
Chapter 180 The Devil's Embryo Chapter Past Events

Chapter 180 The Devil's Embryo (12) Past Events

I opened my eyes, and the lid of the coffin was still in front of me.

I moved my body, and I was still in the coffin.I got up and pushed hard, the coffin lid was pushed open, and I jumped out of the coffin.

The main tomb has collapsed, but fortunately, the millennium lamp has not been extinguished.

Tao Ba was pressed down by a stone and had been dead for a long time.Jiu Niangzi and Tao Liu also disappeared.I took the bag off Tao Ba's body, and it contained his tomb robbers.

Beneath the collapsed stones, bending over and drilling through is the passage out of the main tomb.I pushed the stones away and got into the passage.

The passage is not long, about ten meters.At the end is a stone gate. Beside the gate are two tomb-suppressing mythical beasts, their eyes staring like copper bells, and there is a movable ring in their mouth.

I pushed the stone door, but the stone door remained motionless.This stone gate seems to be made of a complete stone. If it is opened from the opposite side, there is no gap in the middle. If it is opened up and down, there is no gap in the ground.

But I'm sure it's not a fake door, because we came in from the Ascension Gate, and the man in black came from the passage.

I tried to grope for a while, but couldn't find a way to open the door.Finally, my eyes fell on the pull rings in the mouths of the two beasts next to me.I lightly pulled the mythical animal ring on the left.

Hum, Shimen made a slight sound, and there was a rumbling sound from the ground, as if something was turning.

I was overjoyed, and immediately pulled the ring in the mouth of the beast on the right.

Boom, my feet suddenly softened, and the position I was standing on suddenly collapsed.I hurriedly tried to grab something next to me, but fell below.By the time I stood up, I had come from the inside of the door to the outside of the door.

Now I suddenly understood.

This is the gateway to the world.

In the past, Qing Ya Zhai received an ancient painting by the name of Feng Ling Xianren.Above that painting is an ancient tomb gate, but there is also a space below drawn outside and inside the gate respectively.Many people don't understand what this means.The person who came to sell this painting at that time explained that Fengling Xianren was said to be a very famous locksmith in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.His painting is said to be a magic lock technique, but no one has penetrated the secret.Until the Qing Dynasty, a tomb robber accidentally discovered the secret of this painting. It turned out that this is a gate that leads to the world.

Ordinary door locks are opened with keys, or escutcheons with keyholes, and gears with gears.There are also some mysterious fake doors with fake doors.This door to the world is a real fake door. The way to open the door is from the ground. The pull ring on the left is to open the underground mechanism, and the pull ring on the right is to open the upward mechanism.To put it simply, it means sinking from the inside of the door and rising from the outside of the door.

But any door that leads to the world must be followed by a trap with ten thousand arrows piercing the heart.

This kind of setting is in ancient tombs or treasures. Most people think that if such a deeply hidden door lock is cracked, they will take it lightly and ignore the danger that comes with it.

This has been confirmed before my eyes.

Tao Liu's body was lying in the middle, and his body and surroundings were covered with densely packed short arrows.

I bypassed Tao Liu's body and walked forward.

The passage seems to be going down, like a spiral staircase, extending underground, the lower you go, the lower the temperature is, and when I reach the end of the stairs, I feel shivering and shivering, as if coming from autumn to winter Same.

Below the stairs is a huge square, which is as big as two basketball courts. It is empty, except for a crystal-clear coffin in the middle, emitting a white smoke.

To my surprise, Jiu Niangzi was leaning against the coffin, sitting cross-legged, just like an old monk in meditation.The man in black stood beside her, frozen there like a zombie.

I walked over and just wanted to take a picture of her, but she opened her eyes.

"You're finally here." Her voice was a little different from before, with a trace of indescribable joy.

"What's wrong with you?" I felt that something was wrong with Jiu Niangzi.

"Didn't you always want to see the sky? Now he is in this cold coffin." At this moment, the man in black next to him spoke.

"Aren't you Baili Changkong?" I asked.

The man in black shook his head and didn't speak.

"If you have any questions, I can tell you all the answers." The wine lady spoke again.

"Okay." That being the case, I stopped being polite and asked the first question, "Who killed Zhao Geng?"

"Zhao Geng went to look for Chen Mu that day, and found someone drowned in the Dragon Valley, so he went into the water to save him. Unexpectedly, he was entangled in aquatic plants and suffocated to death." Jiu Niangzi said.

"Nonsense." After hearing this answer, I immediately became furious.

"Facts are facts, why hide it?" Jiu Niangzi raised her head slightly.

"Who are you? Are you from the Ming clan? Why did you trick me into coming here?" I looked at the wine lady and asked the second question.

"What I told you is true. My husband was indeed threatened by the Witch Sect. When I found out that the Jinling Tianshu was not in the tomb, I was almost desperate. But he told me that if I listened to him Yes, he can help me." The wine lady said.

"Then now, you are the spokesperson of Baili Changkong?" I couldn't help but sneer.

"Yes." The wine lady nodded and raised her arms. Only then did I realize that her body was actually attached to the cold coffin. It seemed that the thousand miles of sky in the cold coffin couldn't make a sound, and she had to go through the wine lady to speak come out.

"Well, I would like to ask, what is the relationship between you and the Resurrection Society? Also, who is this man in black? Are you responsible for everything that happened around me?" I asked. He pointed to the man in black next to him and said.

"Since we asked about this, let's start from the beginning." Lady Jiu nodded. , "You must already know the history of the Resurrection Society, so let me tell you something you don't know."

The wine lady said something that Fu Bo and the others hadn't said before.

The reason why Baili Changkong broke with the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties at the beginning was not only because of the imperial court, but also because of the personnel disputes in the Returning Soul Society.

Most of the subordinates in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are people with supernatural powers. These people have weird personalities, are noble and unwilling to accept organizational management, while most of Baili Changkong's subordinates are followers.As the momentum of the Rehabilitation Society grew, the emperor was afraid that his status would be endangered, so he secretly began to reduce the power of the Resurrection Society.It's a pity that those capable people and strangers have no way to deal with them.Therefore, the emperor thought of another way, and asked Baili Changkong to find capable people and strangers who could compete with him.In the end, a state of ten clans' full strength was formed.

Under the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are the four major families, while under the Bailichangkong are the Gu, Fox, Ming and Corpse families.Because most of the capable people and strangers that Bailichangkong looked for were related to sorcery, they were called the evil clan by the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.Over time, the Spirit Returning Society was divided into two organizations, one was the Spirit Returning Society headed by Yuan Mingqing, and the other was the Evil Spirit Society headed by Baili Changkong.

However, behind the vast sky is the emperor's backing, and the emperor cast a mouse-eye on the capable people and strangers under the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.Therefore, the struggle between the Spirit Returning Society and the Evil Spirit Society became more obvious.

In the end, the four major families under Yuan, Ming and Qing were gradually split due to personality problems, and the evil spirits under Bailichangkong gained the upper hand. Coupled with the support of the emperor, Bailichangkong soon became the Guild of Returning Souls. of the new president.

The failed Yuan, Ming and Qing brought their remnants to Fengming Mountain to live in seclusion, unwilling to leave secular disputes.

However, the four major families under the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties were unwilling to give up on this, especially those who lost their loved ones in the battle. Among them, the family with the surname Qiu from western Hunan was the one who lost the most. The clan was almost exterminated, so under the organization of the Qiu family and others, they used the world's famous decent sects to crusade against the evil spirit society together, and finally broke up the evil spirit society in the sky, and separated the Gu clan, fox clan, Ming clan and The corpse clan was driven away from the capital and scattered to various remote areas.

In the battle between the Spirit Resurrection Society and the Evil Spirit Society, the ones who suffered the most losses were the talented and strange men from all over the world.Both decent and sorcerous have been badly hurt.

In the end, on Fengming Mountain, Yuan Mingqing and Baili Changkong decided to give up their grievances. They wrote their lifelong cultivation in a book, which is the Jinling Tianshu. They put the Jinling Tianshu in a secret cave, and then Five rebirth stones and one blood jade stone were refined as the keys to open the heavenly book, and trusted personnel from the Soul Returning Society and the Evil Spirit Society were respectively allowed to guard the rebirth stones.They agreed that if one day capable people and strangers in the world meet a strong enemy again, they can use the rebirth stone and the blood jade stone to take out the cultivation bases of Baili Changkong and Yuan Mingqing.

In order to calm the chaos outside, Baili Changkong was willing to sacrifice himself and imprisoned himself at the bottom of this cold coffin in Fengming Mountain.Yuan, Ming and Qing passed away after explaining to the Resurrection Society.

What Jiu Niangzi said was actually the words of Baili Changkong.

Although I already know a lot of things in it, I don't understand the details.Especially things about Baili Changkong, Yuanmingqing, Huiling Society and Xie Linghui.

What made me even more unexpected was that the role of the rebirth stone turned out to be an agreement between Baili Changkong and Yuan Mingqing.

Perhaps it is because they are afraid of Baili Changkong's rebirth, that's why Fu Bo and the others let us look for the rebirth stone, so as not to be caught by Baili Changkong first.

However, now that I've heard Baili Changkong's intentions, he doesn't intend to be reborn.

"Have you finished listening? Maybe you should understand." The man in black next to him spoke.

"No, after listening to it, I was even more confused. But there is one more question that I didn't answer. If this man in black is not you, who is he?" I pointed to the man in black and asked.

"You don't need to ask him about this, I'll tell you." The man in black suddenly slapped Jiu Niangzi on the back, and Jiu Niangzi fell to one side in a muffled voice.

"What are you going to do?" I've seen the man in black many times before, and I always thought he was Baili Changkong, but I didn't expect him to be Baili Changkong at all.

"Actually, you have known me a long time ago." The man in black chuckled, and slowly lifted the veil on his head.

Seeing his appearance, I felt thunderous, trembling all over, and didn't react for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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