
Chapter 92 Red Fire God Ax Chapter Yin-Yang Porcelain Pillow

Chapter 92: Red Fire Axe (11) Yin-Yang Porcelain Pillow

A strange thing happened in Yucheng.The People's Hospital sent a patient. The patient was a young boy named Gao An and aged.His illness was very strange, his body was weak, his hands and feet were cold, he was sweating constantly, he was in a daze, and he had hallucinations from time to time.

At first, the doctor thought Gao An was poisoned, but the possibility was ruled out after testing.The family members were also very anxious and kept asking the doctor. The doctor was in a hurry and said that it might be prolapse.

The family members are not willing. Gao An is only in his teens, he is still in school, and he sleeps at home every day, so how could he lose his penis.

The doctor also thinks it's impossible. It's when the energy is strong, so it shouldn't be so serious.But he had no other choice but to prescribe some tonics.

Gao An was arranged to live in Ward 402 of the inpatient department on the fifth floor, where he was with patients in the ophthalmology department.There is also an old man in the ward with some eye problems.

After a few days, Gao An's condition recovered very well, and he no longer needed family members to accompany him at night.Seeing the child getting better day by day, the family members relaxed their vigilance.

That night, the ward was silent.The patients were all rested, except for a dim light.Although the old man has some eyesight problems, his hearing is not bad.He heard Gao An stand up slowly, took out something from the luggage bag, and stuffed it under the pillow.

That night, the old man didn't sleep very well, and Gao An next to him made some noises from time to time, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.At dawn, Gao An's mother came and found Gao An dead.

It is not news that someone died in the hospital, but because Gao An's death was too bizarre.The old man was also discharged from the hospital on the day Gao An died.

Various rumors circulated on the private online media. Some people said that the old man murdered Gao An, while others said that Gao An was killed by a ghost. The old man saw the whole killing process.

Gao An was cremated by Tian Nan Tian Bei, and his whole body was almost skinny, but his face was smiling, with a look of enjoying himself.

What could make a man so happy when he died?
The Public Security Bureau also investigated this case, and soon they found a clue.Gao An once bought something in Qingyazhai, so he found Zhao Shan.

Since Uncle Geng's accident, Zhao Shan stayed in Qingyazhai most of the time.Sometimes when guests come, she also does some business.Most of the things in it were left by Uncle Geng during his lifetime, some of which Zhao Shan didn't even know.But she has an impression of Gao An, because Gao An bought a porcelain pillow.

Porcelain pillows originated in the Sui Dynasty and became popular in the Song Dynasty.Porcelain pillows were originally used as funeral utensils, and later became general-purpose furniture among the people.The most famous porcelain pillow in the Song Dynasty was fired from the Cizhou kiln. Where is Cizhou? It is today’s Cixian County, Hebei Province, which is very close to Anyang in the north of Yucheng.The cost of things in ancient times was not expensive, and most of them were expensive in shipping costs, so the things used by many nearby residents were much better.Porcelain pillows from Cizhou Kiln are not uncommon in Yucheng, but there are good and bad porcelains.

Zhao Shan didn't know the appearance of the porcelain pillows left by Uncle Geng. There were a pair of porcelain pillows, with patterns carved on them, one was a girl and the other was a boy.

The policeman who came to inquire was Zhao Shan's colleague, and Zhao Shan answered the situation truthfully.At that time, Gao An had taken a fancy to the pair of porcelain pillows, but he had little money, so he bought the porcelain pillow with the girl engraved on it first, and promised to buy another one the next day.As a result, Gao An didn't come the next day, but another person came, and the price he offered was not low, so Zhao Shan sold it.

Later, when Gao An came, he was very disappointed when he saw that Zhao Shan had sold the porcelain pillow.At that time, she was so anxious that she shed tears, and Zhao Shan was quite self-blaming.

After the police left, Zhao Shan felt that something was wrong.She went to find Hou San.

Hou San thought about it carefully, asked a few questions about the porcelain pillow, and then said, "That's a pair of yin and yang pillows, you can't just sell them."

This pair of yin and yang pillows was collected by Hou San and Uncle Geng together, when they went to a place called Jiao County.

Jiao County is rich in coal mines, and many small mine owners open mines privately.As a result, a small mine owner accidentally pried open a tomb.The small mine owner was blinded by interests, so he contacted a few tomb robbers himself, went down and searched for the funeral objects inside, but the car overturned on the road and fell into a nearby mountain depression, and all the people inside died.

When the wife of the small mine owner knew that her husband was dead, she immediately swept away the family property, leaving only the elderly parents of the small mine owner.Fortunately, the small mine owner was kind to his subordinates before, and they helped to get rid of the small mine owner's funeral.Before leaving, a subordinate handed over the pair of yin and yang pillows to the parents of the small mine owner. The yin and yang pillows were originally stolen by the subordinates and brought home. Seeing the parents of the small mine owner, he couldn't bear it, and then handed them over to the owner. I gave it to them, hoping that they can sell some money to spend their old age in peace.

The middleman was a second-hand dealer in the small mine owner's village. His name was Mei Laoliu. He had been wandering around Yucheng and Jiaoxian all the year round, so he was familiar with all the nearby ten villages and eight miles.Mei Laoliu has a characteristic in his work. He doesn't know much about antiquities, and he always wants to make people look at things. After making sure that they are good antiques, we can talk about the price.

When Uncle Geng and Hou San arrived in Jiao County, Mei Lao Liu had already prepared things.As soon as he saw the pattern on the porcelain pillow, Uncle Geng knew that this thing was not ordinary.

Generally, carving is done with a knife or a pen, but this pair of porcelain pillows is carved with thread.Antiques In general, thread carvings are used on expensive materials, such as ivory and golden nanmu.A piece of porcelain is used for thread carving, which means that the raw material of this porcelain must not be underestimated.

Uncle Geng picked up the porcelain pillow and looked around, and finally decided to accept the porcelain pillow.He also shared information about this pair of pillows. As the name suggests, the pair of yin and yang pillows are two separate pillows for men and women. The pillow engraved with a woman's pattern is a female pillow, and the pillow engraved with a man's pattern is a male pillow.

Mei Laoliu calculated that there would be fewer uncles, so he offered a very high price.Uncle Geng neither agreed nor refused, but only said that he hoped that Mei Laoliu would sleep with the female pillow for one night, and then discuss the price the next day.

Mei Laoliu didn't know what it meant, but for the sake of business, he agreed.

The next day, Mei Laoliu came almost by leaning against the wall. He looked like he had aged ten years suddenly, with pale lips and sunken eyes, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

Uncle Geng said, you know how powerful this pillow is, if you sleep for another night, your life will be gone.

Mei Laoliu couldn't care less about asking for a price, he just hoped that Uncle Geng could save him soon.Uncle Geng let him put the man on the pillow and slept for an hour, and his spirit quickly recovered.

Uncle Geng said that some things are not for living people.

Hou San secretly asked Mei Laoliu what happened to his female pillow.

Mei Laoliu didn't hide anything, he said that there were women climbing into his bed on that pillow, all of them were first-class beautiful women, they came up one by one, and Mei Laoliu couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

When Hou San said this, Zhao Shan immediately understood Gao An's situation.

It turns out that this yin and yang pillow has such a strange feature.This also explains why Gao An was diagnosed as prolapse?So, Zhao Shan immediately returned to the game. She didn't elaborate, but said that the porcelain pillow that Gao An bought was faulty, and she hoped to find it as soon as possible. There was another porcelain pillow that had to be found, otherwise someone might be killed .

Human life is a matter of fate, and colleagues are still very efficient.The information of the person who bought the male pillow was quickly found. He is also an antique dealer, his name is Liu Kui, and his store is near the antique city.

However, there is bad news.He has been missing for several days.

When Zhao Shan heard the news, her heart jumped into her throat just now.

(End of this chapter)

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