
Chapter 2: Gathering Souls and Beads Chapter Taste of Death

Chapter 2 Gathering Souls and Beads (2) The Taste of Death

Twelve midnight.

The rooftop of Building No. 4 in Chenzhai.

Zhao Shan was standing by the building in a heroic manner, looking around.Chen Mu hid the farthest, chanting Prajna Paramita non-stop.I sat on the side, fiddling with the jade turtle bracelet in my hand, feeling uneasy.

Time flowed bit by bit, Zhao Shan looked at the time for a while, and looked at the side of the building for a while.

"Sister, don't look at it, if you accidentally fall down, you will become a ghost." Chen Mu stopped chanting, and shouted at Zhao Shan.

"Shut up, old man, you're afraid of this. Look at Xiao Leng, how calm you are." Zhao Shan gave him a white look.

I shrugged. In fact, I was not calm at all.

Since my father left me, every time I was disturbed, I would feel chills all over my body, and when it was severe, my whole body would twitch and tremble non-stop.Later, my mother went to ask for a jade turtle bracelet for me. Since then, every time I feel uneasy, as long as I handle the jade turtle, I will feel inexplicably at ease.

Now, although I don't look scared at all on the surface, I quickly move the jade turtle with my left hand.You must know that Chen Mu is not a timid person. He dared to catch ghosts with other netizens before, but now he is afraid of this. There must be a reason.

"Xiao Leng, do you think there is no ghost in this world?" Chen Mu leaned in front of me.

I don't know how to answer this question, so I clenched the jade turtle bracelet in my hand.

When I was ten years old, I heard the doctor tell my mother in the ward that I would die at any moment.I came to the corridor of the hospital alone, and the emergency room was next door. From time to time, medical staff in white coats hurried past, and everyone passing by would look at me. inside the door.

Inside the iron gate was a large room, even though it was daytime, it was gloomy, with a dim incandescent lamp hanging above the head.There are many beds neatly placed in the room, some with people lying on them, and some are empty, and everyone lying on them has their feet exposed, and a white sign is hung on the toes.

I smelled a cold smell, mixed with an inexplicable smell.I have smelled this kind of smell at the funeral of a relative, and I can't tell what it feels like, but it is very clear.

At this time, the mother's anxious call came from outside.I don't know why, but instead of running out, I lay down on one of the beds and covered it with a white cloth.

The mother's shouts faded away, and the room fell silent.

I wanted to sit up, but my body couldn't move, I felt that I was sucked tightly by that bed.I heard myself gasping for breath, trying to shout, but my throat seemed to be blocked, and I couldn't make any sound.At the same time, there was a rustling sound next to him, as if the other lying people in the room sat up.Then they walked towards me step by step. I turned my head and saw people standing beside my bed. They were all barefoot, and all of them had white signs on their toes.

Hu Chi.

Hu Chi.

The people around the bed began to blow, and the cold breath began to spread around me.

a bit.

one more time.

My mind is a little fuzzy.

The body seems to be able to move, but the heart does not want to move.

Get up, get up.Someone whispered in my ear.

My consciousness began to weaken, and my body began to lose control.

I saw people standing around me, old and young, men and women, but their faces were all the same, blue-white, with sunken eye sockets, and blood-red lips.

One of them slowly stretched out his hand to pull me, and just as he touched my left hand, a dazzling blue light suddenly appeared from the jade turtle bracelet on my left hand.

I sat up all of a sudden.

The room was silent, without any sound.

The people on the next bed were still lying quietly.

I didn't stay any longer and ran out.

Mother came from the corridor and saw me.He hugged me and stroked my hair with tears in his eyes.Looking back, I saw people standing behind the iron gate. They were the people who surrounded me just now. Their eyes were dull but filled with resentment.

That was the only time I saw a ghost. After returning home, my mother took me to see the witch, but I still couldn't tell whether it was a hallucination at the time or I really saw a ghost.It's like when I wake up from sleep, sometimes I don't know whether I fell asleep and dreamed, or fell asleep in a dream.

However, the jade tortoise bracelet has never left my hand since then, and my mother said it was a longing for returning.

When I came to Qingyazhai, Uncle Geng had seen my jade turtle bracelet, he said it was not bad, it was an old item, your mother was interested.

"Stop touching your glans all day long." Chen Mu kicked me.

"Someone is coming." Zhao Shan waved to us.

Sure enough, there were footsteps in the stairwell.We immediately hid aside, staring at the stairs.A girl wearing a mask came out from inside.

The girl walked to the middle of the roof, took out a pack of candles and a pile of yellow paper money from her backpack, then took out a lighter to light the candles and yellow paper money, and then began to mutter something non-stop, with both hands from time to time Namaste shaking.

Chen Mu moved forward, Zhao Shan stretched out her hand to hold him.

"Xue Li, please let me go, don't pester me anymore. I'm sorry, I will pray for you every day and sing you your favorite songs. I won't dare again." The girl's voice suddenly became louder .

The name Shirley sounded familiar, yes, it was the name of the second girl who jumped off the building.

Zhao Shan walked out suddenly, and Chen Mu also stood up.

"Who are you?" Seeing us, the girl showed a frightened expression in her eyes.

"What's your relationship with Wang Xueli? Why do you come here to worship her now?" Zhao Shan looked at her and asked.

"I don't know her." The girl hurriedly picked up her backpack and wanted to leave.

"You are Han Jiajia, right?" Zhao Shan reached out to stop her.

Ah, the girl froze.

"I saw a group photo in Wang Xueli's diary, and this backpack is also on it. Don't you know me?" Zhao Shan walked over and pulled off the girl's mask.

A delicate face appeared in front of us. To our surprise, Han Jiajia's mouth was full of needle holes and red scars.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shan was stunned, and let go of her hand.

Han Jiajia hurriedly put on the mask, with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly a wind blew up on the roof, and the half-burnt paper money was blown up, like a mournful ghost, whimpering and flying into the air.Under the moonlight, Han Jiajia's tears had solidified, and she talked about the reason why she came here.

Han Jiajia and Wang Xueli are roommates, and both of them came to Yucheng from other places to work.Han Jiajia is naturally talkative, with a big mouth, and can't hide any secrets.Wang Xueli works in a small company. Because her family background is poor and she doesn't have many friends, she had a boyfriend before, but the two broke up because of their personality differences.

A year ago, Wang Xueli met a boy online.The two had a lively chat and both had good feelings for each other.Later, that boy came to Yucheng for a business trip, and asked Wang Xueli out at night, but never came back.The next day, Han Jiajia kept asking Wang Xueli if she had sex with the boy.Wang Xueli vehemently denied it.Later, I don't know why Wang Xueli had a falling out with the boy, and I didn't contact him again.

Some time ago, Wang Xueli's family told her about a marriage in their hometown. Both parties were very satisfied and set a wedding date.One night, Han Jiajia and Wang Xueli suddenly talked about the previous netizen.Wang Xueli said very angrily that she was not allowed to mention that matter again in the future.At that time, Han Jiajia was a little unhappy.It happened that Wang Xueli's fiancé's family came to Yucheng the next day, and her fiancé's mother secretly asked Han Jiajia if Wang Xueli had a boyfriend before.Thinking of Wang Xueli's attitude, Han Jiajia shuddered and told about the boy before.At that time, Han Jiajia felt that she had gotten into trouble because the mother of Wang Xueli's fiancé slammed the door and left in anger.

Sure enough, Wang Xueli came back after staying at home for a few days. Her whole person seemed to have changed, her eyes were dull and her spirit was haggard.After Han Jiajia asked, she found out that she had been divorced.In Yucheng, especially in rural areas, it is very shameful to be divorced. Not only will it be difficult for you to marry in the future, but your parents will not be able to hold their heads up.

Han Jiajia felt a little regretful, but she didn't know how to admit her mistake.But what she didn't expect was that Wang Xueli committed suicide by jumping off the building.

When she saw Wang Xueli's body, Han Jiajia's life changed completely. She always saw Wang Xueli's appearance before her death, especially when she opened her eyes, as if a cold arrow was about to be shot from inside.Later, Han Jiajia didn't dare to sleep alone. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw Wang Xueli's cold eyes and kept cursing her.

Han Jiajia returned to her hometown, but she still couldn't calm down.Until a few days ago, she dreamed of Wang Xueli again. This time, what frightened her was that in the dream she saw Wang Xueli holding a needle and pricking her mouth again and again.The pain was like countless small bugs burrowing into her mouth, but she couldn't move, couldn't break free.When she woke up, she found that there were really countless pinprick wounds on her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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