
Chapter 136 The Death of the Western Emperor Chapter Cooperation Plan

Chapter 136 The Death of the Western Emperor (10) Cooperation Plan

Wang Bin was buried next to the black forest by Zhao An's bodyguards.

There is another wronged soul in the mass grave.

Zhao Shan and I got into Zhao An's car.

The car returned to Ningcheng, and after driving for more than ten minutes, it stopped in front of a villa.

Zhao An took us to his home.

Zhao An is a businessman who pays attention to integrity, especially cooperation.In the lobby of his villa, there is a map with red dots on the projects he has developed.Looking at those red dots on the map, I also know the strong ability of his wealth.It's a pity that even though his family is rich, he has no way to deal with his daughter's illness.

"Overseas, domestic, I have tried everything possible. Unfortunately, I don't believe in fate. I must cure her. Huayaohong is not my ultimate goal. If Huayaohong can't be cured Good for her, I will continue to look for others." Zhao An looked at the daughter in the room and said firmly to us.

"Since Boss Zhao said so, then I won't make any detours." I said, "I have no interest in Huayaohong. The reason why I went to Evil Ghost Valley is because my mother went there. So we have the same destination. , but the goals are different. The role of Xihuang Bell is the same for us, but we have no conflicting interests."

"This is the best way. Mr. Ding is an expert. I think even if you need a lot of money, there are other ways to treat my daughter. I don't worry about it." Zhao An said.

"However, I need Boss Zhao's help with something." I put forward another condition.

"Mr. Ding just speak up."

"I have a friend trapped in the police station, and I need to rescue him. Of course he did nothing wrong, otherwise I wouldn't trouble Boss Zhao." I want him to rescue Hou San.

"It's simple. Don't say that Mr. Ding's friend didn't make a mistake. Even if he made a mistake, in Ningcheng, I, Zhao An, said he was fine, and he must be fine. You tell me your friend's name, and I will ask someone to do it now." Zhao An Anha laughed.

What Zhao An said is correct, his influence in Ningcheng is indeed extraordinary.After more than an hour, his men brought Hou San back.

"Then we're going to go, let's go to the Evil Ghost Valley." Seeing that Hou San came back, I had nothing to say.

"Okay, everything is under the arrangement of Mr. Ding. I have all the equipment and personnel. Do what Mr. Ding says. I believe you are different from Wang Bin." Zhao An said with a smile.

This Zhao An is really hiding his secrets, and he is tight-lipped in what he says and does.Thinking of his methods against Wang Bin, he really turned his back on him, without even having a chance to explain.

However, Zhao An and I have no conflict of interest. We just entered the Evil Ghost Valley together, so there is no chance of turning our faces.We agreed to leave early the next morning.

Zhao An arranged for us to live in his home and arranged a sumptuous dinner.

Hou San talked about what happened after we left, and the people Zhao An sent brought him out without much effort.Hou San didn't want to come at first, but later he heard that I was looking for Zhao An, so he came.

Zhao Shan didn't speak, she was in a daze.

I know she is still thinking about Chen Mu.

Hou San asked, and we chatted.

"Actually, I have always had a question. At the beginning, Uncle Geng followed Zheng Lanxi to find Chen Mu, and then something happened. We don't know what happened in the middle. Although Zheng Lanxi said something, after all, she didn't see him. Now to the real situation. Could it be that Chen Mu was hit by the sorcery of Baili Changkong to become what he is now?" Hou San talked about Uncle Geng's accident.

"I was also a little confused, but after meeting Chen Mu a few times, he admitted everything. There was also the matter of Cai Die. I saw him and Xu Laoxie with my own eyes at that time." I said.

"However, Chen Mu's background is not bad. How could it become so fast? If you want to kill him, let alone Zhao Shan, even I would hesitate." Hou San sighed.

"Okay, let's ignore him for now. Although there is the West Emperor Bell in this trip to Evil Ghost Valley, I don't know if there will be other things. Since Chen Mu and the others also came to seize the West Emperor Bell, they must also want to Go to Evil Ghost Valley. Otherwise, you take Zhao Shan and wait for us at Zhao's house." I said to Hou San.

"How can I do that? Just follow them by yourself, and if something happens, you won't even be alone." Zhao Shan waved her hand immediately after hearing this.

"That's right, Zhao An is not a good person, and with Chen Mu and the others watching over him, let's stay together, at least we can take care of each other." Hou San also nodded.

I didn't speak, but I knew they definitely disagreed.But I'm also really worried that if something happens to them following me to the Evil Ghost Valley, please.But since things have come to this point, there is nothing to shirk.

This night, I tossed and turned sleeplessly.I kept thinking about Chen Mu in my mind.

Chen Mu and I grew up together, we can be said to have grown up naked.But I never thought that one day, it would become like this.

What Hou San said also makes sense.

Chen Mu and Zheng Lanxi disappeared after participating in the Die Xian game. When Zheng Lanxi came to ask me for help, I should have gone there.But as soon as Uncle Geng recovered, he went for me.Then Uncle Geng had an accident.When I saw Chen Mu again, he had already turned into a cold-blooded killer, full of hatred for me.

What happened to Chen Mu during this period of time?
If Uncle Geng went to find Chen Mu, but me, would I have been killed by Chen Mu?

After Uncle Geng's death, I stepped into a vortex that I couldn't escape from.

I wanted to avoid the matter of returning souls, but I ran into Cheng Feng when I was returning home, and accidentally went to the Fox Clan. In order to protect us, all the Fox Clan set themselves on fire, and then rescued Liu Kui.All of these are inseparable from the Hundred Miles Sky Resurrection Society.

Even now when I go to Evil Ghost Valley to find my mother and father, Hou San has followed me.Is this a deliberate arrangement by Forber and the others?
I suddenly thought of Ye Ling'er, since the Gu clan parted last time, she and Du Cheng went to find Mu Shi, but they didn't know what was going on.Who would be the murder case in the Gu clan?

If we were dealing with people from the sky, why did we only kill people from the Gu clan, but we didn't have anything wrong?Baili Changkong is the leader of the Evil Spirit Society, why didn't he kill Du Cheng from the Spirit Resurrection Society?But he killed his subordinate Gu people?

Is this really a headache?
A bunch of questions piled up in my head, which made me a little overwhelmed.I didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

While I was fast asleep, someone knocked on the door and woke me up.

Opening the door, I saw Zhao Shan.

"Zuo Juan is here, they want to take Hou San away."

My heart tightened, and I immediately followed Zhao Shan out.

Zuo Juan came with Zhu Tao. Zuo Juan didn't seem surprised that Zhao Shan and I were in Zhao An's house, and she nodded slightly at us.

Zhu Tao didn't seem to care about Zhao An, he just said that the procedure of taking Hou San away yesterday was illegal, they detained him, and some things were unclear.

Zhao An was even more disdainful of Zhu Tao and Zuo Juan. He called Zhu Tao's leader and asked the leader to tell Zhu Tao.But Zhu Tao refused to talk to the leader.

"Then please go out, this is a private place. You are not welcome now." Zhao An waved his hand, and the two bodyguards behind made a gesture of invitation.

"We will wait for you outside." Zhu Tao did not give up.

"I think if two police officers who didn't get the permission of the superior came around in my private place, and if they were injured, then the Public Security Bureau would have no reason to say it was my fault." Zhao An took a sip of tea from his teacup and said.

"Mr. Zhao misunderstood, we are leaving now. If there is any need, I will ask the leader for instructions." Zuo Juan smiled and pulled Zhu Tao away.

Zhao Shan glanced at Zuo Juan, wanting to say something, they had already walked out.

"Did Mr. Ding see anything?" Zhao An waited for Zhu Tao and the others to leave before speaking.

"Of course, in name Zhu Tao is Zuo Juan's boss, but in fact Zuo Juan is the real boss." I said.

"Yes, I also know Zhu Tao. He's not such a ignorant person. So something must have happened to him. But I can't control him right now." Zhao An nodded and said.

"Well, let's pack up and get ready to go." Zhao An is right, the most important thing for us now is to go to the Evil Ghost Valley.

"Wait for a few minutes, I've found a few helpers, I believe they can make our trip to Evil Ghost Valley smoother." Zhao An put down his teacup and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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