of Mengxiang.It was a stone dragon crouching on the mountainside. It seemed to be formed naturally. Although it was dark, there were two lights around it, and the lines were drawn from Xiangshui Town.Next to it is a small house.

My aunt said that since she was discovered, Mengxiang, who originally belonged to the Shen family, was taken away by the mayor.Now the mayor's son, He Haoyang, has taken over all of this. He Haoyang himself is also a member of the Yuncheng Public Security Bureau, so many things here are actually decided by the He family.Including the current Shilong, they specially sent people to guard here.

We slowly approached the little house where two men were drinking together.There is a protective net made of wire in front, and there is no way to get in. You can only get in through the small door next to the small house.

I picked up a stone, sneaked under the window of the small house, and bounced it towards the light above.The stone smashed the light bulb, and the small house was suddenly dark.

Inside came the shouts of two men, who came out of the house.When I got in front of me, I quickly tripped over one, and the other was dragged by him and rolled straight down.The two of them slammed into the stone next to them, and there was no sound.

I turned around and waved at my aunt, and walked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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