Chapter 8 part
Part 3 Formulate the most effective plan for increasing income and reducing expenditure for women

Chapter 2 Marriage and financial management

How much does romantic love cost in the first episode

Many girls in their twenties are immersed in the sweetness of love. If you ask how much you spent on this candlelight dinner at this time, it will definitely make people feel overwhelmed.Many people may say "don't be so materialistic in love", which is also a beautiful dream of many people.But the fact is that our love is often supported by material things. For example, the price of a lot of roses is a long time of frugality. A lot of expenses... If all kinds of expenses add up, you may be shocked.

The Xi'an Youth Federation and the Social Survey Office conducted an interesting special survey on 100 couples who are about to enter the marriage hall in Xi'an.The survey results show that 72% of the prospective couples spent 12000-35000 yuan during the whole dating process, and 66% of the prospective couples spent 10000-15500 yuan so far.In cities with higher consumption than Xi'an, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the cost of falling in love will be higher.

Generally speaking, men's expenditures in love account for the vast majority, and this expenditure often becomes a major financial burden for men.The following is a list of the love costs of Xiao Chen, a white-collar worker in the company, for a week.

Monday: We were very busy during the day and had no time to have dinner together. In the end we just took a taxi from two ends of the city to a bar filled with jazz sadness, chatted and drank some drinks.Cost: 85 yuan.

Tuesday: During the lunch break, I answered her calls, 4 cents per minute, a total of 12 yuan.In the evening, we spent 200 yuan in the restaurant.

Wednesday: I remembered that she said she liked SWATCH watches, so I went to the mall and bought them for 280 yuan as a gift for her.

Thursday: She's going out for coffee with me, so we go to a classy café with a guitar playing.We whispered, candles flickered.We also make freshly ground coffee ourselves.Cost: 150 yuan.

Friday: She took me to go shopping, and we sat in the food court of the mall to have lunch—a simple meal of conveyor belt sushi that we all like, 60 yuan.Then, we spent 4 hours in the mall.What she got was a dress, a pair of sandals, a bottle of whitening lotion and a pendant, of which I paid 330 yuan.

Saturday: Because I blamed myself for the quarrel yesterday, I gritted my teeth and invited her to eat French snails and foie gras in the western restaurant of a hotel that we had talked about several times. The 480 yuan dinner is of course delicious.Then we watched a movie contentedly, and the movie ticket price totaled 100 yuan.

Sunday: On our way back from a long bike ride, we stopped into the cozy ice cream shop and ordered her favorite Italian gelato.Cost: 120 yuan.

Xiao Chen's list is just an ordinary week when he and his girlfriend are together, and they basically do this every week.Therefore, although Xiao Chen has a monthly salary of more than 6000, he is still a "moonlight family" at the end of each month.In fact, white-collar men in many big cities will encounter the same embarrassing situation.

According to statistics, in the early stage of love, various expenses of men accounted for 40% of their total calculation unit. The expenses were mainly in karaoke halls, coffee shops, bars, dance halls and other entertainment places, while flowers, chocolates, books, clothes Waiting has also become a way of expressing affection.In the middle stage of love, various expenses for men account for 25% of their total expenses, and the consumption method at this stage is more pragmatic.In the later stages of a relationship, men's various expenses accounted for 35% of the total expenditure, involving buying a house and decoration, while women were mainly responsible for the purchase of home appliances, furniture, and daily necessities.

In the process of being in love, spending a lot of money has indeed become an invisible pressure for many men.As a woman in her twenties, while enjoying the sweetness of love, she also has to settle the account for her boyfriend.Falling in love is a matter between two people. We can't just pursue our own feelings and indulge our vanity. We should properly hold our boyfriend's wallet tightly, and he will also be moved by your understanding.In fact, it is not necessary to eat a big meal to express deep feelings. On the contrary, it is also a very wonderful thing to prepare a candlelight dinner for your him at home and carefully make a salad that you have just learned.Sometimes, some small things and small touches can really move people's hearts, instead of piling up happiness with money.

(End of this chapter)

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