
Chapter 69 Resurrection Fragrant Cauldron Chapter Traveling and Hitting Evil

Chapter 69 Resurrection Fragrant Cauldron (9) Traveling to the Evil

At 09:30 in the evening, I came to the gate of Lincheng Cuilin Community.

Lincheng and Yucheng are not far away, and Huangquan Inn is located in the middle of the two cities, so the distance is not too far.I have been to Lincheng once before, and I am quite familiar with it.

Cuilin Community is an old community, and some places around it have been listed for demolition. At 09:30, which is a bustling time in the city, it is pitch black here, with only a few lights on.

The driver who brought me here left without stopping.Then it's all up to me.I entered the community according to the address and came to No. 3, Unit 2.

The person who opened the door was a woman about 50 years old. She looked haggard, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked at me warily.

"Is this Ma Tingting's home?" I asked.

"Who are you?" The woman looked at me and asked.

"I saw her once a month ago, and I told her that she would encounter a spiritual disaster recently. I came to Lincheng today for business, so I wanted to ask her if she listened to me and escaped this disaster?" I knew The content of this game given by Tianya must be that supernatural things have already happened.The above name should be the person who encountered the problem, even if it is not the person himself, it is the person who has something to do with the supernatural event.

"Oh, come in, come in." Sure enough, the woman changed her expression immediately after hearing what I said.

I smiled and walked in.

As soon as I entered the room, I smelled a strong smell of blood, and even some stench.All the curtains in the room were drawn, and only a lamp was lit in the middle of the living room.

I looked around, took out a talisman paper, and threw it into the air.After the talisman paper spontaneously ignited, it flew forward cracklingly, and the whole room was instantly illuminated.Then, the light slowly flickered on and off, and the previous dimness was restored.

It's strange, the room is full of weirdness, but the talisman paper doesn't respond.

The flickering just now alarmed the people in the room, and a man in his fifties walked out. As soon as he came out, the woman walked over excitedly and grabbed him.

"Tingting is saved, Tingting is saved. This gentleman is an expert. He persuaded Tingting a month ago, saying that she has something to do, let her pay attention, but this child does not listen to people's advice. Fortunately, the husband is still thinking about it. I'm here today because of this matter." The woman happily said to the man.

Now it seems that they are Ma Tingting's parents respectively.

"I think it's better to send it to the hospital. You have seen it these days, and it doesn't work at all. Don't delay the matter." Tingting's father said.

"Didn't we come out of the hospital? If it worked, it would have been cured in the hospital." Ma Tingting's mother cried out anxiously.

"Don't make any noise, can you tell me what happened to Ma Tingting?" I need to know what happened to Ma Tingting.

Ma Tingting's parents stopped arguing, and her father sat aside without speaking.Her mother told what had happened.

A month ago, Ma Tingting and a classmate went to Thailand for a trip.After returning, Ma Tingting was different.Ma Tingting used to be a very obedient girl, but she became very irritable after she came back.Ma Tingting, who used to hate meat the most, now only likes meat.Even in the middle of the night, she often sang operas outside the window alone, and the songs she sang were erratic and frightening.Once, Ma Tingting's mother went downstairs to take out the garbage, and saw Ma Tingting cutting a fleshy object with a knife and stuffing it into her mouth. She looked carefully and found that it was a cat that had been cut open.

At first, the parents thought that Ma Tingting had a psychological problem.They took Ma Tingting to the hospital for some tests, but it didn't work at all.During the doctor's examination, Ma Tingting was very cooperative, but as soon as she got home, she started acting strangely.When Ma Tingting's grandma found out, she said that the child must have been hit by an evil spirit.So I invited some witches and gods, and I also found a Taoist priest. The second aunt who believed in Jesus even took her to church.But neither has any effect.

In desperation, the parents had no choice but to lock Ma Tingting at home.It was okay at first, but after a few days, Ma Tingting started to go crazy, banging on the door every day and hurting herself.Fortunately, Ma Tingting's grandmother found a Taoist priest from the countryside and found a way, which was to sprinkle the blood of black dogs all over Ma Tingting's bed.

This is why there is blood and stench in the room.

"Since yesterday, the effect of the black dog's blood is not great. We are almost collapsed. Fortunately, you are here, sir. You must save her." Ma Tingting's mother knelt down in front of me.

"Don't be like this, get up quickly. I'll do my best." I helped Ma Tingting's mother up, but I also had a murmur in my heart.

I thought it was a relatively simple thing, but now it seems very difficult.Taoist priests, witches and gods, they tried everything, but it didn't work at all.The black dog's blood probably works because the things in Ma Tingting's body are a little disgusted and timid about the smell of black dog's blood, but as time goes on, it will definitely not work anymore.

Pushing open the door of Ma Tingting's room, a strong smell of blood rushed into her nose, accompanied by bursts of stench.A dim yellow desk lamp was on in the room, and a girl was lying on a single bed, but her clothes were covered with deep black blood stains.She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling without saying a word.

I took out a piece of talisman paper and read a spell, and the talisman paper burned with a bang.

The dimly lit room suddenly brightened up a lot.

Ma Tingting turned her head. She was originally a beautiful fair-skinned girl, but at the moment she had a ferocious expression, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was slightly open, and there was still some blood on her white teeth.

The light from the talisman quickly gathered into a human shape, and then approached Ma Tingting. Ma Tingting's expression changed a little, as if she was trying to resist, she also sat up, her eyes fixed on me.

The talisman paper figure formed a confrontation with Ma Tingting, and supported it vigorously. Finally, Ma Tingting leaned forward, and the talisman paper figure was crushed.

The room was dark again.

I walked out of the room.

"How is it?" Ma Tingting's mother came over and asked.

"I'm sure, there must be something else in Ma Tingting's body, but I don't know what it is. Now I want to find the friend who went to Taijiao with Ma Tingting." I said.

"Okay, but after Ma Tingting's accident, she never showed up. We looked for her before, but she didn't say anything. I'll take you to her house now." Ma Tingting's mother said.

When I left, I took two talisman papers and pasted them outside Ma Tingting's room door.The effect of the black dog's blood is not great anymore. In order to avoid another accident to Ma Tingting, I sealed the room first.Although it won't last long, at least it can last until I come back.

On the way, Ma Tingting's mother introduced me to the girl who went to Thailand with Ma Tingting.Her name is Wang Min, and she is Ma Tingting's high school classmate. The relationship between the two has always been very good.Wang Min's mother and Ma Tingting's father are in the same work unit, and their parents have a good relationship.But this time no one expected it to happen.Wang Min's parents also gave them a lot of advice, but unfortunately it didn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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