It's a fairy tale

Chapter 101 104. Life lies in movement!

Chapter 101 104. Life lies in movement!

"Come early to gather tomorrow morning. Students who can't participate in the winter long-distance running will be the logistics to help students get clothes and so on. There are prizes for this run. Whichever class occupies the top 500 places will have a first prize of [-] yuan at most. It's okay to plan the spring outing after you win the prize. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything to do. The important thing is to participate..."

After listening to Mr. Gu's long speech, the students couldn't hold back their desire to go home. At this time, they heard Mr. Gu ask, "Is there any question?"

The whole class unanimously answered "No!"

"Okay, let's go home." He walked out of the class first.

After school, it had been a long time since Mo Yang came back to pick up his schoolbag, so he sent a text message to ask.It took 10 minutes for the message to come back, and Mo Yang said to let her go first, and he might not come back until very late.

"Just leave if you let me go, why!" Ye Li sat down, took out her homework and began to write seriously.One door, two doors...

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Ye Li packed her schoolbag when she heard a voice from the corridor, it was Yuan Yuan.

The two entered the classroom one after the other, and Mo Yang was a little surprised when he saw Ye Li on the seat, "Why haven't you come home yet?"

"Wait for you, let's go."

"Well, good." Mo Yang took the schoolbag in Ye Li's hand, "I'm leaving, you can go back by yourself."

"Focus on sex and despise friends!" Yuan Yuan's face was full of sorrow.

Ye Li asked on the road, "Why is it so late today?"

"Well, the content of today's lecture is a bit difficult to understand, so the teacher stayed for a while longer."

"Where is this for a while, I'm almost done with my homework."


When I came back a little late, Mother He cared about it as usual, and she was so relieved to learn that Ye Li was doing homework with her classmates in the class. She insisted on letting Ye Li eat more food, which made her have half a bowl of rice more than usual. Trying to lose weight.

Early in the morning, the students of Class [-], Grade [-] came to the class full of energy. Not to mention the weather is really good today, the snow on the road is without the sun, and the sun hangs high in the sky, which makes me feel warm of.

The students dressed lightly, while Ye Li looked more energetic in a sweater and sportswear.The school's radio also rang at this time, and under the leadership of Teacher Gu, the whole class lined up and came to the school gate in an orderly manner.

After announcing the rules, it was ready to start. It was divided into two runs. The second year of senior high school started a mixed race for men and women. When the music played, there were black heads moving on the road.

Mo Yang and Ye Li were running side by side, and they didn't stand out in the crowd at a very uniform pace.


"It's so far away. If you usually don't feel tired from running by yourself, why do you feel so tired when there are so many people together?"

"Pay attention to breathing, breathe through your nose, don't talk and just persevere." Mo Yang encouraged with a smile.

When Ye Li came back from the return journey, he still walked at a leisurely pace, Mo Yang said, "You don't want to count down, do you?"

"Of course." Ye Li covered her stomach and followed Mo Yang closely.

"Then it's time to speed up, one by one."

"it is good."

Although tired and her footsteps became heavy, Ye Li followed Mo Yang's speed and overtook them one by one. She couldn't lose, she wanted to win with him.

When Ye Li saw the school gate, tears almost filled her eyes, but in fact she had already burst into tears, because she was running.The two arrived at the finish line one after the other and took the tickets handed over by the teacher standing there.One tenth, one No.11.

After saying hello to the teacher, the two returned to class.The two laughed and took a big breath of air.

"It's still warm in the class." Ye Li said happily, in fact, she felt so hot and sweaty as soon as she entered the class, if Mo Yang didn't stop her, she would take off her coat.

"You'll catch a cold if you take off your clothes just after sweating." Mo Yang took two bottles of insulated soda water from the outside, unscrewed the lid and handed Ye Li a bottle, "Drinking some of this will make you feel better."

"Why do I feel hungry right after I finished my run?" Ye Li said seriously, making Mo Yang shake his head.

"Because you are a pig, here, do you want chocolate?"

"Eat, eat, eat," took Xu Bowen's chocolate, broke another half and stuffed it into Mo Yang's mouth, "Don't be afraid of getting fat."

"It's you." Mo Yang answered angrily.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Xu Bowen said casually, "You two at the same table have such a good relationship."

Hearing this sentence, Mo Yang glanced at him meaningfully, while Ye Li didn't care about drinking water and eating, that must be good.

The students in the class returned to the class one after another, and Teacher Gu also walked in with a smile on his face, "Students, the school decided to have a half-day holiday in the morning. You can go home now and do what you want, but you must come in the afternoon. Ah." The class that had finally calmed down became noisy again, and they went home with their shoulders crossed and their backs holding hands.

When Ye Li returned home, there was no one there. He took a shower and found some food to make do with. He lay comfortably on the sofa and watched TV. He hadn't been treated like this for a long time.

Mother He came in and saw this scene, and said in shock, "You played truant?"

"How is it possible." Ye Li rolled her eyes, "We didn't run long distances in winter, and then we came back from school for half a day to rest and recuperate."

"Oh, are you hungry, what do you want for lunch?"

"Meat!" Ye Li said heavily, making Mother He think in embarrassment, "This child, we didn't abuse her so pitifully."

The decision to leave school for half a day is undoubtedly correct. The hearts of the students have already flown to nowhere with the winter long run. It is definitely not a good idea to attend class at this time.

Ye Li's lunch was very satisfying, half of the plate of braised pork was eaten by her, and after eating early and taking a comfortable nap for a while, she couldn't help feeling that life is wonderful, wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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