
Chapter 190 Spiritual Demon Embryo Chapter 3 Realms

Chapter 190 The Devil's Embryo (22) The Three Realms

The Lost Souls were surprised by my appearance, the main reason is that I look too similar to Tamu.Zhao Shan and Zheng Lanxi don't know what happened in Yucheng yet.Taking the time to spare, I talked about what happened at Fengming Mountain and what happened in Yucheng.

Hearing all this, Zhao Shan was much more shocked than Zheng Lanxi. When she knew that Uncle Fu was the murderer of her father, she stayed there alone and didn't speak for a long time.

I told Zhao Shan, no matter what, I will go to Fengming Mountain on the [-]th of next month.I can't just watch Hou San and the others die in vain.Things are indeed as Hou San said now, this is the last chance.

While talking, Tamu sent someone to call us.I asked Zheng Lanxi to comfort Zhao Shan, and I went by myself.

Tamu took me to the back of Luohun Manor, where there was an open field with nine bonfires, a black wooden box was placed in front of each bonfire, and several people in black clothes were sitting beside them.Those few people chanted words around the bonfire, from time to time they raised their hands to the sky, and then slowly retracted them.

This scene was a bit familiar, and I found it strange, so I asked Tamu about it.Tamu told me that this is the method used by the Tamu Luohun clan to seal the formation before. There are nine ghost dolls in the box, and each campfire corresponds to a ghost doll. The pillars under the fog, so that the soul-suppressing fog above Luohunzhuang can last for a long time.

I suddenly remembered that this scene was the same as the weird people I saw in the woods of Fengming Village before, the only difference was that next to those people were crying children.Tao Ba said at the time that it was the Nine Sons Resurrection Formation.

My heart moved, could it be that the Nine Sons Resurrection Formation has something to do with Tamu's?So, I tried to ask briefly, and sure enough, Tamu said that the thing that seals the array called Nine Sons Soul Removal Array, if you want to break it, you have to use the Nine Sons Resurrection Array.

The so-called Nine Sons Soul Shifting Formation seeks nine ghost babies without physique to support the formation, but the Nine Sons Returning Soul Formation, on the contrary, uses nine children to attract the souls of the ghost babies in the Nine Sons Soul Shifting Formation.

Hearing what I said, Tamu pondered for a moment, and then said, "Those people you saw must be Baili Xianren. It seems that they still want to occupy this Luohunzhuang."

"Occupy Luohun Manor?" I was stunned.

Tamu didn't say anything to me, but took me to the ancestral hall.In the ancestral hall, he found a roll of parchment, which densely recorded many ancient texts.He unfolded one of the corners and read it to me.Although I can understand some ancient Chinese, but after all, this thing is someone else's stuff, and Tamu also translated it for me, so I just listened quietly.

When Pangu opened the sky, the world was divided into three realms.Some say it is the realm of the gods, the realm of humans and the realm of ghosts.Some people also asked, how can there be ghosts and gods in this world?Therefore, later generations simply divided the three realms into the realms of life and death and impermanence.

Life is born in the world of human beings, passes through the world of impermanence, and dies in the world of death.From then on, the cycle of reincarnation, all things grow.

Impermanence belongs to the state of neither birth nor death, and can be between the two realms of life and death, but impermanence has no water, no matter, no sky and no land, and neither the living nor the dead can survive.

According to legend, there are two entrances at the end of Wuchang, one leads to the human world and the other leads to the dead world.Things are a little different because of the proximity to the border.

The Lost Soul Clan discovered this at the beginning, so they found this place together with a hundred warlocks under them, and built this paradise together.

The magician's law is supposed to benefit human beings. If it is reversed, it is an evil law and violates the law of heaven.

Establishing Luohunzhuang in the first place was a violation of the law of heaven.Therefore, the ancestral training of the Luohun clan said that if one day, Luohunzhuang causes unnecessary disputes, the tribe will use the technique of closing the village to close the passage between Luohunzhuang and the human world forever.

If the Baili Immortal hadn't taken away their technique of closing the village, they wouldn't have needed to use magic to do this.

"Actually, when I saw you, besides thinking that you look like me, there is another service I need you to help me with." Tamu put away the parchment and said.

"You said." I looked at him.

"Over the years, in order to find a way to close Luohunzhuang, I have been practicing evil methods according to that ancient book. My body is already riddled with holes, and I am afraid that the time will not be right." Tamu's face appeared A sad expression.

"How could this be?" This was something I hadn't thought of.

Tamu lifted up his clothes and showed them to me.There were wounds all over his body, and what was even more frightening was that those wounds were like wriggling bugs, gathered on it, which looked shocking and horrible.

"Those sorcerers do a lot of harm to the body, and I don't want the people below to suffer all of this. Who made me the patriarch. I thought it would be impossible to close Luohunzhuang, but I didn't expect that God would favor you and let you Appeared." Tamu put his arms around my shoulders, his eyes full of hope.

"I, what can I do?" I didn't quite understand what Tamu meant.

"We have tried the method in the ancient book, but it didn't work at all. But the clansmen are still full of expectations. Now the only way to close Luohun Village is for you to help us destroy the Nine Sons Moving Soul Formation outside, so that it can be distributed in Luohun Village. The soul-suppressing fog above the Soul Manor will dissipate..."

"How is this possible? If there is no soul-suppressing fog, how can your people survive in the realm of impermanence?" I interrupted Tamu.

"This is the only way, and it is also the best way. I was planning to do this, because I don't have much time. I can't just watch Luohunzhuang fall into the hands of evil people, or my clansmen will die What's worse, my ancestors have become sinners through the ages. Besides, we clansmen have lived long enough in Luohun Village. We were lucky enough to escape the killing of the Baili Immortal. Now we live like this without life or death. It is also a painful torment. In order to survive normally, we have to rely on the evil methods in ancient books and do all kinds of evil things. That is not what we want to do. Xiao Leng, since I met you, I hope you can help me This is my favor." Tamu smiled miserably and patted my shoulder.

I wanted to say something, but Tamu waved his hand and put the parchment on the ancestral hall again.Then he bowed to the ancestral hall.

Coming out of the ancestral hall, my heart was extremely heavy.

Tamu's request made me a little embarrassed.

But I understand Tamu's words.Now, in order to survive, Luohun Village must use the Nine Sons Soul Shifting Formation to support the Soul Suppressing Fog, and those ghost fetuses must go out to find someone to lay ghost fetuses.This is an outrageous thing.As the patriarch of the Lost Soul Clan, Tamu was naturally unwilling to do this.

Perhaps, there are other ways.

I suddenly thought of a question, so I quickly chased after it.

(End of this chapter)

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