
Chapter 44 Yin Yang Mirror Chapter

Chapter 44 The Mirror of Yin and Yang (Wedge)
Midnight, campus.

The time for the appointment has passed and the girl hasn't come yet.

He was a little anxious, pacing back and forth, rubbing his hands together.

What happened this afternoon is still echoing before the boy's eyes.

The girl smiled attentively with the handsome guy playing basketball, and the guy even touched her face.You know the girl is your girlfriend, how can she do this?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, no wonder the buddies in the dormitory said that all women are fucking messy, especially beautiful ones.At the beginning, I spent my tuition fees to buy various gifts and things in order to pursue girls.You know, these tuition fees are earned by my mother selling things at home.

There were footsteps ahead, and a girl in a dress walked over.She had just taken a bath, and her body was fragrant. When the wind blew, half of his anger disappeared.

"It's so late, what are you doing, it's so mysterious." The girl complained.

"Today is the second day we have known No.80, and I have prepared a gift." He clumsily took out the gift that he had already prepared from his pocket, but because it was too long, the flowers folded on the gift were a little wrinkled.

The girl grabbed the gift and tore open the wrapping paper. Inside was a beautiful music box with a couple in wedding dress on it.

"What is it?" The girl glanced at it irritably, as if she didn't like it very much.

"The seller said this means that love is sweet. For a long time." He said hesitantly.

"What about love, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, okay? Don't keep saying that. I just treat you as a good friend. Besides, I already have a boyfriend." The girl gave him the music box.

"Why do you say that, didn't you say that we are together?" He became more and more nervous, his tongue was a little big.

"We are together, we are friends, okay? You can't even speak clearly, so it's not clear before, but now it is clear. I'm going back. If you have anything to say, let's talk tomorrow." The girl turned and left.

He held the music box and nearly crushed it.

The moon hid in the clouds, and the whole world was dark.

The empty basketball hoop, the sluggish teaching building, and the medical anatomy building are opposite.It was the experimental base of the Department of Medicine, and he had heard many legends about it since the first day he came to this school.

A student who went there in the middle of the night to make up for the next day's experimental class exams found that the corpse lying on the dissecting bed turned out to be his roommate; there was a date there late at night, only to find that the boyfriend he was holding was a corpse without eyes; The horror is that the easternmost room on the third floor is a small mortuary, which is filled with corpses collected from all over for students to study.Former students said that the gatekeeper on the third floor was a one-eyed old man who was a master of Fengshui.When the laboratory building was first built, the third floor was not peaceful, and even killed people.After the school invited the one-eyed old man, it was considered calm.But the one-eyed old man died within a few years.But some students said that although the one-eyed old man died, his soul was still there.If anyone has any wish, as long as they dare to live on the third floor for one night and meet the one-eyed old man, the wish can be realized.

At this time, this unreliable legend attracted his curiosity like a magnet.He walked to the laboratory building.

The laboratory building was locked, but the window next to it was open, and he jumped into it with a swift movement.

There is no one in the dark laboratory building, and there are no lights.

He tiptoed to the third floor, and the cold air hit his face, making him feel chilly.

Next to it is the small mortuary. In fact, two rooms were connected, air-conditioning was installed, and some mortuary cabinets were installed.

Several dim incandescent lamps hung over the mortuary cabinet, and the whole room looked ghostly.

He was a little scared, his legs were trembling, and he felt a retreat in his heart.

The incandescent light suddenly flickered a few times, and then went out.

Ah, he froze and fell into darkness.

Da da da, da da da, a footstep came from the front corridor, walking very slowly, but very heavy.

His heart tightened, remembering what others said before.

Every night, the ghost of the one-eyed old man would wander in the corridor. He walked slowly, but he was walking up and down the third floor with a dead body in his hand.

The footsteps were getting closer, he didn't know where the courage came from, he pushed the door open and walked inside, and found a place to hide.

The incandescent light came on again.

There was a half-drawn middle of the mortuary cabinet. He glanced at it, and it was empty.

Da da da, da da da, the footsteps are getting closer, and there is a strange friction sound, which sounds like the sound of a knife grinding on the ground.

With a ruthless heart, he got into the mortuary cabinet, then pushed forward, and the mortuary cabinet slid in, revealing only a long and thin gap.

The man walked in.

He looked through the gap and saw a tall figure wandering along the morgue.After a pause, the man pulled out the corpses from the morgue one by one.

His heart was beating in his throat, but fortunately the man stopped after pulling a few corpses.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was no sound outside.

He tentatively pushed the morgue and poked his head out.

"You're taking my place, so you're finally willing to come out." Looking up, he saw a hideous face lying on top of the morgue.

Then, before he could cry out, that person had already slid down from above, and a snake-like body covered him.

The morgue closed with a bang, there were a few violent noises inside, and then it fell silent.

A few minutes later, the morgue slowly opened.

He got out of it, his face was a little wrinkled, his body was a little stiff, and his walking seemed a little stiff.But soon, he walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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