
Chapter 134 The Death Bell of the Western Emperor Treasures from Mass Burial Mounds

Chapter 134 The Death Bell of the Western Emperor (8) Treasures from Mass Burial Mounds
Wang Bin served in the special forces for eight years. After retiring from the army, he specialized in some highly dangerous jobs.In order to find Xihuangzhong, Zhao An found him.Then he successfully obtained the Xihuang Bell according to the address provided by Zhao An.But I didn't expect to meet someone who came to snatch it like him.So the two sides clashed.After some entanglement, Wang Bin escaped successfully. He thought he had already escaped, but he was confronted again after he came out.

One of them, in particular, was holding a shining silver whip. Fortunately, Wang Bin reacted quickly and had no way to deal with it.But the West Emperor Bell rang.

When Zhao An was working with him, he had repeatedly told him not to let the Western Emperor Bell ring.

Wang Bin didn't know the function of the West Emperor Bell, but when he inadvertently rang the West Emperor Bell, the people who were going to intercept him also ran away.

Wang Bin was so frightened that he threw the Western Emperor Bell to the ground and watched it for a few minutes, but nothing happened.In the end, he carried the Western Emperor Bell behind his back in doubt, and then ran towards Zhao An's villa.

Wang Bin has a habit of closing transactions as soon as possible.Now that he got the Xihuang Bell, he didn't stop any longer.Zhao An's villa is in the villa area of ​​Ningcheng, from Wang Bin's location to get there through the black forest.

The Black Forest is what Ningcheng people call it, but in fact it is a mass grave.It is said that during the Anti-Japanese War, many homeless foreigners were buried there.Later, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, people didn't know where these people's hometowns were, so a mass grave was erected.Although it has been many years, it has always been very cloudy there. Even if the day passes, people will feel chilly. In addition, some good people always tell some ghostly rumors there, so there are almost no people in the Black Forest. People dare to pass there at night.

Wang Bin is an atheist. The training in the special forces made him understand that the only person in this world who can really determine his destiny is himself.The so-called ghosts and gods are the products of fearful people.He walked quickly into the black forest with the Western Emperor Bell on his back. What he didn't expect was that once he entered the black forest, he felt a different feeling.

First of all, the surrounding forests were calm when they first entered, but a bad wind started to blow as soon as they entered, and there seemed to be something rustling around them.

Wang Bin had performed many missions in the special forces, so he was not particularly afraid of the changes in the atmosphere before him.However, when he got to the middle, the Western Emperor Bell behind him rang inexplicably.At first he thought it was because of his bumpy walk, but when he stood still, the West Emperor Bell was ringing.

As soon as the Xihuang bell rang, as if in order to cooperate, the wind became more violent, and there seemed to be something moving in the mounds of the mass graves in front.

Wang Bin took out the gun from his waist and walked forward cautiously.

Something really came out of those mounds of dirt, and it could be seen by the moonlight. They were bones that had decayed for a long time. They seemed to be reborn, waving their limbs, waving their teeth and claws, and crawling out of the dirt.This is clearly a zombie that came out of the soil.

Wang Bin had never seen such a situation before, and he was almost frightened to be there.But after all, he has a strong psychological quality and quickly reacted.He flew towards the zombies running towards him, kicked them to the ground, and ran forward.

The Xihuang Bell behind him, like a naughty ghost, kept ringing as Wang Bin ran.And the sound of the Western Emperor Bell seemed to have magical powers, attracting all the underground zombies.Even though Wang Bin was running fast, from time to time there would be outstretched hands grabbing his ankles.

Seeing that the mountains and plains were filled with zombies, Wang Bin couldn't get out at all.In desperation, he had no choice but to hide the Xihuang Bell behind a nearby stone, and then ran out by himself.

Running out of the black forest, when he was approaching Zhao An's villa, he met the two people who had snatched the West Emperor Bell before.They didn't say much this time, and directly hit Wang Bin with a shiny object.Wang Bin felt as if his soul had been taken away by someone.

He walked forward with willpower, and he didn't know how long he walked, but he felt cold all over his body and his limbs were numb. Finally, he came to the Taoist temple of the demented Taoist and passed out.When he woke up, he had already been taken into the secret room by the Daoist Daoist. At that time, he didn't have so much thin ice on his body. He simply told the Daoist Daoist some things. Later, his whole body was completely wrapped in thin ice. Can't speak, can't move.

"The person chasing you is a boy about my age, with a thin body. Does that whip have a tiger's head?" After listening to Wang Bin's narration, I asked.

Wang Bin thought for a while, nodded and said, "It seems so, do you know him? But there is another person, about 40 years old, who looks very sinister. I heard that boy call him Chen Wu."

"Needless to say, it must be Chen Mu and Chen Wu." Zhao Shan said to me upon hearing this.

The whip that Wang Bin mentioned, I suspected it was Chen Mu's Tiger Soul Silver Whip, plus Chen Wu, it must be the two of them.It's just why they also came to look for Xihuangzhong, could it be that they also went to Evil Ghost Valley to find Hua Yaohong.

"Then they didn't find the West Emperor Bell, did they?" the insane Taoist asked.

"No, I hid in the black forest. To be honest, I forgot which rock I hid under. But I remember the general range." Wang Bin said.

"Well, I'll accompany you to find the West Emperor Bell. After all, Zhao An asked you to find it. I think Zhao An just wants to make money, while I'm looking for relatives. Our destination is the same, but the goal is different. I think we can join hands to enter the Valley of Evil Ghosts." I said.

"Indeed, it's a good way to say that." Daoist Daoist agreed with my idea.

"Then let's go now. It's just dark now, aren't you afraid of those zombies?" Wang Bin looked at Zhao Shan and me.

"It's a trivial matter." I smiled, but I was a little worried about Zhao Shan, Zuo Juan is now unknown, she must not go there, and Taoist Crazy is really too simple.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Shan saw what I meant and said proactively.

"Okay then." In fact, it's fine for Zhao Shan to follow me, after all, she belongs to the Zhao family, and Uncle Fu and the others also hope that Zhao Shan can take over as the replacement, so it's not a bad thing to go through a few more times.

Without further ado, after we agreed, we left the Taoist temple immediately.

Wang Bin is now being hunted down, so he made a simple disguise.We took a tricycle and came to the vicinity of the black forest. The tricycle driver kept persuading us to come back during the day if we had something to do, because the dark forest was not very peaceful after dark.At first, Zhao Shan had some polite words with him, but later she thought he was too wordy, so she told him directly that we went to the black forest to catch ghosts.The tricycle driver didn't dare to talk anymore, and when he was about to reach the black forest, he put us down, picked up the fare, and slipped away like a rabbit.

Wang Bin had the shadow of the past, and he was still a little hesitant when he entered the black forest.But I told him not to worry at all, let alone zombies, I have dealt with things ten times more terrifying than zombies.He just needs to find the West Emperor Bell.

It was quiet in the black forest, and the dense forest covered the surroundings in a drowsy manner. In addition, the weather was bad, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into the end of the world.

I picked up a piece of talisman to open the way, and the talisman transformed in the air, flashing light, illuminating the entire black forest.

"Sure enough." Wang Bin looked at me in surprise.

"Look for it." I smiled.

Wang Bin walked forward, looking for the stones on both sides. Not long after, he found the West Emperor Bell behind a stone.

"Is this the Xihuang Bell?" Zhao Shan and I looked at it, and it looked like an ordinary small bronze bell.

At this time, there was a loud noise outside, as if someone was coming.

I handed the West Emperor Bell to Wang Bin, and when he was about to put it in his pocket, someone broke into the black forest and shot outside.

This was the first time I saw a bullet, and I was stunned for a long time. If Zhao Shan hadn't pulled me, I might have been hit.

"Is it from Zhao An? Tell him, I want to see him in person." Wang Bin shouted at those people.

But those people didn't speak, just fired, and one of them's bullets hit the West Emperor Bell.

With a buzz, the West Emperor Bell was rang.

Too bad, Wang Bin's expression changed.

Sure enough, the surrounding wind suddenly blew up, and the light of the talisman paper also dimmed.

"It's okay." I said to Wang Bin.

As soon as the Xihuang Bell rang, it seemed that it couldn't stop and kept ringing.

Called by the bell, the underground zombies began to crawl out from below, one after another poured out.Those who had fired also stopped.After they saw the zombies clearly, they began to flee outside.But it was too late. On the way they came, zombies also rushed out, pulling them all to the ground.

Zombies also drilled out of the ground around us, but I threw a few talisman papers, and those zombies immediately went back underground.

Those people in front were miserable, they kept firing and screaming, and soon they lost their voices.

"Let's go, let's go find Zhao An." I said.

"But there are zombies in front, how do we get out?" Wang Bin pointed to the front, and just as he finished speaking, those zombies in front were suddenly smashed to pieces by a silver light.

Two figures came from the opposite side, and the silver light returned to one of them like a tiger-headed whip.

They are Chen Mu and Chen Wu.

I pulled Zhao Shan and Wang Bin behind me.

Chen Mu looked at me with a half-smile expression on his face.

But I am more interested in Chen Wu.

In Lingbing Cave, Master Tu told me everything Chen Wu did to him.But when Chen Wu lied to us in Los Angeles, I knew that this kind of person must be a repeat offender.

Chen Wu seemed to be aware of my strangeness towards him, he lowered his head and stood back.

(End of this chapter)

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