
Chapter 161 Lanling Ghost Face Chapter The Unexpected Person

Chapter 161 Lanling Ghost Mask (14) The Unexpected Person

At two o'clock in the morning, Zhao Shan woke me up.

I walked to the door lightly, opened the crack of the door, stretched out my hand to unlock the outside lock, and then came out of the room with Zhao Shan.

I have been to the backyard of Zhao’s villa before, and there was a door between the corridor and the backyard, but now that door is gone.However, a few strips of yellow talisman paper were hung at the position of the door, which looked like a curtain of talisman paper.

Zhao Shan and I opened the talisman paper curtain one after the other, and got into the backyard.

In the night under the heavy fog, it is almost impossible to see anything.

But there was a strong stench in the air, which we could smell from the moment we entered Zhao's house, but it was a little lighter outside, but it became stronger and stronger when we arrived in the backyard.

Without the talisman paper magic weapon, I can't find the way.He could only grope and walk forward slowly. In addition to the thick fog in front of him, there was also a layer of glue-like mucus on the ground, which seemed to be the secretion of something.

I looked at my watch, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and it was time for a date with the mysterious man.

Suddenly, Zhao Shan behind me pulled me, and then pointed to the ground on the left.

Lying there was a person covered in mucus all over his body. His face was distorted, his mouth was wide open, and his eyes were wide open. After careful identification, it was Zhao An.

Tong, Tong, there was a sudden sound of huge footsteps ahead, and a hazy giant emerged from the thick fog.As it approached, the stench in the air became heavier and heavier.

"Run." I saw Zhao An who was twisted beside me, and suddenly thought of something, and pulled Zhao Shan to run to the left.

Sure enough, as soon as we dodged, a stream of mucus sprayed out of the thick fog, and it all fell to the place where we were standing just now.

Although we still don't know what kind of monster is in this dense fog, what is certain is that what it attacks people is mucus, and those mucus sticks to people's body, it will stick tighter and tighter, and finally shrink people to death.

Zhao An is an example.

Our dodge annoyed the monster, and it turned its head and continued to chase.

In desperation, we had to walk around in circles to avoid getting caught in its slime.This circle made us stay away from the entrance of the backyard, and we couldn't leave the backyard even if we wanted to.

The monster's slime was all over the place. Zhao Shan accidentally stepped on a puddle behind her. As a result, her body slowed down a step. The monster caught up with her and stuck its head out of the thick fog.

This time I saw the monster clearly. It was a snake-like thing with a human head. Its tongue was turned out, just like a frog, and the mucus was secreted from the tongue.

Seeing the monster raised its tongue again, the mucus was about to spray on Zhao Shan's body, I didn't think much, I jumped in front of Zhao Shan and blocked her with my body.

"Xiao Leng." Zhao Shan turned pale, and wanted to push me away, but I was tightly protecting me on the ground.

Aww, the monster let out a loud cry.

I closed my eyes, but I didn't wait for the attack of the monster slime for a long time.

Turning around, I saw a figure wrestling with the monster, and a man ran over beside me, holding a few things in his hand, and walked up to me.

"Ye Linger?" I was stunned when I saw who was coming.

What made me even more unexpected was that what she was holding in her hand was actually my magic weapon, the Taixu Divine Sword, the Miehun Banner and the talisman paper bag.

"Who is that person?" Zhao Shan sat up, pointing at the person who was entangled with the monster.

"It's Zheng Jue, Xiao Leng, hurry up and help him. He was injured in the fight with Hei Feng just now." Ye Linger said.

With the magic weapon, I am naturally not afraid of this monster.I picked up a few talisman papers and threw them out, and the talisman papers quickly illuminated everything in front of me.

We saw that Zheng Jue was fighting with a behemoth whose body was round and big, just like the legendary Tai Sui.

But whatever it is, I'm going to let it go away.

I brought up the Taixu Divine Sword and went to help Zheng Jue.

Zheng Jue seemed to be seriously injured. Seeing me approaching, he stepped back and sat next to him panting heavily.

The monster quickly saw the power of the Taixu Sword, and it quickly ran forward, and its bulky body immediately became flexible. To the ground inside.

I chased after it and looked, and there was only a small hole where the monster went down.

At this time, Zheng Jue, who was next to him, spat out a mouthful of blood, lost his strength, and fell down.

"Zheng Jue, what's wrong with you?" Ye Linger who was beside him immediately ran over to support him.

"Get out of here first." I looked around, turned around and said.

I carried Zheng Jue on my back to the hall.The hall was in chaos, Zhao Mingfeng was helping Hou San to bandage his arm, when they saw us, they immediately stood up.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shan and I were confused by the scene in front of us.

"The three members of the Corpse Clan were beaten away." Zhao Mingfeng said.

"You beat them away?" I glanced at Hou San and Zheng Jue.

"Of course not, the two of them can at most deal with one of them." A voice suddenly came from the side.

Hearing this voice, my heart tightened and I turned my head to look.

Three people came out from the side, the one in front was wearing a cloak and couldn't see clearly, the two behind him were Chen Mu and Zuo Juan.

"Hundred Miles of Sky?" I blurted out the name of my opponent.

"Ding Xiaoleng, we meet again." The voice of Bailichangkong was empty, as if it was in front of your eyes, and it was floating on the opposite side.

"They did it?" I turned my head to look at Zheng Jue and Hou San.

Zheng Jue seemed to be seriously hurt, so he ignored me, and Hou San nodded to me.

"Don't be surprised. The reason why I acted was not to help you. I need something on Misty Nightmare. Now, as long as you promise me one condition, I will let you go." Baili Changkong said.

"You said." I looked at him and asked.

"Get out of here immediately. Don't get in the way of my work here." Baili Changkong waved his left hand, but he couldn't see his hand in the sleeve of his clothes, it felt like it was an empty sleeve.

"Okay." I thought for a few seconds and agreed to his request.

I understand the meaning of Baili Changkong. He wants to attack Misty Nightmare, but he is also afraid that I and the corpse clan will block them at the same time.So he helped drive away the corpse clan people, and then let us leave.This can be said to be the best way.

"Zuo Juan, why are you with them?" Zhao Shan couldn't help asking when she saw Zuo Juan following Baili Changkong.

Zuo Juan ignored Zhao Shan and stood behind Baili Changkong like a corpse.

I pulled Zhao Shan to stop her from talking.I was not surprised that Zuo Juan appeared behind Baili Changkong. When I left Ningcheng last time, she stopped me and wanted to leave the West Emperor Bell.Coupled with her performance before, I have already determined that she is not an ordinary person.Seeing her with Baili Changkong now, the confusion before was also clear.

(End of this chapter)

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