
Chapter 74 Resurrection Xiangding Chapter Panjiazhuang Ghost Story

Chapter 74 Resurrection Fragrant Cauldron (14) Panjiazhuang Ghost Story
The witch came to the chemical factory three days ago to find someone. She was dressed as a reporter and said that she had something to interview a man named Liang Shan.This method is actually very effective, because Liang Shan's name is in the task in the ghost hunting game, he must have encountered a supernatural event.Sure enough, someone soon took the witch to Liangshan's residence.

Liang Shan was no longer at home. He was hospitalized and remained unconscious.Liang Shan's wife is a rural woman who doesn't understand anything, and she is very excited about the reporter's visit.What happened to Liang Shan herself had already terrified her, and it happened that someone asked for help, so of course she couldn't ask for more.

Half a month ago, Liang Shan was working at a construction site near the No. [-] chemical plant, and after returning home at night, he began to feel abnormal.In the past, every time he came back at night, he would eat a bowl of rice and then drink some wine.After returning that day, he didn't eat anything, and went back to the house early to sleep.In the middle of the night, Liang Shan's wife heard a chicken crowing in the yard.How can a chicken crow in the middle of the night?Putting on her clothes and holding a flashlight, she went to the chicken coop to take a look, only to see a horrified scene.Liang Shan was lying in front of the chicken coop, his mouth was covered with blood, and his hand was the family rooster, but the rooster's neck had been bitten off by him.There are still some chicken feathers glued to his mouth with blood.Seeing that his wife had found him, Liang Shan chased after her.Liang Shan's wife was so frightened that she fled outside.

The neighbor who heard the noise came out, and then several bold young men held Liang Shan down and tied him up.They all said that Liangshan had hit an evil spirit, and some said whether they were sick.After discussing it, they sent Liang Shan to the hospital.

After checking in the hospital for a week, no problem was found.Liang Shan's family is not rich, the doctor said nothing happened, and Liang Shan looked normal, so Liang Shan's wife had to let Liang Shan go home.

For the next few days, life was normal and there were no problems.But later, the villagers in the surrounding area said that the family began to lose livestock, sometimes several a day.The neighbors all suspected that Liang Shan was ill, and they came to Liang Shan's house together to inquire about the situation.Liang Shan didn't say a word, and his daughter-in-law didn't know the situation at all.In the end, everyone searched Liangshan's house, and as a result, they found the bodies of the lost livestock in the utility room next to the main room.Every domestic animal's neck had been bitten off, bloody and bloody.

Seeing those bloody corpses, Liang Shan suddenly became excited, stuck out his tongue, and smacked his mouth.

This frightened the others, and even Liang Shan's wife ran away with the others.Later, for the sake of safety, everyone recruited a few young men with courage and strength to lock Liangshan in an abandoned house at the entrance of the village.

"Did you call the police?" I asked after hearing what Liang Shan's wife said.

"Reported, but nothing happened when the police came. The police said that the dead livestock corpses could not prove that Liang Shan killed them. Besides, even if they belonged to him, the police couldn't arrest him for killing livestock. They can only be arrested after he hurt someone. Ah." Mrs. Liang Shan said helplessly.

"That reporter, what did she do afterwards?" I thought for a while and asked.

"You said reporter Wu, she went to chat with Liang Shan alone, and then left. She said she would come back in two days."

"Then I'll go see Liang Shan too, maybe I can find a solution." I said.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liang Shan happily took me to the abandoned house next to me.

It was a small house used to raise livestock, with small windows and only an iron gate.Indeed, Liangshan was locked inside, and it was difficult to get out.

Liang Shan's wife opened the lock, and a stench came out, and I couldn't help frowning.

Hearing the sound, Liang Shan inside suddenly stood up and poked his probe from inside.

I took a closer look and found that this was a rural man in his 30s. Because of the long-term closure, his skin was covered with black dirt, but his lips were pale, and his eyes were full of pity.Maybe it was an accident, maybe it was fear, he looked at me and asked in a whisper, "I, can I go out?"

I looked back at Liang Shan's wife, "Go to the side first, I'll talk to him."

Liang Shan's wife nodded, and said a little worriedly, "Then hang up the lock."

I ignored her, turned my head, and sat opposite Liangshan.

"Are you a friend of Reporter Wu?" Liang Shan looked normal and spoke clearly, but he didn't know whether it was because the space was too closed or for other reasons, but there was always something weird in the air.

"No, she and I are not together, but our purpose is the same, we both want to help you. You have also seen that your wife is very sad for you. You want to tell me why you are like this? Before I haven't encountered anything unusual." I said my request straight to the point.

Liang Shan's expression was a little gloomy. The witch must have asked him about the situation, so he started talking without thinking too much.

That night, Liang Shan returned home from the construction site as usual.When passing the No. [-] chemical plant, he heard someone shouting for help.As I said before, in the No. [-] chemical plant, there are mixed people and snakes, and there are all kinds of people living there.Liang Shan is an enthusiastic man. When he heard someone calling for help, he threw down his bicycle and ran over immediately looking for the sound.

Soon, in a nearby pit, he saw a man holding a girl and tearing her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Liang Shan couldn't help being furious, and jumped into the pit to fight with that man.The man knew he was wrong, and after arguing with Liang Shan, he ran away.

Liang Shan helped up the woman next to her. The woman's clothes had been torn to pieces by the man.Liang Shan had no choice but to take off his clothes and hand them to her.

The woman said that her name was Pan Xiaorou, and she lived in Panjiazhuang in front of her. Today, she came to the chemical plant to find someone for something, but she met a bad guy.The woman is very grateful to Liang Shan, and she hopes that Liang Shan can send her home.

Panjiazhuang is not too far away, but the road is not easy to walk, and there is a mass grave in the middle.Liang Shan originally wanted Pan Xiaorou to go back to his home to spend the night first, and then send her back tomorrow.But Xiao Rou said that they would definitely be misunderstood by Liang Shan's wife when they went home like this.Liang Shan thought to himself, yes, his wife is a jealous vat, and he usually quarrels with the women in the village when he jokes about it.Not to mention that now he brought a naked woman home in the middle of the night with his bare upper body.So, Liang Shan's heart was broken, and he took Xiao Rou to the direction of Panjiazhuang by bicycle.

It was midnight and the stars were bright.

On the way, Xiao Rou asked Liang Shan many questions.Liang Shan also opened up the chatter box, saying that he often visited Panjiazhuang when he was a child, and there were many friends there before, but after getting married, fewer people went there.

"Really? I think you are not much older than me, brother. Who are your friends in Panjiazhuang!" Xiaorou asked him.

"Well, I guess you know it too. It was Pan Er from the west end of Zhuangzi. His house caught fire and died. Since then, I seldom go there because I feel sad." Liang Shan said.

Maybe it was about sad things, but the latter two didn't say anything.

After about half an hour, under Xiaorou's guidance, they arrived at Xiaorou's house.It was a very grand house, and Liang Shan was amazed when he saw it.

"Brother, thank you. I'll give you the clothes another day. You should go back quickly." Xiao Rou got out of the car and said.

Liang Shan didn't stop much, and rode away.When he reached the east entrance of Panjiazhuang, he suddenly remembered that his work card was still in his clothes, and he had to get it back, otherwise he would not be able to report to the contractor tomorrow.So, he had no choice but to turn back by bicycle.

Knocking on the door of Xiaorou's house, it was an old lady who opened the door.Liang Shan briefly explained the situation, but the old lady didn't speak, and invited Liang Shan into the room.

The yard was very large, with trees and shrubs everywhere, and the room in front was lit and full of people.Liang Shan said that he didn't remember anything until he approached the room.When I woke up the next day, I was sleeping at the village entrance of Panjiazhuang.The person who woke him up was Pan Er's brother-in-law, and he wondered why Liang Shan was sleeping here.

When Liang Shan talked about what happened yesterday, Pan Er's brother-in-law was full of suspicion.He took Liang Shan to Panjiazhuang and walked around twice, but he didn't find Xiao Rou's house at all.

This can be evil.

Liang Shan returned home with a mind full of confusion. When he passed the mass grave in the middle, he found that his clothes were hanging on a grave circle.

This shock scared him out of his wits, he picked up his clothes tremblingly, and ran home in a frenzy.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, he found that he was not normal. He didn't even know what was going on. It was true that he killed those poultry, but he couldn't control himself at all.Every time he fell asleep, he couldn't remember anything.When he woke up, he realized that he had made a mistake.

Liang Shan's experience is indeed a bit strange.

Looking at everything in this world, there are spirits and evil, but ghosts are impossible.A long time ago, Uncle Geng said that there are no ghosts in this world.The so-called evil things are nothing but spirit possession.

Once Hou San asked, what is a ghost?
Precisely defined, a ghost is something that has a mind and a body, but does not have a body.A spirit does not have a body, it can only possess a body.A zombie is a species that has no mind, only a body.

However, in people's eyes, it is estimated that evil spirits and zombies are all called ghosts.

In Liangshan's encounter, Pan Xiaorou didn't look like an evil spirit. If it was an evil spirit, the man who violated Xiaorou should have already been possessed.

It seems that we must go to Panjiazhuang to see the situation.I guess the witch also went to Panjiazhuang after hearing about Liangshan.

But just to be on the safe side, I still took out a piece of talisman paper to test Liangshan.The talisman had no effect, and it seemed that Liangshan was not possessed by any evil spirit.

Panjiazhuang is about an hour away from Liangshan's home. In the middle, I saw the mass grave.Because it was daytime, there were many people working on the roadside.I went to the ground and chatted with an old man.The old man is from Wangjiatun next to Panjiazhuang. In the past, Panjiazhuang and Wangjiatun were one village, but they were separated when the land was reformed.This mass grave has been around for a long time. Before liberation, many people fleeing famine from other places were attacked by bandits here and died.The locals felt sorry for them, so they buried them hastily here.As a result, I don’t know how it got out, all the dead people without family members in four villages and eight miles were thrown here.Over time, it became a famous mass grave.

(End of this chapter)

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