
Chapter 94 Scarlet Fire God Ax Chapter Father's Trace

Chapter 94 Scarlet Fire God Ax (13) Father's Trace

"Xiao Leng, I'll leave Xiaofeng to you. He has no experience, so you have to take good care of him." Cheng Feng's grandmother said, her eyes were red.

I nodded.

"Xiaofeng, there is something here that was given to me by your grandfather. You must protect it well." Cheng Feng's grandmother took out a pendant from her neck. When the pendant was opened, it was a crystal clear stone with a drop of water inside. Same in flow. "

"Is this the water stone in the rebirth stone?" I suddenly understood.

"Do you know the rebirth stone?" Cheng Feng's grandmother's voice trembled, and she took my hand.

I nodded, "There are five rebirth stones, which are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The warlock who guarded the water stone was killed by the fox clan, so it came into your hands."

"The magician who guarded the water stone was killed by the fox clan? Is that what the outside world said?" Cheng Feng's grandmother was taken aback, tears fell from her eyes.

When I saw this, I suddenly understood.Just now Cheng Feng's grandmother said that Cheng Feng's grandfather gave her the water stone. Could it be that the warlock had a relationship with Cheng Feng's grandmother at the beginning, in order to cut off the speculation from the outside world, so he said so.Now that I've gotten here, I'm asking a question I've been meaning to ask for a long time.

"I want to ask a question. Many years ago, was there a warlock surnamed Ding who came to the Fox Clan to look for the art of immortality." After asking this question, I felt myself trembling all over, almost unable to stand.

"The person you are talking about is Ding Tie. Of course I remember him, he is also the guardian of the rebirth stone. If I guess correctly, you should be his son." Cheng Feng's grandmother was very calm, but what she said was astonishing. Like a bolt of lightning, it knocked me down instantly.

Sure enough, my father has been to the Fox Clan. This is the first time I have been so close to my father in so many years.

"You look so much like him. I knew you were his son the first time I saw you." Cheng Feng's grandmother sighed, "Ding Tie is Zuo Feng's best brother. He did come to ask for immortality." technique, but I did not agree. Because Zuo Feng is the one who abandoned Cheng Feng's mother. He is also Cheng Feng's biological father."

Ah, this news surprised me and Cheng Feng even more.

"Ding Tie begged me for three days, and finally even wanted to exchange the rebirth stone, but I didn't agree. Then he left sadly. Since then, I haven't seen him again. It's not that I don't give it to him, but The fox clan's technique of immortality is not suitable for everyone. But I deliberately refused Zuo Feng's hatred at the beginning, and now I think about it, and I feel a little sad. However, no one thought that after a few years, his son would actually marry me. The most beloved grandson sworn brothers. It's really unpredictable!"

I can't remember what Cheng Feng's grandmother said later.My mind was full of information about my father.I left the room with Cheng Feng's support.

During this period, Zhao Shan and Hou San asked me several times, but I ignored them.Cheng Feng, on the other hand, briefly explained the situation.

When they reached the foot of Yunshui Village, Tian Nan Tian Bei suddenly turned around and bowed to Yun Shuizhai in unison.

Everyone is puzzled.Only Zhao Shan and I changed face, and we immediately ran back to Yunshui Village.It's a pity that halfway through the run, I saw the fire in Yunshui village suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Cheng Feng and Hu Lin sat aside sadly.

This turn of events took us all by surprise.Now I also understand the meaning of what Cheng Feng's grandmother said.It is a pity that it is too late.In order to protect us, they burned Yunshui Village by themselves.

Since then, there have been no more foxes in the East China Sea.

I supported Cheng Feng and persuaded him a few words.Zhao Shan also helped Hu Lin up.Walk downhill slowly.

Along the way, everyone's hearts are heavy and preoccupied.

Facing Cheng Feng who suddenly lost his family, I don't know how to comfort him.Hu Lin didn't speak, she kept looking out of the car window.

Four hours later, we came to Lincheng.

Blind Gu's reputation is very famous in Lincheng, and everyone in all directions knows him.

Since ancient times, blind people have learned fortune-telling mainly because blind people have no eyes, can concentrate in their hearts, and are less disturbed by various things, so they can get closer to people's hearts.There is also a saying that some blind people lack eyes, but they have opened their eyes and can see things that ordinary people cannot see.

Blind Gu lives in an inconspicuous village in Lincheng, and there are three bumpy roads to get there from the downtown area of ​​Lincheng, which means three hurdles to cross.

When I came to Gu Xiazi's residence, I felt a bit similar to Cui Tianzi's.However, there is an assistant beside Gu Xiazi who specializes in interpreting hexagrams. Gu Xiazi does not explain each hexagram, but asks the assistant to explain it.

We waited half an hour for our turn.

"What is it?" Blind Gu asked.

"It counts as life and death." Hu Lin said.

"Blind Gu tells fortunes, not about life and death." Blind Gu waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't count.

"I brought a pair of things, take a look first." Hu Lin said as she took out the pair of yin and yang porcelain pillows.

Blind Gu touched the porcelain pillow, his expression changed, and he said to the assistant next to him, "Close the door."

The people behind were puzzled, but it was hard to say anything when they came to ask for divination.Had no choice but to leave angrily.

Gu Xiazi asked his assistant to take us to the back hall.

Once inside, Hu Lin couldn't wait to ask Blind Gu for help.

Blind Gu sighed, and asked his assistant to fetch something from his bedroom.It was a compass, all of which were densely packed with numbers.

Blind Gu fumbled on the compass for a long time, and then suddenly opened his eyes. It was a pair of eyes that had been blind for many years, but there was a red luster in the white of the eyes.

A few seconds later, Blind Gu closed his eyes again.

"How is it?" Hu Lin asked eagerly.

"Liu Kui was trapped in the skyscraper map, and his life is safe." Gu Xiazi said.

"Picture of the Sky God? What is that?" Hou San asked.

"The Motian God Map is actually a mechanism, the biggest function is to block the Red Fire God Axe. At the beginning, the owner of the Red Fire God Ax put the God Ax in the God Map, and then set a curse. Only the descendants of the Liu family can open the blockade god. The mechanism of the ax." Blind Gu explained.

At this point, everyone understood that Liu Kui must have been used by the evil spirits to open the Red Fire Axe, and then was trapped in the Motian Shentu.

"Then is there any way to rescue him?" Cheng Feng asked.

"There are two ways. The first one is to take back the Red Fire God Axe and put it back in the Motian Shentu, and the organs inside will naturally be unsealed. The second way is to find someone to replace Liu Kui. But This one is even more difficult, because Liu Kui is the guardian of the Red Fire Axe, and there is no problem in it, but if you change someone, you will suffer all kinds of torture in the divine map. Therefore, Liu Kui is the best in it." Gu Xiazi Say.

Hearing this news, everyone was discouraged.

It was obviously impossible to take back the Red Fire Ax from Baili Changkong's hands.The second way, it seems that besides Liu Kui, there is no more suitable person.

"There is another way, but it may not be easy to realize." Blind Gu suddenly said again.

"What way? Tell me quickly." Hu Lin asked eagerly.

"Let Liu Kui come out and get back the Red Fire Axe, so that the person who replaced him can also be rescued." Blind Gu said.

"However, Liu Kui has no ability at all. The Red Fire Ax is now being held by a very powerful person." I denied the method that Gu Xiazi said.

"Liu Kui is the guardian of the Red Fire Divine Axe, and only he can take back the Divine Axe. He has no ability now because he has not activated his spiritual power." Blind Gu explained.

"I am willing to replace him." Hu Lin pondered for a moment, then spoke.

We didn't say anything, everyone knew that Hu Lin might be the best candidate.She loves Liu Kui deeply, and she doesn't want her lover to suffer from the predicament.In this comparison, it is the best ending for her to replace Liu Kui, and then let Liu Kui find the Red Fire Axe again.

(End of this chapter)

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