
Chapter 36 Brass Bell Lock Corpse Chapter Duanmu's Betrayal

Chapter 36 Copper Bell Lock Corpse Chapter (17) Duanmu's Betrayal

The world is left blank.

I walked forward alone, with only the sound of the bell in my ears.

I touched my left wrist, and my heart skipped a beat, the basalt god chain was gone.

Is this a nightmare?I pinched my face hard, and a sharp pain arose spontaneously.

The white mist began to degenerate.

The bells stopped abruptly.

The man was standing not far in front, with his back to me.

I slowly thought of him walking over.

"Don't go over there." Suddenly a hand came out from behind and grabbed me.

I saw Xiaogui again.

Her face was pale, and she shook her head, as if there was a cliff in front of her.

Bell, bell, bell.

The bell rang again.

At the same time, the sound of humming came from all around, as if countless ghosts were whistling.The man turned around slowly, I couldn't see his appearance clearly, but I could feel a strong rotten smell blowing towards my face.

Xiaogui pulled me and stood in front of me.

The man raised the thing in his hand, it was a giant monster's horn, it looked like a rhinoceros horn, but it was wood-colored.Then he put the horn to his mouth and blew vigorously.

A piercing sound came from the horn, as if countless people were screaming and crying together.

"Go quickly, don't open your eyes." Xiao Gui turned to me and said.

"How can I leave you alone." My blood rushed into my head, and I grabbed Xiaogui.A cold breath penetrated into the body, this feeling is very familiar.But before I recalled it, the fear brought by that man's horn had already surged from all directions.

Countless black shadows gathered over, they looked like extremely hungry ghosts, exuding a rancid smell, but I don't know why they only surrounded us and did not attack.

The man didn't seem to think that this was the case, and he blew the horn a few more times, and there were more and more black shadows, but they all surrounded us, not daring to attack.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't help feeling more courageous.I walked towards that man, and every few steps, the black shadows next to me took a few steps back, they were still lingering, but they didn't dare to move forward.

Seeing this situation, the man stopped insisting and put away the horn.Then turned around and walked forward.

"Don't go." I ran forward to chase him, but I felt that my steps were heavy, as if I had been filled with lead.

Ringing, ringing, ringing, this time the sound of the bell became urgent and sharp. When I turned around, I found a huge black cloud coming towards me. I subconsciously reached out to block it, and was soon swallowed by the dark cloud.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in an empty abandoned house, with Ye Linger lying beside her. To my surprise, there was another person next to her, which turned out to be Zhao Shan in police uniform.

"Get up." I walked over and patted Ye Linger, but there was no response.

So is Zhao Shan, no matter how I call her, there is no response.

I stood up and pushed the door open, only to find that the door was locked. Looking through the crack of the door, it was groggy outside and I couldn't see anything.The only light was a kerosene lamp in the room.

where is this place?
I remember that before I fainted, I saw a man with a bell pinned to his waist, and then I became confused.But how come here?And Ye Linger and Zhao Shan are also here?

Who is the other party?
Now Zhao Shan and Ye Linger are unconscious, what happened?The door is locked, what should I do?I frantically touched my body and suddenly touched something.

That was the bag that Uncle Geng gave me when Uncle Geng took me to see him.

"Don't open it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Forbe's words resounded in my mind, it should be a last resort now.

I opened the brocade bag, and there was a white tooth inside. It didn't look like a human tooth, because it was sharper and longer, like a wolf's tooth, but it was different.There was also a note in the brocade bag, so I took it out and looked at it.

"Black Dog Lingya, driven by all spirits, once a day."

What's the meaning?Is this black dog teeth?Can only be used once a day, how to use?I'm at a loss.

At this time, Ye Linger and Zhao Shan woke up one after another. I put the black dog's teeth in and helped them up.

Ye Linger probably came here probably like me, but Zhao Shan's appearance makes me very strange.

"I followed Ah Liu here." Zhao Shan rubbed her head and said.

"Ah Liu? Isn't Ah Liu dead?" I called out, and then quickly remembered that Old Gu said earlier that Ah Liu's body was missing.

"It's hard to say for a while, maybe I was wrong. Anyway, it was designed by someone. Why are you here? Who is this girl, she is so beautiful!" Zhao Shan looked at me and Ye Linger and said.

"We're on the street, alas, I guess you wouldn't believe it if I told you, it's so miserable anyway." I don't know how to tell Zhao Shan, she definitely doesn't believe in things like bells and enchantments.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the lock was unlocked.Two people walked in, one wearing a black mask and the other wearing a Monkey King mask.

"How does it feel to be with these two beauties?" "Monkey King" said with a grin.

"Brother, why is it you?" Ye Linger stood up in surprise, "Quickly let us go."

"Can you recognize this?" Duanmu pulled off the mask on his face with an angry expression.

I pulled Ye Linger and signaled her not to speak.

"Do you know what the crime of assaulting the police is?" Zhao Shan said sharply, and habitually touched her waist behind her.

"Officer Zhao, your gun was taken away by us. We don't want to embarrass you, as long as you promise not to pursue Ah Liu's affairs, we will let you go immediately." The man wearing the mask spoke in a high-pitched and gloomy voice, Like a big cock being pinched by the neck.

"Duanmu, what the hell are you doing? The police are not easy to mess with." I yelled at Duanmu.

"Shut up." Duanmu seemed to have a big opinion on me, seeing me talking, his face was full of anger.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Ye Ling'er didn't understand what Duanmu was going to do.

"It's very simple, Junior Sister, as long as you promise to join me in the ghost gate, I will guarantee you will be fine." Duanmu said his purpose.

"For a long time, you have already betrayed Du Cheng. Judging by your appearance, you will be a traitor sooner or later. That day at Qin Minghao's house, you ran away as soon as you saw danger. I said this masked person, don't look at him now. Loyalty, if you are in danger, you will be the first to run away. What does this kind of person want him to do? He is worse than a dog." I snorted coldly and cursed out all the unhappiness in my heart.

"You little bastard." Duanmu's eyes flashed a fierce light, and he started to walk towards me.

"What are you going to do? When my colleagues come, none of you can escape." Zhao Shan yelled.

"Hehe, are you talking about them?" The man in the mask turned his body to the back, and saw two people hanging opposite the door, to be precise, two corpses, they were wearing police uniforms, and they were motionless .

I took a deep breath, and my back felt numb.

Zhao Shan was also stunned.

None of us expected that the other party would dare to attack the police.Uncle Geng said that no matter whether it is the Spirit Returning Society or other spirit-removing organizations, it is generally not easy to conflict with the police. After all, this thing belongs to the underground and does not want to be known.

People from the ghost gate are actually doing this now.

"I'm afraid now, haha, junior sister, you listen to what senior brother said, and I guarantee that you are better than following Du Cheng now." Duanmu started talking again, this time he walked in front of us,

"You bastard." Suddenly, like crazy, Zhao Shan grabbed Duanmu's hair and kicked him hard.Unfortunately, the man in the mask rushed over like lightning, pushed Zhao Shan away, and pulled Duanmu back.

"Ah, this crazy woman, I'm going to kill her." Duanmu yelled angrily, covering his face injured by Zhao Shan's kick.

"Officer Zhao, it seems that we can no longer cooperate." The man in the mask sighed.

"I'm going to kill her myself." Duanmu picked up a dagger and shouted.

The man in the mask didn't speak any more, acquiescing to Duanmu's request.

Zhao Shan was stunned.

"You dare." I walked quickly to Zhao Shan and blocked her.

Duanmu and I looked at each other, with a slight smile on the corner of our mouth.

I hold that black dog tooth in my hand, although I don't know how to use it, but this is the only final weight.I decided that if Duanmu came over, I would put the black dog teeth into his mouth.

Duanmu didn't come over, he said to the man next to him, "Is this the disciple chosen by the spirit master? Do you want to give him something fun?"

"Oh, then I really want to see his ability." The man wearing a mask took out something from his pocket and handed it to Duanmu.

When I saw that thing, I couldn't help being horrified. It turned out to be the horn I saw when I was unconscious.The only difference is that the color of the horn in front of him is black.

(End of this chapter)

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