
Chapter 66 Resurrection Fragrant Tripod Chapter Unexpected Pain

Chapter 66 Resurrection Fragrant Cauldron (6) Unexpected Pain

How could he be here with Chen Mu?Where are Chen Mu and Uncle Geng?A series of questions swirled in my mind.These answers, no one told me.What happened to this ghostly thing lying on the ground?

I looked around and couldn't find any clues.I had no choice but to call Zhao Shan, but no one answered the phone.Just when I hung up the phone, Zhao Shan's call came back.

"Sister Shan, here I am..." I just spoke to the phone, but the other party interrupted me.

"Something happened to the owner's father. He is in the hospital now. Please contact me later." A strange man spoke on the phone.

"What did you say?" I froze.

Hou San and I rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Uncle Geng was resuscitating in the operating room, Zhao Shan and Zheng Lanxi were waiting anxiously outside, and Li Zhen, Zhao Shan's colleague, was beside him.

"What's going on?" I grabbed Zheng Lanxi and asked.

Zheng Lanxi just cried and didn't speak.

"You're talking, don't cry." Hou San shouted angrily.

"Okay, don't worry, the doctor is in the rescue." Li Zhen next to us pulled us.

At this time, Fu Bo and Du Cheng also rushed over.

The lights in the operating room went out and the doctor came out.

Zhao Shan walked over, the doctor shook his head and sighed.

"What do you mean?" I immediately stopped the doctor.

"I'm sorry, we really tried our best. When the injured were brought in, they had almost no vital signs." The doctor pushed me away.

Zhao Shan fainted without crying, and Hou San who was standing behind her hurriedly supported her.

Zheng Lanxi's crying also became louder, and there was a sudden chaos.

"Xiao Leng, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. Come on, let's take Zhao Geng away quickly, don't delay any longer." Fu Bo stopped me and said in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." I suddenly understood, Uncle Geng is a spiritual master, and Uncle Fu said so, there must be a way.

Zheng Lanxi helped Zhao Shan to sit aside, Hou San and I immediately went in and pulled Uncle Geng out.But when he went out, he was stopped by the hospital, and they needed some procedures to take him away.We couldn't care so much now, so Hou San and I had no choice but to sneak out through the back door of the hospital.Let Forber and the others handle it.

An hour later, we came to Forber's residence.

Forber let everyone out and left me alone.

Uncle Geng was lying on the table, Uncle Fu unbuttoned his clothes, and I saw that his body was full of lip-like wounds, densely packed, as if he had been bitten by thousands of people.

Uncle Fu took out four small yellow paper flags and stuck them in the four directions of Uncle Geng's body.Then he took out a vessel like a wine cup and put it on top of Uncle Geng's head.He took out another wine glass from the drawer, filled it with wine, and put it aside.

The windows in the room were all closed, and Forbe opened a crack at the door, and a light layer of flour was sprinkled on the ground.Fu Bo asked me to guard the door, and if there was any movement in the flour, I would close the door immediately.

After everything was ready, Uncle Fu took the wine cup and began to shake it around, circling around Uncle Geng's body, like a practicing wizard.

I stared at the flour on the ground, afraid to miss it for a second.

After Fuber walked for more than ten laps, I felt that there was wind blowing in from outside, but the flour on the ground was not blown away.Just when I was wondering whether the wind just now was real or my illusion, a pair of thin and small footprints suddenly appeared on the flour on the ground.I shut the door.

Hearing me close the door, Fu Bo stopped and put the wine cup into his arms.

The room was terribly quiet, Uncle Fu didn't speak, just stood there dully, staring at Uncle Geng's heels, I didn't know whether to speak or not, standing there, I didn't dare to move.

After a few minutes, another change appeared on the flour in front of me.This time it wasn't an extra pair of footprints, but a lot of footprints, just like a person turning in circles.

At this time, Fu Bo came over with the wine glass full of wine. He stood in front of me and stretched the wine glass forward.Not long after, the wine in the glass disappeared.

"Open the door." Forbe looked at me.

I opened the door immediately.

Forbe let out a long sigh of relief.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"He can't come back, let Zhao Shan prepare for his funeral. The ghost messenger didn't take away his soul, and he can stay for three days at most. At least I can let Zhao Geng see you again." After Fu Bo finished speaking, he left in a low mood. go out.

My brain exploded like a thunder.

Uncle Geng just left?It was almost like a dream.We had just rescued Uncle Geng from the skull illusion map, before we even had time to say a few more words, Uncle Geng encountered this incident.It's all because of me. If Uncle Geng hadn't found Chen Mu for me, he wouldn't have done this.

My tears flowed down, and the days with Uncle Geng were like a replayed movie, with scenes interspersed in front of my eyes.I remembered the first time I saw Uncle Geng, he patted my shoulder and showed a gentle smile.He has always treated me like a child, and since I was a child without a father, I have also felt the same kindness as a father invisibly.But all of this was completely broken today.

Uncle Geng is gone, and will never appear again.

My sadness finally rose up like a pill, they surged crazily in my chest, made me unable to breathe, and I couldn't suppress the tears.

The whole world seemed to go dark.

I don't know how long later, Hou San came in, he pulled me with red eyes, but Wu didn't move.

"Fu Bo said he wanted to see who killed Lao Geng, don't you want to avenge him?" Hou San pushed me and said angrily.

"I think, of course I think about it, I want to avenge Uncle Geng. I must." Hou San's words were like a rope, pulling me back from the sad mood to reality.

I followed Hou San to the outside.

Fu Bo and Du Cheng were already there, and Zheng Lanxi was sitting beside her, her eyes were red and swollen.In fact, since Uncle Geng's accident, she has been very sad, and her self-blame should outweigh our sorrow.In her intermittent narration, we know the general situation.

Uncle Geng and Zheng Lanxi first went to Chen Mu's house, and as soon as they entered the corridor, Uncle Geng asked Zheng Lanxi to wait downstairs.Zheng Lanxi didn't know what happened. After waiting downstairs for more than ten minutes, Uncle Geng came down. His expression was a little bad, and he was a little tired from walking.Zheng Lanxi asked him, but he didn't say anything.It was just that they were going to Long Valley immediately, and it was this trip to Long Valley that caused Uncle Geng to be killed by accident.

Zheng Lanxi recalled that there were already some bad omens on their way to Longgu Valley.First of all, the car broke down halfway. They got out of the car and walked for a while, but they encountered a car accident again.When they arrived at Longgu Valley, Uncle Geng asked Zheng Lanxi to take him to the place where they played Die Xian, and Uncle Geng observed it carefully for a long time.Finally, he stopped his gaze at the place where Fu Bo and Xie Jiayao entered the water.

Zheng Lanxi said that when Uncle Geng was watching there, she saw Chen Mu in front, so she chased after him.But for some reason, Chen Mu kept walking in front of her, and she didn't stop calling him.In the end, it was too late to catch up, so Zheng Lanxi came back.During this period of time, Zheng Lanxi didn't know what happened to Uncle Geng.When he returned to the river, Uncle Geng had already fallen into the river.

Fortunately, someone came by, Zheng Lanxi cried, and the two dragged Uncle Geng out of the water.The man thought Uncle Geng was drowning, and rescued him manually in time.After seeing Uncle Geng woke up, he left.Zheng Lanxi also thought that Uncle Geng was fine, but when they walked halfway, Uncle Geng suddenly trembled and fell to the ground trembling.When Zheng Lanxi found someone to send Uncle Geng to the hospital, Uncle Geng had almost no signs of life.

After listening to Zheng Lanxi's words, I added something, talking about the person I met at Chen Mu's place.Speaking of that person, I suddenly remembered who he was.

He is the doctor Huang who went to Zheng Jue at the beginning.

"Could it be that Uncle Geng and Dr. Huang had a fight?" I guessed.

"No, what you said about Dr. Huang's condition seems to be no longer human." Uncle Fu shook his head.

"Not human?" I froze.

"Yes, a normal person would not be in that state, or if it is a spirit or a zombie, it is not in that state. If you think about it carefully, is his body weak, as if his bones have been pumped out? The essence is the same," Forber said.

I nodded. It was true what Forber said.

"This kind of thing is called Gu, and it's usually a virtual shell that is taken off after being possessed by a person who practices sorcery." Fu Bo said.

"Body possession technique in the sky?" Du Cheng who was beside him suddenly said.

Forber nodded.

Hundred miles in the sky?

Zheng Jue said that after the duel between Yuan Mingqing and Baili Changkong in Fengming Mountain, the president of the Soul Rehabilitation Society trapped him under the cold coffin.It turned out that Dr. Huang was possessed by the descendants of Baili Changkong.

"It seems that all of this is a conspiracy by the descendants of Baili Changkong." Forbe thought of something.

"The one that Xiao Leng saw was a virtual shell, so its primordial spirit must have been broken up by Lao Geng. Then who dragged Lao Geng into the water in Long Valley?" Hou San asked.

Zheng Lanxi shook her head, "I saw Chen Mu at the time, and I chased after him. When I came back, Uncle Geng had an accident, so I really don't know what happened in the middle."

"I think the person you saw may not be Chen Mu, it must be the person who lured you away, and then attacked Zhao Geng." Du Cheng said.

"That's right, I thought so too. Maybe all of this was planned, maybe it was a trap prepared for Xiao Leng, but by mistake, Zhao Geng got in." Fu Bo nodded and said.

"For me?" I was startled.

"It's very simple to know the answer." Uncle Fu said and stood up, "We'll know the truth by looking at the truth with Zhao Geng's soul."

(End of this chapter)

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