
Chapter 124 Taixu Qilin Cat Chapter Unparalleled Strange Love

Chapter 124 Taixu Qilin Cat Chapter (19) Unparalleled Strange Love

There was a miserable smile on Suzaku's face, she didn't speak, but those feather arrows started to move around, ready to be launched at any time.

At this time, a blue shadow flew in from the outside, and ran in front of me and Xiaogui.

He is Qinglong.

When Suzaku saw Qinglong, his body began to tremble slightly, and his two raised wings slowly retracted.

"Why bother?" Qinglong shook his head.

"You are finally willing to see me." Suzaku's body trembled slightly, and her lips trembled accordingly.

"Where is that girl locked up?" Qinglong asked.

Suzaku made an unlocking movement with both hands, and a virtual door soon appeared at the entrance of the maze in front, the virtual door opened, and Zhao Shan ran out from inside.

Zhao Shan came to me and wanted to say something, but I shook my head.

Qinglong in front helped Suzaku up.

The feather arrows on Suzaku's body fell to the ground one after another, accompanied by Suzaku's slight sobbing.

Xiaogui walked over, the three of them were of the same root.

Finally, Qinglong took Suzaku and left without saying goodbye or speaking.

But Xiao Gui told me about the things between them.

In ancient times, the four great beasts were born out of nowhere.The green dragon in the east, the white tiger in the west, the red bird in the south, and the Xuanwu in the east.Qinglong and Suzaku were originally a couple, but unfortunately because of the war of the ancients, they were forced to be masters of each other.

The battle of the ancients changed and reborn many things.Qinglong and Suzaku have also changed from former lovers to enemies on the battlefield.In order to capture Qinglong, Suzaku led the people from the Dragon Clan to fight together.In the end, Qinglong was defeated and left the world.

Suzaku, who won the battle, was unhappy and left the battlefield.

The vicissitudes of life, the sun and the moon rotate.

The ancient dispute has already become history, and the country has changed hands for several generations.But Suzaku still couldn't forget Qinglong.But Qinglong has stayed in Perfume Town, and only wants to become a Shilong who provides perfume.Mengxiang is Qinglong's love for Suzaku.

Although thousands of years have passed, Suzaku's search for Qinglong has never stopped.In addition to looking for it by herself, she also sent Yulong Clan to help.In the end, they found Qinglong's hiding place in Perfume Town.

Qinglong didn't tell us the real reason why he stayed in Perfume Town before. In fact, it was more because he didn't want to advance this past.Now, he didn't want Suzaku to be used by others, so he took Suzaku away.

It's just that what I don't understand is how the He family and his son found Suzaku to help.

However, this question was answered when we came out.

He Feng and He Haoyang have been waiting for us for a long time.

He Feng was wearing a silver glove in his hand.

"That is Xuan Kongshou. Auntie was taken away by that." Zhao Shan whispered.

There are two treasures in Perfume Town, one is Mengxiang and the other is Xuan Kongshou.Xuan Kongshou has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. In order to save me, my mother once invited Xuan Kongshou, but unfortunately she didn't.

"I didn't expect Shen Xiaoyu's son to be able to get out of the stone formation." He Haoyang said with a sinister smile.

"He Feng, you are the mayor of Perfume Town, and you can be considered a respectable person, why did you do such a lowly thing?" I stared at He Feng and said.

"Haha, I definitely wouldn't act like this to others, but to your Shen family members, I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal." He Feng snorted coldly.

"Where did the Shen family offend you? Is it just because of Mengxiang?" I am really puzzled as to why the He family father and son have trouble with the aunt and the others alone.

"Everyone in the Shen family will suffer a terrible death. Including your father. If you can survive my test, go to your parents quickly, and maybe you can see them for the last time." He Feng's face appeared He made a distorted expression, as if he was a demon.The Xuankong hand in his hand also began to emit a dazzling silver light.

I was also enraged by He Feng's words, and drew out the Taixu Sword.

I heard my mother talk about the origin of Xuan Kongshou before.

Xuankongshou is made of thousand-year-old cold iron. It is said that thousands of craftsmen went to collect the thousand-year-old cold iron, and only a few remained in the end.

After Xuan Kongshou was born, the world changed drastically.All people related to Xuan Kongshou died strangely.Later, a Taoist sealed it in Buzhou Mountain.Until later, Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain, and Xuan Kongshou immediately fell into the world.Xuan Kongshou looks like a glove, but it is extremely powerful.After several transfers, it finally fell into the hands of Perfume Town.

I thought that He Feng was just an ordinary person, and he didn't know how to use Xuankong.But when he recited the spell silently and Xuan Kongshou was activated, I was ready for a full-scale fight.

Xuankong's hand turned into a huge palm, flew from He Feng's hand into the sky, and then covered us.

I took out the demon-killing flag and decided to meet it.It's a pity that Xuankong's hand went through the demon-killing banner and continued to attack us.

The surrounding air seemed to be sucked away, and a huge airflow rushed over from all around, twisting us tightly together.

I picked up the Taixu Divine Sword, but unfortunately I couldn't use any strength at all.We could only watch helplessly as the huge palm pressed us to the ground.

In desperation, I had no choice but to protect Zhao Shan tightly, using my body to block the suppression of the airflow.

Zhao Shan lay under my body, holding my body, our eyes met.

"I didn't expect that I would be cured by this thing. I'm sorry to trouble you." I said to Zhao Shan.

"Don't say that, I don't blame you. It's just that your mother was not rescued." Zhao Shan's voice became smaller and smaller, and the air current made her unable to say another word.

My ears began to buzz, as if countless wheels were ringing.I felt that my body couldn't take it anymore, but I couldn't press it any longer, otherwise Zhao Shan below would definitely be crushed.

I supported my body with all my strength, and the huge support made me feel dizzy and passed out.

In a trance, I saw myself being tied up, and Zhao Shan who was next to me was taken away.She kept calling my name, but unfortunately I couldn't answer her at all.

The last picture is He Haoyang's gloomy smile and Zhao Shan's sad look at each other.


Water is dripping in my ears.

It was gloomy all around.

It seems to have come to another world.

My body was spinning, falling, and never landed.

Is this what death feels like?

I asked, but no one answered.

I opened my eyes, but the painful feeling was still there.

Zhao Shan was no longer by my side, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything.Only the sound of dripping water can be heard, and the inexplicable coldness.

I groped my body, and all the instruments were gone.Even lighters and mobile phones are gone.

Before he fainted, he was held down by Xuan Kong's hands, and it seemed that everything on his body had been taken away by the He family and his son.Even Cai Die's talisman paper bag was gone.

where is this place?How is Zhao Shan?

A series of questions echoed in my mind, but unfortunately it was like a mess, and I had no way of knowing.I touched my side, and it was wet all around.

"Hi." I tried to shout.

There is an echo, and from the direction of the echo, this place seems to be long.I held on to the wall next to me, tried to lift my foot forward, tried it, and walked forward.

The human body has a short time to adapt to the dark, but the feeling is excruciating.Especially around, there is no sound at all.I can only keep my head down.

After walking for about a few minutes, there was no road ahead, but a wall.I groped and walked behind me again.Similarly, it is also a few minutes away, and it is also on the opposite side
(End of this chapter)

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