
Chapter 166 Lanling Ghost Face Chapter Absurd 1 Night

Chapter 166 Lanling Ghost Mask (19) A Night of Absurdity

Zheng Lanxi was woken up by Zhang Yanli in the middle of the night.

Before going to bed, Zheng Lanxi and Zhang Yanli chatted briefly. Zhang Yanli is a student of Yucheng Teachers College, and the distance between their school and Zheng Lanxi's school is not too far.

During the communication, Zheng Lanxi could sense that Zhang Yanli seemed to be hiding something.But after all, it was the first time they met, and Zheng Lanxi also knew that the other party would definitely not give her heart and soul.

Zheng Lanxi was sleeping soundly, and was a little unhappy to be woken up by Zhang Yanli.

"If you want to survive, just listen to me." Hearing what Zhang Yanli said later, Zheng Lanxi woke up completely.

Zhang Yanli took Zheng Lanxi and tiptoed downstairs, and then hid in a forest opposite. They found a place where they could see the room they lived in.

Under the moonlight, the resort was quiet, and there was no sound.

Zheng Lanxi was about to ask Zhang Yanli, but Zhang Yanli hissed and motioned her to stare ahead.

Sure enough, not long after, Zheng Lanxi saw an amazing scene.

A black figure came out from the side, and then came to the door of their room.

Under the light, Zheng Lanxi saw that the black figure had no body at all, it was just a shadow, like a piece of paper, it got into the room through the crack of the door.

Zheng Lanxi gasped. Although she didn't know what it was, she was sure it must not be a good thing.

After a few minutes, the shadow came out of the room again, and then went to Zhao Long's room next to them.The time when the shadow entered was about the same as before, but this time the shadow did not come out, and it was Mo Xiaoling who came out.

Mo Xiaoling walked strangely, a little stiffly, as if sleepwalking, and as if being led by someone, she walked down the stairs slowly and walked deep into the old forest ahead.

"Let's go." Zhang Yanli pulled Zheng Lanxi and followed.

Mo Xiaoling walked slowly, which just allowed Zheng Lanxi and the others to follow at a leisurely pace.

During this journey, Zhang Yanli also told Zheng Lanxi.It turned out that those who left the tour group before disappeared like this.Zhang Yanli also discovered it by accident, so she was careful.

That shadow will appear every night at three o'clock, and then the person possessed by the shadow will leave.The next day, the tour guide will receive the news that the person left the group on his own.

"Then where did they go?" Zheng Lanxi asked.

"I don't know. I wanted to follow before, but it was inconvenient to be alone. Unlike today, we can follow together. Are you afraid?" Zhang Yanli asked.

Zheng Lanxi nodded, then shook her head again.

"Whether you're afraid or not, you have to go and see what's going on." Zhang Yanli didn't allow Zheng Lanxi to refuse, and pulled her forward quickly.

They followed Mo Xiaoling to the back of a forest, where Zheng Lanxi saw a bonfire ahead, and several people wearing scary masks were dancing around the fire.

Zheng Lanxi and Zhang Yanli hid aside, watching Mo Xiaoling walk towards the bonfire.Then those people started to hold Mo Xiaoling's hand and danced together.

The dance they danced was very strange. At the end of the dance, they began to sing a song, but they couldn't understand a word of the lyrics. In the end, those few people snuggled up to Mo Xiaoling and surrounded her and another man wearing a mask.Then those people with masks lay down on the ground, only Mo Xiaoling and the masked man were left in the middle, the man hugged Mo Xiaoling and began to grope her body, Mo Xiaoling also responded to the man Caress, uncovered the man's mask.

Seeing the man's appearance, Zheng Lanxi couldn't help screaming.

That man turned out to be the man who had rescued her behind the Tianshan Hotel before.

Zheng Lanxi's shout suddenly alarmed the people in front, those who were lying on the ground stood up and started chasing after them.

When Zheng Lanxi and Zhang Yanli saw the situation, they hurried forward.It's a pity that they ran too fast, they didn't find the intersection when they came, and went into the woods by mistake.The people behind were holding torches and making weird noises. They ran for a while, but then they scattered.In the end, Zheng Lanxi was caught up by the people behind and was knocked out.

When Zheng Lanxi woke up, she found herself locked in a cave.There was a fire next to it, burning some unknown leaves.

When she wanted to go out, someone came in.

She took a stone from the ground and stared at the hole vigilantly, but she didn't expect that it was me who came in.

"Me?" Hearing this, I was stunned and couldn't help but blurted out.

"Yes, she was talking about you." Zhao Shan nodded.

"But I didn't go there at all, let alone the cave." I spread my hands helplessly.

"But she said it was you who came, and you told her you were here to save her. And then..."

"And then?" I asked.

"Then Zheng Lanxi said that you were lingering in the cave all night, and then she found out that she was pregnant." Zhao Shan said.

"Nonsense, how is this possible? I have never been there!" I was so angry that I almost jumped up.

"This is indeed strange. Zheng Lanxi said that you disappeared the next day, and Zhang Yanli brought the police to rescue her. After returning, Zheng Lanxi has been looking for you, probably because she wanted to confirm that matter. She said it herself, sometimes it feels like a dream when she thinks about it, if she hadn't gone to the hospital to confirm her pregnancy, she might not have thought that night was real." Zhao Shan said.

"It's definitely not me. Could it be that she was raped?" I guessed.

"It's possible, but she's really pitiful now. If she's really cheated, she's probably going to die. You have to comfort her." Zhao Shan nodded.

"But, I'm afraid that the more I comfort her, the more she will think it's true. I can't take the blame for this." I almost collapsed.

"If you want to complain, blame the person behind it. I promised her to take you to see her. When you meet, ask about the situation carefully. If you can find out the truth of the matter, that would be the best." Zhao Shan said Then, he pulled me to turn around, pointed to a community in front and said, "Now she secretly rents a house here, and she doesn't dare to let her family know."

"She won't be planning to have a baby here?" I felt a little bit in my heart.

"Look what scared you. If you really didn't do it, you don't have to be afraid. I don't think Zheng Lanxi is the kind of person who makes trouble for no reason." Zhao Shan pushed me.

When Zhao Shan and I walked into the community, someone stopped me.

When I looked back, it turned out to be Shi Fei.

"I look like you, it's really you, Brother Ding, why are you here? Are you looking for me?" Shi Fei said to me happily.

"No, no, I'm here to see a friend. Brother Shi, do you live in this community?" I didn't expect Shi Fei to live in this community.

The last time I helped Shi Fei find the Mingzu to return the Flint, the matter was explained by Uncle Fu at that time, and I didn't communicate with Shi Fei much.Didn't expect to meet here now.

"Is this your girlfriend? It's so beautiful, you guys won't move here, will you? Haha, we will be neighbors in the future, and I will definitely take care of you." Shi Fei touched his bald head and said with a smile .

"Brother Shi, don't talk nonsense, I really came to see my friend." I looked at Zhao Shan in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, you guys go quickly. This neighborhood is a bit uneasy recently. Last time Huang Daxian came to my house and said that there is a haze and ghost in the neighborhood. I'm afraid someone brought ghosts into the house. He also advised me to go out and ask for some talisman papers." By the way, Brother Ding, tell your friend that Huang Daxian is very smart." After finishing speaking, Shi Fei left cheerfully.

I smiled embarrassedly at Zhao Shan.

"Let's go, Brother Ding." Zhao Shan chuckled, imitated Shi Fei's speech, and walked forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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