
Chapter 20 Brass Bell Lock Corpse Chapter There is no corpse in the coffin

Chapter 20 Brass Bell Lock Corpse (1) There is no corpse in the coffin
In early autumn in Yucheng, although people still wear long-sleeved shirts, they feel cold at night.Especially when it is windy, the dust is all over the sky, which makes people annoying and hateful.Usually at this time, there is no one on the street, and even animals are rare in Los Angeles City.However, Ah Liu likes this kind of weather.

Luocheng District is in the westernmost part of Yucheng, next to Tianping Mountain.Since ancient times, building mausoleums against mountains has been the favorite of emperors.Although Yucheng has never been a national capital in history, several cities not far from it are famous historical capitals.

Ah Liu is a tomb robber, not to mention the Mountain Moving Group or the Dragon Hunting Group, but he followed his uncle around since he was a child.The Central Plains is vast and abundant, and there are many tombs. Although Ah Liu has never been in a real tomb, he has seen many things.After his uncle retired, he went it alone.

The matter of tomb robbery has been involved in the matter from ancient times to the present, from the nobles of the royal family to the rats in white clothes.For a long time, all dynasties have been deeply distressed by tomb robbers, and they will be severely punished after they are caught.It's a pity that under heavy punishment, it still can't stop the lucky illegals.

Ah Liu knew that tomb robbing was immoral. Since he followed his uncle, he had seen many of his colleagues die tragically, and there were even some retributions in this world.Uncle also fell ill because of this reason, so he retired and stopped, hoping to spend his old age in peace.But Ah Liu can't help it, he will do this all his life.

In the past few days, he saw a good place.No one has been there yet.He has been waiting for such weather.Although there are few people in Luocheng District, but to enter the entrance of Tianping Mountain, you must pass through a village.Unless it is rainy or windy, there will always be people from the village at the entrance.

Ah Liu likes to come out on windy days, because rainy days are prone to thunder.When robbing tombs, the most taboo thing is thunder.Both scientifically and superstitiously, thunder can cause visions in dead people and enclosed spaces.

This is an area surrounded by mountains and rivers, with flat roads on both sides, except for a raised slope in the middle.Ah Liu picked up the tool bag, turned to the back of the slope, and started construction at the place marked in advance.

Not long after, the robbery hole was dug by him.He felt that it was really smooth, according to his speed, at least twice as much effort as it is now.But since the robbery hole was opened, he didn't care about other things.He took out a little rabbit from the tool bag, tied the rabbit's hind legs with a string, and threw the rabbit into the robbery hole.

This method was told to him by his uncle before.In fact, it is very simple, there are traps in many tombs.Even if there is no mechanism, a space that has been sealed for too long will have foul air.So it is most appropriate to use a living creature to go in and lead the battle.

The little rabbit got in with the rope, the hole was not deep, and at about the same time, Ah Liu pulled the rabbit out.He hugged the rabbit and looked at it carefully, and the rabbit's body would reveal the situation in the hole.For example, if there is too much cloudy water inside, the rabbit's fur will be covered, or if there is too much turbidity inside, the rabbit will be dying when it comes out.

This time, the rabbit came out alive and kicking, and there was no abnormality in its body and hair.It seems that this time came to the right.Ah Liu tidied up, tied the rope to the nearby stone, and then jumped into the robbery hole by himself.

It's just that Ah Liu didn't see it. When he jumped into the robbery hole, the rabbit, which was still alive and kicking, suddenly seemed to be torn off by someone. The white rabbit fur turned red, and fell to the ground, trembling. stop.

The tomb is not deep, at most two meters.The tomb passage goes from shallow to deep, and it looks flat, but it is actually inclined.Ah Liu took the time to walk. If he didn't see the tomb in more than 15 minutes, he turned around and left. Even if the gold and silver treasures were right in front of him, he would never stay for one more minute.

This time, it took Ah Liu 10 minutes to enter the tomb.After lighting the ever-burning lamp in the tomb, Ah Liu glanced at it. He only had 5 minutes to get things.The tomb in front of me was empty, there were some old murals on the walls, there was a coffin under the front, a low table on the ground, and some bamboo slips on the table, but there was nothing else.It looked as if the tomb had been robbed.

Ah Liu put his last hope on the coffin.However, the coffin is also ordinary wood and is not made of expensive materials.Ah Liu picked up the tools, walked quickly to the coffin, pried off the coffin nails, put on a gas mask, and pushed open the coffin lid.

There was no body in the coffin.

Ah Liu was stunned.

All of a sudden, Ah Liu remembered that when he pried the coffin nails just now, it seemed very easy, as if those nails were already alive, and they only needed to be pulled lightly to open them.

Is this an empty tomb?
There are many empty tombs in history. For example, Cao Cao has 72 suspected tombs.But Ah Liu felt that this was definitely not an empty tomb.Although there was no one in the coffin, there was something. The bottom was smooth silk cloth, and a brass bell was hung on each corner of the coffin.

It seems that today is going to return empty-handed.Ah Liu was a little disappointed, time was running out.Seeing that it was impossible, he tore off the brass bell in a corner next to it, and then put the coffin lid on.

When I came out of the tomb, it was already past two o'clock at night.The wind outside also stopped.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning when Ah Liu returned home. After a busy night, he was already exhausted.Lie down on the bed and fell asleep.

In a daze, Ah Liu heard a voice ringing, and then he felt that he had come to a strange place unconsciously.

Ah Liu saw an extra knife in his hand, he wanted to control himself, but his hand didn't obey.He watched helplessly as he stabbed the knife into a man's heart.Blood sprayed on his body, and he cried out in pain.

When he opened his eyes, Ah Liu saw himself standing in a horrible scene.The man killed by him in the dream actually fell to the ground, and Ah Liu really held a bloody knife in his hand.

I had this dream for three days in a row.

Three people died in a row in the city.

The police searched everywhere, and the media frantically broadcast it.

Ah Liu also went to the scene. Seeing the carried out corpse pass by him, he inadvertently revealed his eyes, which were round and wide open, and he trembled in his heart.

Ah Liu decided to ask his uncle for help, but he couldn't bear it by himself.

My uncle bought two houses in Yucheng, but he didn't live in them. He lived in the courtyard of his hometown.

It was a two-hour drive from Yucheng to Ah Liu's hometown. Ah Liu sat in the last row, hunching his neck and leaning against the window.There are not many people on the bus, I don't know why they are crowded in front, and the back is empty.

Out of the city, the weather turned cloudy.Ah Liu felt a little cold, so he wrapped his clothes up.The scenery outside the window changed from the facade buildings in the city to the woods in the countryside.Turning around and going down the bend, everything outside turned into barren mountains and fields.This is the unique scenery of Yucheng. You must know that the people of Yucheng rely on these barren mountains and wild lands to grow agricultural products and support their families.

The car stopped halfway, and the passengers in front got out of the car scatteredly, leaving only a few people.The driver hummed the running away Divine Comedy and stepped up the accelerator, and Ah Liu who was sitting in the back felt his whole body was thrown up.He looked out the window, his eyelids a little numb.

Squeak, suddenly, the driver stopped the car.The sudden stop made Ah Liu almost fly out, and the sleepy state just now was wiped out.

"It's fucking unlucky." The driver slurped and cursed.

Only then did Ah Liu see that a funeral procession was coming up ahead. For some reason, there was no music playing, and the mourners were all silent.It was for this reason that the driver almost ran into it.

The funeral procession came quickly, and they walked out of the car window one by one.Everyone in the car window looked out curiously, and Ah Liu unconsciously glanced out.He happened to see the filial son holding the portrait. The filial son was crying so badly that the portrait in his hand was a little crooked.

Ah Liu's gaze coincided with that of the portrait, and he felt that the portrait smiled.

The driver restarted the car, and Ah Liu fixed his eyes on the portrait until the car drove away.He hasn't recovered yet.

This silent funeral is the funeral of the unjustly dead.

The funerals of those who are dying are lively and lively, commonly known as happy funerals.The funeral of those who died in vain is soft and slow, and the dead can easily return to their souls.

The driver stepped up the accelerator again and drove very fast. The bumpy carriage gradually eased Ah Liu's nervousness.At this time, a person sitting in the front came to the back. Like Ah Liu, he was also wearing a coat, and his whole body was huddled around his neck.

Ah Liu owed his butt and made room for him.The two chatted with each other.What surprised Ah Liu was that the man kept his head down and spoke in a low voice.

When the car arrived at the stop, the man finally raised his head and smiled at Ah Liu.Ah Liu felt that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.He had just taken two steps forward when a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in his mind. Isn't this person the one in the portrait just now?
(End of this chapter)

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