
Chapter 151 Lanling Ghost Face Chapter Dachun Shenmu

Chapter 151 Lanling Ghost Mask (4) Dachun Shenmu

The god will come out of the formation on a horse, wearing a mask, with red eyes shining, holding a spear in his hand, and pointing at me.

What is this?
It was the first time that the Banner of Extinguishing Demons had been broken by someone, and it was also the first time that the man on the horse who appeared suddenly appeared.

I looked back, and Huafeng was standing behind, wrapped in his clothes, so he couldn't see what he looked like.

"Boy, I advise you to tell Huamei to quickly help me find the Lanling mask, or you will bear the consequences." Huafeng said sinisterly.

"Just relying on this rider?" I drew out the Taixu Divine Sword and got ready to meet the enemy.

"Hahaha, do you know who this person is?" Huafeng laughed loudly.

I took a closer look, and the statue of the god riding a horse in front of me, except for the strange red eyes, looked majestic and majestic, not like a sinister image.I don't know how it was used by Huafeng.

Seeing that I refused to back down, Hua Feng swung his arms forward, and the god kicked his feet and galloped towards me on horseback.I retreated instinctively, and retreated from the lobby to the yard.

When the god general rode his horse to the gate of Datang, he stopped suddenly, stopped moving forward, and looked at me coldly.

I froze for a moment, and soon understood.This god will only be active in the lobby.That being the case, let's try his abilities.I tiptoed forward.

"Xiao Leng, don't." A voice suddenly came from behind.

I turned around and saw Ye Linger and Huamei standing together.

"That's King Lanling, the patriarch of our Hua family, please don't hurt him." Hua Mei walked over and grabbed me.

"Why are you here?" I ignored Huamei, but looked at Ye Linger.

"Just now, sister Huamei said that a handsome young man came here to show off his prestige, so I knew it was you. Haha." Ye Linger said mischievously.

"You guys know each other?" Huamei stared blankly.

"Oh, I see, are you the sorcerer Huaqiang invited?" I suddenly realized.

"I'm not a mage. The person Hua Qiang is looking for is a master. I'm just here to help." Ye Ling'er giggled.

"Du Cheng is here too? Aren't you looking for Mushi? Why did you come to Lincheng?" Seeing Ye Linger, I really wanted to talk to her.

"Why don't we leave here first, you discuss it before coming back." Hua Mei shrank her neck and looked at the lobby in front.

"Alright, the statue of King Lanling is really troublesome." I nodded.

I followed them to Huamei's second aunt's house.Hua Qiang and Du Cheng were talking inside when they saw me come in.Du Cheng stood up.

"I said it must be Xiao Leng." Ye Linger stuck out her tongue at Du Cheng.

"You guys know each other." Hua Qiang was also surprised.

"How? Have you fought?" Du Cheng didn't say anything else, and asked me about the situation.

"It's Huafeng possessed, but he has a statue of a horse riding in his hand. I wanted to try it, but Huamei said that it was the king of Lanling, the benefactor of the Hua family, and that statue broke my demon-killing banner. It's a bit Trouble." I said simply.

"It turns out that the statue of Lanling was stolen by Hua Feng. That's right. I heard Uncle A Ming said before that the statue of Lanling was stolen. Huafeng didn't worry about it when he died. I'm sorry about the ancestors." Hua Qiang slapped his thigh and cried out.

"What's the matter with this statue of King Lanling? And what's the meaning of the Lanling mask that Huafeng keeps talking about?" Du Cheng asked.

Hua Qiang thought about it, and told us about the relationship between King Lanling and the Hua family.

The ancestor of the Hua family was called Hua Zhinian, and he originally ran a painting boat.During the Northern Qi Dynasty, King Lanling sent someone to ask them to draw something.At that time, there were more than 100 painters of the painting boats. After they were screened layer by layer, only nine painters were left in the end.It was winter at that time, and there was a lot of snow.Nine painters traveled long distances with King Lanling and came to a mysterious place, which was in a canyon on the west mountain.At that time, in addition to their nine painters, there were more than 100 engravers.King Lanling told them that they wanted to complete a masterpiece that could save Northern Qi.

After Hua Zhinian communicated with others, he found out that King Lanling had found the Shenmu Dachun.As a painter, Hua Zhinian certainly knew what Dachun was.

Zhuangzi said in "Xiaoyaoyou" that there were big toon in ancient times, and 8000 years were spring and 8000 years were autumn.

Under the leadership of a general, everyone came to a huge cave.Hua Zhinian followed the others, and after entering, he realized that the cave was really deep, hundreds of meters up and down, and everyone was holding torches, illuminating the cave from top to bottom.

They came to the bottom of the burrow, where there was a black branch, and the branch was the only thing that went up from the burrow.

Tens of thousands of soldiers worked in the cave for a full month, and finally found the root of the sacred tree. They removed the root, and after the efforts of a hundred carvers, they finally made a mask, and then nine more Famous painters painted and made a delicate mask.

Later, news of King Lanling's frequent victories began to spread on the battlefield.Everyone knows that King Lanling wears a strange mask, as if using divine power to beat the enemy into fear.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, the king of Lanling made great achievements, and news of his murder soon spread.Then came the painters and carvers who took part in the mask project.Hua Zhinian felt uneasy, so he hid secretly, and he chose to go to the cave where Dachun was found.

But what he didn't expect was that there he actually met the personal guards of King Lanling, who carried King Lanling's body into the cave.

After the guards left, Hua Zhinian secretly opened King Lanling's coffin and found King Lanling wearing a mask inside.What surprised him even more was that King Lanling sat up and told him to take away the mask and himself, otherwise he would turn into an evil spirit and harm the world once the spring came.

After King Lanling said all this, he finally turned into a statue of a god riding a horse, and the mask fell into the coffin.Hua Zhinian didn't dare to disobey, put away the statue and mask, and left the Xishan Canyon in the dark.

Perhaps because of the protection of King Lanling, Hua Zhinian began to make masks in order to avoid being chased and killed. Since then, the masks of the Hua family have become the largest industry.

"For a long time, the ancestors of the Hua family have enshrined the statue of Lanling, and there is a mysterious old man guarding the Lanling mask. Our parents never let us go up, so we don't know the specific situation." Hua Qiang said.

"So, this statue of Lanling is really the incarnation of King Lanling?" Du Cheng pondered for a while, and frowned.

I don't know much about King Lanling, but after what Hua Qiang said, I think it's a bit difficult.

"I think the things our ancestors said may not be true. When I was in school, I deliberately learned more about King Lanling. Many of them are different from ours. There is another point I don't understand. If Lanling The statue is really the incarnation of King Lanling, why would he listen to Hua Feng?" Hua Mei said.

"After death, some people become spirits, and some become demons. Whether it is a spirit or a demon, there are magic tools to counteract it. So your identity in life will not determine what you do after death." Du Cheng explained.

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to satisfy his request?" Hua Mei's mood darkened when she heard that.

"It's okay, let's go to Lanling Peak today to investigate and find out the specific situation. It's really not good, we even took the statue with Huafeng." The way I said is that there is no way, if there is no way to preserve the statue, That can only destroy it, lest it be used by Huafeng to harm others.

Du Cheng nodded, he also meant the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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