
Chapter 27 Bronze Bell Lock Corpse Seal Being Possessed

Chapter 27 Copper Bell Lock Corpse (8) Possessed
"Zheng Lanxi" stood behind me again, with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and kicked my body hard.I felt a huge thrust hit me in an instant, my whole body was pushed out, and then I fell heavily to the ground.

This kicked me badly. I felt like my whole body was falling apart, and my internal organs were shifted.The brass bell was also thrown out, and rolled aside with a jingle.

"Zheng Lanxi"'s gaze followed the copper bell, and she walked over to pick it up, with a happy smile on her face.

My body gradually recovered, and the pain turned into a burning sensation.

"Zheng Lanxi" who was possessed by the evil spirit didn't seem to have any intention of harming us. After getting the copper bell, she turned and walked outside.

I heard Uncle Geng said that evil spirits usually use the possessed person until they die before looking for another one.If Zheng Lanxi was possessed by this evil spirit, then she would definitely not survive.

Thinking of this, I rushed over with all my strength and grabbed "Zheng Lanxi" by the leg.

This action surprised both Ye Linger and "Zheng Lanxi", and soon, "Zheng Lanxi" came to her senses, and she kicked me hard, just hitting the red rope copper coin knot that my uncle gave me.

"Zheng Lanxi" trembled all over as if being electrocuted, and fell headlong. The copper bell in his hand also fell to the ground, spinning around in place.

The whole world fell silent.

I sat up, and the middle of the red rope copper money knot turned black as if it had been burned.

"What's yours?" Ye Linger didn't expect such a thing to happen, she asked.

"Five emperors' money can ward off evil spirits." I rubbed my aching arm and sat up. .

"It's so powerful." Ye Linger also stood up, and her body seemed to relax a little.

I wanted to help Zheng Lanxi up, but when I turned around, I saw a green shadow coming out of Ye Linger's back lightly, and those green claws appeared again.

"Run." I yelled at Ye Ling'er, then I jumped forward, rushed over with all my strength, and bumped into it head-on.On the side of Ye Linger's body, I bumped into that green shadow, which seemed to be as soft as cotton, but soon my whole body was surrounded by wet things, as if I was pulled into the water, sinking instantly down.I could still hear Ye Linger's cry, but my body sank rapidly, and finally Ye Linger's voice became smaller and smaller, and I couldn't hear it anymore.

I don't know how long it fell, and finally landed.The ground was not hard, as if someone had laid a layer of cushions, it was soft.I stood up, still a little unsteady on my feet.

In front of him was a strange place, surrounded by green light.I took two steps forward, but my feet felt weak. In a panic, I grabbed a rope and pulled it back hard. I leaned forward and saw a passageway.I grabbed the rope hard and got in.

The corridor was deep and dark, with the only light source coming from the end.Judging from the size of the light source, there should be some distance to the end of the corridor.I touched my pocket, the lighter was still on me, so I lit it and took a closer look.This corridor is made of stone bricks.It seems that we can only go forward.

As the distance shortened, the light source at the end became bigger and bigger. When I walked to the end, I found that it was an exit similar to a manhole cover. When I came out, I saw a lush forest.

I got into the woods, no matter where it is, come out first.Thinking of the scene in the tunnel just now, I still have some lingering fears in my heart.The forest is not big, and after coming out, it is a flat road.The wind was very strong, and the dust was blowing all over the sky, and the distance could not be seen clearly, and the people on the side of the road looked gray.

I walked along the road, which was very long, but there were many people on the road, and no one spoke.Just walked in silence.There are bright flowers growing on both sides. Occasionally, some people will stop and meditate in front of the flowers, and some will not look at them at all and hurry on their way.

After walking for about ten minutes, the road ahead turned into a fork.There were two security guards standing at the two intersections, and they had to take out something to sweep everyone who passed by.I don't know where to go to the intersection.

"What are you doing? Come here?" The security guard on the left suddenly yelled at me.

"Don't go there." Suddenly someone said something next to my ear, it was a girl's voice, I turned my head, but I didn't see anyone speaking.

"Speed ​​up." The security guard got a little anxious, and even walked up to me and grabbed me.

I had no choice but to walk over, and the instrument he held swept over me, and when it reached my chest, the instrument suddenly rang violently.

The sound of the instrument stunned the two security guards, especially the security guard who tested me. He scanned it again in disbelief. Sure enough, when it reached my chest, the instrument rang again.

"Follow me." The security guard looked at me.

"Slow down." Suddenly, a girl came from behind, and she got between me and the security guard.

That girl's face is a bit familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, she turned out to be the girl I saw after Qin Suhua knocked me out that time, Xiaogui.

"Do you know what you are doing?" The security guard looked at Xiaogui coldly.

"He can't pass." Another person walked up behind him. I know this person. He is the middle-aged man who came to Qingya Zhai last time to ask for a witch's bone comb and soul-gathering beads.

The two security guards looked at the middle-aged man, and just about to speak, the middle-aged man showed his right hand and made a strange movement, and the two security guards stopped talking.

"Your way is over there." The middle-aged man pointed behind him and said.

I wanted to say something else, but the middle-aged man left.

I turned my head and could still hear the whispers of the two security guards behind me.

"Let's go." The girl named Xiaogui tugged at me.

This time I saw Xiaogui's appearance clearly. She has a delicate face, with two dimples appearing and disappearing from time to time, which is as good as Ye Linger's.

"The last time I saw you..." I was halfway through the sentence, but suddenly my foot was empty and I stumbled.

I opened my eyes.

I saw Ye Linger standing aside and looking at me, and there was a person standing beside him, that middle-aged man.Seeing that I woke up, the middle-aged man snorted and walked out.

"What's wrong with me?" I was still a little dazed, I was talking to Xiao Gui just now, but I stumbled and ended up here.

"You almost went underground. If it wasn't for the master's help, you wouldn't be able to come back." Ye Linger said.

"Master, that person is your master? Are you from the south?" I cried out in shock.

"My psychic ability was taught by my master, why go south?" Ye Linger looked at me in confusion.

"Where are the others?" It seemed that Ye Ling'er didn't know about the Resurrection Society, so I hurriedly changed the subject.

"It's all right." Just as Ye Ling'er finished speaking, the middle-aged man came in again.

"Thank you." I sat up and said to the middle-aged man.

"No need, little boy, go back and tell Zhao Geng, you'd better give me the witch bone comb and soul-gathering beads, otherwise don't regret if something happens." The middle-aged man's voice sounded very uncomfortable.

I didn't speak, feeling a little unhappy.But it's not easy to say it directly.

"Don't think that you can be fearless with an ancient body armor. Let me ask you, who gave you the black dog brocade bag on your body?" The middle-aged man stared at me and asked.

"What black dog brocade bag?" I was stunned.

"Don't play dumb with me, Zhao Geng doesn't have that thing yet." The middle-aged man looked aggressive.

"Okay, master, we should go." Seeing this, Ye Ling'er gave him a tug.

The middle-aged man gave up, turned around and walked out.

I followed Ye Linger out, and everyone else was waiting for us downstairs.When I went downstairs, I asked Ye Linger, what was that green shadow hiding behind her yesterday?
Ye Ling'er said that she didn't know either.I thought it was only the copper bell evil spirit I brought, but who would have thought that there was another evil spirit.After I bumped into that evil spirit yesterday, it started to attack Ye Linger. Fortunately, Ye Linger's master came back and took the evil spirit away.And then saved me again.

"It must be your help, thank you." When I thought of Master Ye Linger's appearance, I knew what was going on.

"Didn't you save me too!" Ye Ling'er giggled.

"What's your master's name?" I asked.

"Du Cheng."

I was about to say something, but when I looked up, I saw Master Ye Linger's angry eyes, and I couldn't help swallowing my words.

(End of this chapter)

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