
Chapter 99 Red Fire God Ax Chapter Nanyang Imp Formation

Chapter 99: Red Fire God Ax (18) Nanyang Little Ghost Formation

Zhao Shan and Tian Nan Tian Bei have been waiting in the room for a day and a night.

The matter started two days ago, when two cases occurred in the Democratic Police Station one after another.The victims all had accidents in their sleep. According to the family members' reactions, before the accident, they heard the victim's cries, and then saw several children walking out of the room.When they chased them out, they couldn't see anything.The victim was sent to the hospital and became a vegetative state.

This state is somewhat similar to Gao An's state before, but Gao An was bewitched by the porcelain pillow.There are suspects in these two cases, but they are several children.

Since the death of Uncle Geng, Zhao Shan had planned to quit her job as a police officer, but after communication, she decided to take the job of old A.In this way, we can not only pursue Chen Mu, but also help others.

This weird case was assigned to Zhao Shan after the Minzhu Police Station reported it.

Zhao Shan led Tian Nan Tian Bei to investigate, and finally found that the two victims had been entangled by a mysterious man during the day.

With the help of other colleagues, Zhao Shan identified the suspect's next target, a cashier in a department store named Yu Min.

After simple control, Zhao Shan and Tian Nan Tian Bei arrested the murderer together in Yu Min's room.It's a pity that they watched for a day and a night, but they didn't see the murderer coming.This kind of squatting for a long time is very exhausting. Zhao Shan and the others don't think much of it yet, but Yu Min is a little disgusted.

Just when Zhao Shan was hesitating whether to withdraw, Tian Nan Tian Bei felt something strange.

At this moment, Yu Min was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

It was quiet outside, and the doors and windows were closed.The next room is Yu Min's parents, they are not asleep, they are always paying attention to the situation in this room.

Bang, Tian Nan Tian Bei stood up at the same time, staring at the front bedroom door anxiously.

Yu Min on the bed suddenly trembled violently, her hands and feet moved wildly, as if someone was harassing her.

Zhao Shan took out the spiritual bone fan, and Zhong Kui's picture of subduing the demons was photographed, but there was nothing abnormal.

"Help me." Yu Min suddenly said a word, and his body stopped moving.

At this time, four children suddenly appeared on the bed. They were about seven or eight years old, and they looked handsome. They walked outside with a smile on their faces.It seemed that Zhao Shan and the other three beside him could not be seen at all.

Tiannan Tianbei reacted quickly, and immediately took out the ghost umbrella, which unfolded in the sky, and a suction force burst out from inside, sucking a child in behind at once.

Yu Min's parents, who heard the movement, ran over and saw the motionless daughter, they cried and complained to Zhao Shan next to her.

The three of Zhao Shan left Yu Min's house in despair.

A child was caught under the Wraith, and of course it wasn't human.But not spirit either.Zhao Shan had no choice but to come to Uncle Fu and the others for help.When I came, I happened to come back with Shifei.

Tian Nan Tian Bei released the child under the shade umbrella.

The kid ran around the house like a ball, but because of the formation in Forber's house, he couldn't get out no matter how he ran.Forber tested it and said, this is a little corpse spirit.

The so-called little corpse spirits are evil spirits that use the dead bodies of children to cultivate.This kind of thing is generally not something in China, it should belong to Nanyang magic.

"If the guess is correct, it should be a member of the Nanyang Corpse Race from the Evil Spirit Society. From this point of view, all the members of the Evil Spirit Society have come out." Fu Bo said with a sigh.

After listening to Forbe's words, I briefly said.

"Before I was in Zheng's house, Baili Changkong once came to my door, and he asked the members of the four major families of the Spiritual Resurrection Society to go to Fengming Mountain for an appointment in three months. Come to think of it, the past few months have been spent recruiting for himself. Now It seems that the East Sea Fox Clan, Nanyang Corpse Clan, and Beihai Ming Clan have all appeared, and it is estimated that the Southwest Gu Clan has also arrived. But why did they all come to Yucheng?"

"It's very simple. At the beginning, the distinction between the southbound and northbound roads of the Soul Rehabilitation Association was the Yellow River. At that time, many spiritual masters lived in the river. So this is the best place to meet. Another point, after so many years, we Most of the spiritual masters on the North Road are concentrated in Yucheng. If Baili Changkong wants to unify the Spiritual Society, he must first eliminate those who disobey. So Yucheng is his best battlefield." Fu Bo explained.

"Is there really no way for us to deal with the methods of the Nanyang corpse clan?" Zhao Shan said looking at the little corpse spirit running on the ground.

"I can find someone to help." My eyes lit up, and I remembered a person, but I was a little worried, "I just don't know if he is still in the country."

The person I am looking for is Bud who helped me in the ghost hunting game before. He is a Nanyang demon extermination master.If it is Nanyang magic, he must have a way.

I immediately contacted Bud. Fortunately, Bud was in Lucheng near Yucheng.Hearing my plea for help, without saying a word, he promised to come over immediately.

It's actually not that far from Lucheng to Yucheng, but because of the inconvenient transportation, Bud took the train all night to come here.I picked him up at the train station and wanted to give him a break, but instead he asked to see what was going on right away.

Under Zhao Shan's leadership, we first went to the hospital to see the victims, and then went to Forbe's to see the little corpse.

"This is Nanyang Little Ghost Formation." Bud looked at the little corpse spirit's ear and spoke.

"Little devil?" Zhao Shan was a little strange.

"Actually, the corpse spirit mentioned by you is the same concept, but in Nanyang they are called imps. There are two types of imps, one is flesh corpses, and the other is spirit corpses. The flesh corpses are kept at home by magicians. The spirit corpse is used to help the magician's assistant. In Nanyang, the magician raises a lot of imps. Some are for help, and some are for doing evil. The one you met is obviously the latter. This magician is a sex devil. He specializes in Find a young girl to start with, and then let the little ghost raise his soul in the middle of the night to satisfy his lust." Bud briefly explained the situation.

"But, the victim's body is at home. Could it be that he used the victim's soul?" I don't understand this point.

"Ordinary people's lust naturally uses the victim's body, but some magicians like to use the soul to have sex. In fact, real pleasure is also spiritual pleasure, and the body is just a tool. At least, there are some things like spiritual practice in India. But no matter which method is used, if it violates the law of heaven, it must be wrong." Bard explained my doubts.

"Then I can only ask you for help." Regarding Nanyang magic, we are indeed powerless.

"It doesn't matter, you caught him as a brat, and he will definitely come back. In my opinion, let this girl be the bait, and we will try to catch him thoroughly." Bud's eyes scanned around, and finally landed on Zhao Shan's body.

"Bait? What do you want me to do!" Just now everyone heard that the magician was a demon, so Bud said that Zhao Shan was the bait, and everyone understood what it meant.

"Just follow my arrangement. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Xiao Leng, help me when the time comes." Bud glanced at me.

In fact, I really don't know much about Nanyang magic.But I remembered the last time I was with Bud at Ma Tingting's house, and my talisman paper was still a bit useful.So I took out some of my treasures and showed Bud what would work.Unexpectedly, the yin and yang mirror is the most effective.

"When the kid and the magician come, they will definitely go the wrong way, and the yin and yang mirror can see them. At that time, we will seal their escape route and give him a chance to catch the turtle." Bud talked about some deployment plans.

"What about me? Are you going to grab this little guy?" Zhao Shan asked, pointing at the little corpse spirit.

"That warlock won't come into the room unless he sees the bait. I mean, you'd better wear less clothes on the bed, so that the warlock won't be able to hold on. When he comes in, we'll be fine." ’” Bud said.

Hearing what Bud said, my eyes lit up, and I couldn't help but look at Zhao Shan a few more times.To be honest, Zhao Shan is still very good. When I was not with Caidie Cheng Feng before, Zhao Shan was always the object of Chen Mu and I yearned for.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Shan glared at me when she saw me looking at her.

We conducted surveillance at Zhao Shan's home.

Originally, Bud and I planned to find a hotel for surveillance, but later Bud felt that the hotel was not safe, and he was afraid that the magician would easily escape.After looking at several houses, Bud felt that Zhao Shan's home was the most suitable.First, the structure of this house belongs to the back selection type, and there is only one corridor exit.At that time, as long as the exit is blocked, the magician and the remaining three little ghosts can be trapped together; second, this is Zhao Shan's home in the first place, and it is more real in terms of bait.

Uncle Geng and I have been to Zhao Shan's house several times before, but we didn't stay for long.This house was the house when Uncle Geng and Zhao Shan's mother got married. Uncle Geng moved out later, and Zhao Shan lived alone all the time.The house is not big, but Zhao Shan kept it very clean.

Bud brought the kid we caught to Zhao Shan's master bedroom, and tied the kid to the radiator next to him.According to Bud's request, Zhao Shan covered the lamp in the room with a pink tablecloth, and the light passed through the tablecloth, illuminating the whole house in pink.

"It's kind of like a hair salon scene!" I said, looking at the light in the bedroom.

"It is according to that request. Pink is an ambiguous color, and it is the easiest to provoke people's emotions. If we don't arrange the scene well, we are afraid that the magician will not come in, then our work will be wasted." Bud said solemnly .

"I didn't expect you to know this, Nanyang is indeed better!" I laughed.

"Ding Xiaoleng, if you talk nonsense again, get out of here." Zhao Shan shouted at me.

I stuck out my tongue and stopped talking.

Bud placed some talisman papers in the four corners of the room, and then lit a few sticks of incense on the windowsill.Bud said that this kind of incense is called Spiritual Incense, and with the cries of the little ghost, it will soon attract the other three little ghosts.

Everything was ready, Zhao Shan came out from the bathroom.She had changed into a sexy pajamas, plus she just took a shower, the scent of body wash accompanied by pink fiber optics.I was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Shan had never crossed in front of outsiders like this before, with her hands covering her chest, at a loss.Compared with her usually grumpy, she is almost two people.

"Try to let go, just pretend we don't exist." Bud was still encouraging Zhao Shan.

I suffocated hard by the side, I couldn't help the smile in my heart.This time, Zhao Shan really worked hard for this case.

(End of this chapter)

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